What a big boy I have! Henry is growing up fast. He is such a happy boy, we call him Happy Henry! Sorry this is late, buddy! Christmas and planning for our vacation kind of distracted me!
Here's what our little buddy is up to these days:
- he can clap
- he says mama, baba, dada, nana
- he still wakes up multiple times a night
- he is a side/stomach sleeper
- he isn't doing well with purées I can hardly get anything in his mouth. Very frustrating when he should be eating. He's a boob man I guess
- he smiles a lot.
- he still scratches but his eczema is like sooooooo much better.
- he likes to high five daddy (it's their thing)
- he has 8 teeth
- he still doesn't have much hair
- he can do 360s on his belly and can almost get on his knees. Crawling is a whole other thing.I'm not quite ready. Apparently neither is he.
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The crazy and wonderful life of a wife, mother, teacher, sister, friend and daughter

Disney 2014 planning!
I can't believe our Disney trip is less than a month away!!! I love all things Disney and I am excited to bring our family of four there!
I don't really like sharing one hotel room with my kids. At least not now. Probably not ever. I like for Julian and I to have some space. Last year, well 2012, we took Eloise to Disney and stayed in a value resort family suite! The Art of Animation and It was great! It was a cheaper option and we didn't have to share a room with Eloise. The only downside was the buses. Because it's a value resort, it's further from the parks, which makes for longer bus rides. We knew this time we wanted to be closer to the parks but still have more than one room.
Unfortunately, there's no such thing in the moderate category ( wilderness lodge cabins maybe? But it's one bedroom with three beds). So we found David's Vacation Rentals! I can't say how great it is because we haven't actually gone yet, but so far I am really happy with everything. We are at a high end resort (Bay Lake Tower at the contemporary) with a monorail, in a one bedroom villa with a full kitchen and washer/dryer, two bathrooms from Jan 6-11 for just about $2000. That's 5 nights at about $200/night. NOT BAD. The Art of Animation was over $150 a night and even though we had a good experience it wasn't a full kitchen, and it was a long bus ride. I feel it is totally worth it, but I guess we have to wait and see once we are there.
I also used "the garden grocer" and I am having groceries delivered to our room as well as diapers and such (less to pack). Another resource we used is "a baby's best friend". It is a website where you can rent pretty much anything for baby. We are getting a full size crib, boppy pillow, and high chair. And, like last time, we are using Orlando Stroller Company to rent a double stroller.
As far as dining goes, we have made reservations for most lunches, all dinners, and one breakfast. Most breakfasts we can eat in our full size kitchen (!!!) with the ordered groceries (!!!).
We have reservations at Cinderellas castle, chef mickeys, Hollywood and vine, Mexico and and Norway!
I can't wait to share our experience this time with how everything went!!
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I don't really like sharing one hotel room with my kids. At least not now. Probably not ever. I like for Julian and I to have some space. Last year, well 2012, we took Eloise to Disney and stayed in a value resort family suite! The Art of Animation and It was great! It was a cheaper option and we didn't have to share a room with Eloise. The only downside was the buses. Because it's a value resort, it's further from the parks, which makes for longer bus rides. We knew this time we wanted to be closer to the parks but still have more than one room.
Unfortunately, there's no such thing in the moderate category ( wilderness lodge cabins maybe? But it's one bedroom with three beds). So we found David's Vacation Rentals! I can't say how great it is because we haven't actually gone yet, but so far I am really happy with everything. We are at a high end resort (Bay Lake Tower at the contemporary) with a monorail, in a one bedroom villa with a full kitchen and washer/dryer, two bathrooms from Jan 6-11 for just about $2000. That's 5 nights at about $200/night. NOT BAD. The Art of Animation was over $150 a night and even though we had a good experience it wasn't a full kitchen, and it was a long bus ride. I feel it is totally worth it, but I guess we have to wait and see once we are there.
I also used "the garden grocer" and I am having groceries delivered to our room as well as diapers and such (less to pack). Another resource we used is "a baby's best friend". It is a website where you can rent pretty much anything for baby. We are getting a full size crib, boppy pillow, and high chair. And, like last time, we are using Orlando Stroller Company to rent a double stroller.
As far as dining goes, we have made reservations for most lunches, all dinners, and one breakfast. Most breakfasts we can eat in our full size kitchen (!!!) with the ordered groceries (!!!).
We have reservations at Cinderellas castle, chef mickeys, Hollywood and vine, Mexico and and Norway!
I can't wait to share our experience this time with how everything went!!
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Rough days
Eloise and I had a rough day today. Since she's been so sick lately, we have spent a lot of time just hanging around. It's getting to both of us and she is really making me lose my patience. She has been super naughty today and at bedtime we prayed for a better day tomorrow for both of us. More patience for me and a better attitude for her. God answers prayers, right? I love her so much and I want her to feel that but willful disobedience makes me nuts. Even if I know it's partly bc of cabin fever. There is nothing I wouldn't do for her. I guess that's part of being mom.
Anyway, here's a big iPhone dump of life lately:

Henry was supposed to be sleeping.

Having fun while sissy naps

My buddy and me

Eloise at the ER after the bloody vomit incident. Ugh pneumonia.

My poor baby after she had to get the IV

Our new advent calendar that Eloise loves

She used a whole box of tissues during nap

Playing with the new calico critter house

Kisses for sissy after she woke up from nap.

Me and my girl. She tests my patience some days and wears me out once in a while but MAN I love her anyway!
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Anyway, here's a big iPhone dump of life lately:

Henry was supposed to be sleeping.

Having fun while sissy naps

My buddy and me

Eloise at the ER after the bloody vomit incident. Ugh pneumonia.

My poor baby after she had to get the IV

Our new advent calendar that Eloise loves

She used a whole box of tissues during nap

Playing with the new calico critter house

Kisses for sissy after she woke up from nap.

Me and my girl. She tests my patience some days and wears me out once in a while but MAN I love her anyway!
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Eloise is 3!!!
Happy birthday sweet Eloise!!
These past three years have been amazing. I love everything about watching you grow up. It's crazy to me it was three years ago that I became your mommy, because I feel as if I always was.
Eloise as a 3 year old:
- wears size 3t
- loves Nutella
- loves to sing and dance
- favorite toys are calico critters, barbies and princesses.
- loves to carry bags of friends everywhere
- super sweet with Buddy (Henry).
- very compassionate towards others
- potty trained! You have accidents once in a while but it's not something that happens often
- still love "lovey and paci"
- starting to tolerate baths again-it used to be a much bigger fight.
- loves chocolate!
- goes to school two mornings a week
- still naps everyday
- wears a dress or skirt over everything (including pajamas)
- favorite show is little Einsteins STILL but you also love super why, Jake, Mickey Mouse, and Sofia.
- very shy with new people
- loves PINK
- loves to laugh and make people laugh
- not really into dogs. Tolerates them at best.
- loves to "nub rub"

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These past three years have been amazing. I love everything about watching you grow up. It's crazy to me it was three years ago that I became your mommy, because I feel as if I always was.
Eloise as a 3 year old:
- wears size 3t
- loves Nutella
- loves to sing and dance
- favorite toys are calico critters, barbies and princesses.
- loves to carry bags of friends everywhere
- super sweet with Buddy (Henry).
- very compassionate towards others
- potty trained! You have accidents once in a while but it's not something that happens often
- still love "lovey and paci"
- starting to tolerate baths again-it used to be a much bigger fight.
- loves chocolate!
- goes to school two mornings a week
- still naps everyday
- wears a dress or skirt over everything (including pajamas)
- favorite show is little Einsteins STILL but you also love super why, Jake, Mickey Mouse, and Sofia.
- very shy with new people
- loves PINK
- loves to laugh and make people laugh
- not really into dogs. Tolerates them at best.
- loves to "nub rub"

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Henry is 7 Months old!!!
When did my baby get to be so old? You know how you always feel a certain age (ahem...28). Well, I feel Like Henry is 4 months. But, 7?!?! Wow, his babyhood is flying by. Before I know it we will be celebrating his birthday! Yikes!
Anyway, things buddy has been up to...
- he sits very well on his own. Hardly ever falls!
- No More Helmet!!!! We are done! It was a long 10 weeks but I'm glad we did it and I am glad we are done!
- he eats 3 "solid meals" a day. He is still in stage one foods and sometimes he doesn't eat much, but I offer three times a day. He seems to like bananas, pears, squash and sweet potatoes. He doesn't seem to like green beans or peas. I am not giving him oatmeal or rice cereal because I feel he had a little reaction. I'll talk to the dr about it this month.
- his absolute favorite is a peter rabbit organic baby food pouch that is carrots, squash, and apple. He eats the whole pouch for dinner.
- he nurses a bunch all day. No schedule <---- bad="" mommy="" p="">-He smiles ALL the time except if I try to take a picture haha! It's a really cute cheesy smile, too! He also Loves his sister big time. He is always smiling and laughing at her. He also loves his daddy and smiles at him all the time as well.
-- he is in mostly 9 month and some 12 month clothing! Crazy boy!
-- we have nicknamed him "Happy Henry" because he is literally always happy. Now, in the car, it's a different story. He is not so much a fan. He scream
Cries if he isn't sleeping.
-we are currently trying to drop his 3rd nap. We are in that awkward stage where if he took one it would be too late (5:30)but he's overtired by bedtime (6:30). I'm hoping to work this two nap thing because it would be way more convenient for life.
- he still only has three teeth.
- he scratches his head when he is tired.
- his eczema is back ugh.
- he seems to love Duke but doesn't laugh at him like Eloise used to.
- He Loves his jumper and will jump jump jump happily while I get stuff done. ---->
-- he is in mostly 9 month and some 12 month clothing! Crazy boy!
-- we have nicknamed him "Happy Henry" because he is literally always happy. Now, in the car, it's a different story. He is not so much a fan. He scream
Cries if he isn't sleeping.
-we are currently trying to drop his 3rd nap. We are in that awkward stage where if he took one it would be too late (5:30)but he's overtired by bedtime (6:30). I'm hoping to work this two nap thing because it would be way more convenient for life.
- he still only has three teeth.
- he scratches his head when he is tired.
- his eczema is back ugh.
- he seems to love Duke but doesn't laugh at him like Eloise used to.
- He Loves his jumper and will jump jump jump happily while I get stuff done. ---->
-He is 17 lbs exactly and 25% for his weight still.
I am just so beyond blessed to have the perfect little boy. He hardly ever fusses (except in the car) and he is so easygoing! I can't wait to see if this is truly his personality. He looks so much like Eloise I cannot even believe it!
(Pictures to come!)
I am just so beyond blessed to have the perfect little boy. He hardly ever fusses (except in the car) and he is so easygoing! I can't wait to see if this is truly his personality. He looks so much like Eloise I cannot even believe it!
(Pictures to come!)
I love you anyway
This is just something that I never want to forget...
Lately, before bed or nap, Eloise will say "goodnight, I love you anyway" and I'll say it back to her.
It all started about a month ago when we started reading Olivia before bed. At the end of the book the mommy says," you know you really wear me out but I love you anyway". And Olivia says to her mom," I love you anyway, too".
Eloise asked me what that meant and I explained that no matter what kids do or say, mommies will always love them anyway. And from then on she has started saying it.
I've got the cutest girl in the world!

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Lately, before bed or nap, Eloise will say "goodnight, I love you anyway" and I'll say it back to her.
It all started about a month ago when we started reading Olivia before bed. At the end of the book the mommy says," you know you really wear me out but I love you anyway". And Olivia says to her mom," I love you anyway, too".
Eloise asked me what that meant and I explained that no matter what kids do or say, mommies will always love them anyway. And from then on she has started saying it.
I've got the cutest girl in the world!

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Citrus Lane Review
Citrus Lane is a monthly box company of the newest, coolest baby things. I was lucky enough to receive it as a gift from my sister right when Henry was born for three months. I really liked the products that I got, so I signed him up for another 6 months. But, I wanted to make sure it's worth the money so I figured I'd do a little review of what we get each month and if we like it and the cost benefit.
First of all, it costs $25/month unless you sign up for 6 months or more (which we did). So,for us, we are paying $21/month and it is free shipping.
Ok, so our November box included:

-A tug boat bath toy made by green toys
-a skip hop bowl
- a bumkins bib
- a sample size babygenics bath wash for dry/sensitive skin
- lip balm for mom by pur lisse
So, would I have spent $21 on this stuff? First of all, Henry absolutely needs new bibs, bowls, etc. So, I would be buying this regardless. Also, he has no bath toys, so that's a good toy to get. As far as bath wash and lip balm, I have my "tried and true" that we use. I'm always up for trying something new, butttttt, I probably wouldn't have spent money on this. My thoughts are that if the bib, bowl, and toy comes out to $21 from amazon, the box was worth it for me!
The tugboat on amazon is $9.09
The exact bowl on amazon is $12 but there are other designs that are cheaper around $8-$9.
The bib is like the bowl, different patterns for different prices. The cheapest I could find was $6.95.
Using the cheapest prices ($9.09, $8.00, and $6.95) my total from amazon would have been $24.04. It's a win for Citrus Lane! Plus baby wash and lip balm and coupon codes for other things from the companies that provided what was in the box!
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First of all, it costs $25/month unless you sign up for 6 months or more (which we did). So,for us, we are paying $21/month and it is free shipping.
Ok, so our November box included:

-A tug boat bath toy made by green toys
-a skip hop bowl
- a bumkins bib
- a sample size babygenics bath wash for dry/sensitive skin
- lip balm for mom by pur lisse
So, would I have spent $21 on this stuff? First of all, Henry absolutely needs new bibs, bowls, etc. So, I would be buying this regardless. Also, he has no bath toys, so that's a good toy to get. As far as bath wash and lip balm, I have my "tried and true" that we use. I'm always up for trying something new, butttttt, I probably wouldn't have spent money on this. My thoughts are that if the bib, bowl, and toy comes out to $21 from amazon, the box was worth it for me!
The tugboat on amazon is $9.09
The exact bowl on amazon is $12 but there are other designs that are cheaper around $8-$9.
The bib is like the bowl, different patterns for different prices. The cheapest I could find was $6.95.
Using the cheapest prices ($9.09, $8.00, and $6.95) my total from amazon would have been $24.04. It's a win for Citrus Lane! Plus baby wash and lip balm and coupon codes for other things from the companies that provided what was in the box!
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November is my favorite month! Something about it I just love. I love that it's still fall and not super cold yet. I love thanksgiving - it's my favorite holiday. I love the smells of pumpkin candles and apple pie. Eloise's birthday is this month! We are taking family pictures this month. Henry is getting his band off this month. Eloise is part of the preschool thanksgiving show and has picture day this month. We are seeing Disney junior live this month. The Barker family AND the Davis family are visiting this month (at the same time). I am just really excited that it is November!
I don't know if everyone has a favorite month. I know Julian's favorite is December. He is Mr. Christmas and loves it more than anyone I know! So excited for this Holiday season as a family of 4!
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I don't know if everyone has a favorite month. I know Julian's favorite is December. He is Mr. Christmas and loves it more than anyone I know! So excited for this Holiday season as a family of 4!
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Random thoughts
- I'm excited for Henry's helmet to come off bc it makes his head smell so bad. But, once it's off I have no way to stop his constant scratching of his head. But without the helmet, maybe he won't be as itchy.
- Henry's eczema is 99% gone. It's amazing. The doctor prescribed some cream she made up ( I had to go to a hometown pharmacy bc the big ones don't do it right she said). Within two days it was gone. Amazing. He has soft smooth skin. Yay!!
- Julian officially started a new apartment job where he leaves in the morning around 6am and is gone until about 2:30. He also works 9-6 every other Saturday. The kids and I have been sooooo spoiled having him home a lot. I feel like I am now getting the true stay at home mom experience. We miss him and his help around here but we are so blessed he is working.
- Eloise is back to taking naps again. Skipping nap wasn't working out well so she's napping from 12:30-2:00 and she's in bed with lights out at 7-7:30. She sometimes isn't asleep until 8:30 but she isn't fighting me as much with staying in bed *most of the time*.
- Henry is now on three naps a day. He also "eats" solids three times a day. He isn't so much into the solids but we are working on it.
- I am down to 112 lbs but still have loose skin. I'm ready to start working out. If only they napped at the same time, oh and if I could sleep 5 hours straight at night. I'm always tired. My goal is to sleep train Henry in December. But it always happens that if Henry has a good night, Eloise wakes up. If they both sleep well, dukes barking to go out and has diarrhea at 2am (this actually happens to me). I might never sleep again haha.
- I'm extending my leave until June. I'm excited to not go back to work for a while longer.
- I'm pretty obsessed with England's history and can't stop researching. I'm a dork but I love everything from Henry VI to the war of the roses to king Edward and then the Tudors and all Henry VIII 's wives. I need to go to England soon. Too bad kids don't like historical walks and such.
Those are my random thoughts
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- Henry's eczema is 99% gone. It's amazing. The doctor prescribed some cream she made up ( I had to go to a hometown pharmacy bc the big ones don't do it right she said). Within two days it was gone. Amazing. He has soft smooth skin. Yay!!
- Julian officially started a new apartment job where he leaves in the morning around 6am and is gone until about 2:30. He also works 9-6 every other Saturday. The kids and I have been sooooo spoiled having him home a lot. I feel like I am now getting the true stay at home mom experience. We miss him and his help around here but we are so blessed he is working.
- Eloise is back to taking naps again. Skipping nap wasn't working out well so she's napping from 12:30-2:00 and she's in bed with lights out at 7-7:30. She sometimes isn't asleep until 8:30 but she isn't fighting me as much with staying in bed *most of the time*.
- Henry is now on three naps a day. He also "eats" solids three times a day. He isn't so much into the solids but we are working on it.
- I am down to 112 lbs but still have loose skin. I'm ready to start working out. If only they napped at the same time, oh and if I could sleep 5 hours straight at night. I'm always tired. My goal is to sleep train Henry in December. But it always happens that if Henry has a good night, Eloise wakes up. If they both sleep well, dukes barking to go out and has diarrhea at 2am (this actually happens to me). I might never sleep again haha.
- I'm extending my leave until June. I'm excited to not go back to work for a while longer.
- I'm pretty obsessed with England's history and can't stop researching. I'm a dork but I love everything from Henry VI to the war of the roses to king Edward and then the Tudors and all Henry VIII 's wives. I need to go to England soon. Too bad kids don't like historical walks and such.
Those are my random thoughts
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Happy half birthday Henry!!!
Henry is 6 months old! I can't even believe it :)
Here is what my sweet boy is up to these days:
--He can sit unassisted for a couple minutes. He usually falls down while reaching for a toy or when his sister is stealing a toy from him.
--He has three teeth!!
--He laughs, babbles, and drools a lot.
--His eczema is still bad
--He weighs 16 lbs 1 oz -- which is down to 25% for weight. But, I know its because I just started him on solids in the last couple of weeks where as other kids his age probably had solids at 4 months and are now eating more than he does at 6 months.
-- he's 50% height and 75% head size
--He does NOT sleep through the night. A good night is going down at 7pm and only waking three times before 7am. I talked to a sleep trainer and in theory I WANT to sleep train him. But, he is a very distracted eater while nursing during the day. If there is any noise and/or activity around he wants to look at it and not eat. He obviously is making up for it at night. It really doesn't bother me all that much because most of the time he eats and can go right back to sleep. With Eloise, I had to rock her for an hour before she'd go back to sleep in the middle of the night. At least it's quick :) I have to look on the bright side.
--He is in 6-9 and 6-12 month clothing. 6 month size is too small.
--He is almost out of his helmet! His last appointment is Nov 6th and he is officially out of it on Nov 20th! I have to say I am very happy as to wear his head is now so it can only get better. I am so happy with the company we chose and our experience. It was fantastic! I would highly recommend Cranial Technologies to anyone who was looking to get a Doc Band for their child.
--We went through a short lived phase where Eloise wasn't very nice to Henry. She would kick him or hit him and would have to go to time out. Thank goodness that stage is over and she is back to being a great big sister. She tells him multiple times a day how much she loves him and gives him kisses all day. She loves "Buddy". She refers to him as "Buddy" and hardly ever calls him by name. I'm not sure if I want this Buddy nickname to stick. I kinda like the name I gave him :)
Other stuff going on:
Our next couple of months are BOOKED. I haven't any free time I feel like. Between holidays and Eloise's birthday we have so many events. Some fun things to look forward to!
--We are doing Trunk or Treat at Church on Halloween!
--Eloise is signed up to do a kid's Christmas program at Church for the Christmas Eve service.
--We are going to sign Eloise up for ballet because she won't stop pretending to be Angelina Ballerina
--We are going to Cape May for a weekend in December. We are staying at Congress Hall, where my brother got married. They host a winter wonderland thing and have story time with Mrs. Clause and breakfast with Santa and a train ride and gingerbread house making, etc. So I am excited to spend that weekend with my family in one hotel room (AH!) :)
--Eloise's birthday party! Pirates and Princesses!
--We have a wedding in November we are going to
--We are taking Eloise to Disney Junior Live
-- AND my favorite holiday is coming up! THANKSGIVING! I can't wait!
Pictures to come...
Here is what my sweet boy is up to these days:
--He can sit unassisted for a couple minutes. He usually falls down while reaching for a toy or when his sister is stealing a toy from him.
--He has three teeth!!
--He laughs, babbles, and drools a lot.
--His eczema is still bad
--He weighs 16 lbs 1 oz -- which is down to 25% for weight. But, I know its because I just started him on solids in the last couple of weeks where as other kids his age probably had solids at 4 months and are now eating more than he does at 6 months.
-- he's 50% height and 75% head size
--He does NOT sleep through the night. A good night is going down at 7pm and only waking three times before 7am. I talked to a sleep trainer and in theory I WANT to sleep train him. But, he is a very distracted eater while nursing during the day. If there is any noise and/or activity around he wants to look at it and not eat. He obviously is making up for it at night. It really doesn't bother me all that much because most of the time he eats and can go right back to sleep. With Eloise, I had to rock her for an hour before she'd go back to sleep in the middle of the night. At least it's quick :) I have to look on the bright side.
--He is in 6-9 and 6-12 month clothing. 6 month size is too small.
--He is almost out of his helmet! His last appointment is Nov 6th and he is officially out of it on Nov 20th! I have to say I am very happy as to wear his head is now so it can only get better. I am so happy with the company we chose and our experience. It was fantastic! I would highly recommend Cranial Technologies to anyone who was looking to get a Doc Band for their child.
--We went through a short lived phase where Eloise wasn't very nice to Henry. She would kick him or hit him and would have to go to time out. Thank goodness that stage is over and she is back to being a great big sister. She tells him multiple times a day how much she loves him and gives him kisses all day. She loves "Buddy". She refers to him as "Buddy" and hardly ever calls him by name. I'm not sure if I want this Buddy nickname to stick. I kinda like the name I gave him :)
Other stuff going on:
Our next couple of months are BOOKED. I haven't any free time I feel like. Between holidays and Eloise's birthday we have so many events. Some fun things to look forward to!
--We are doing Trunk or Treat at Church on Halloween!
--Eloise is signed up to do a kid's Christmas program at Church for the Christmas Eve service.
--We are going to sign Eloise up for ballet because she won't stop pretending to be Angelina Ballerina
--We are going to Cape May for a weekend in December. We are staying at Congress Hall, where my brother got married. They host a winter wonderland thing and have story time with Mrs. Clause and breakfast with Santa and a train ride and gingerbread house making, etc. So I am excited to spend that weekend with my family in one hotel room (AH!) :)
--Eloise's birthday party! Pirates and Princesses!
--We have a wedding in November we are going to
--We are taking Eloise to Disney Junior Live
-- AND my favorite holiday is coming up! THANKSGIVING! I can't wait!
Pictures to come...
Henry is 5 months old!!
This is late and there aren't pictures. Poor second child.
The Facts:
He is over 15 lbs.
He laughs at his sister.
He has the cutest gummy smile.
He loves to nurse.
He still nurses every 3 hours.
He is wearing his doc band 23 hours a day, and it doesn't really phase him.
He has sensitive skin
The eczema seems to be getting better
The spitting up seems to be getting better (sometimes)
He is in 6 and 6-9 month clothing
He still wakes up 3-4 times a night to nurse. And some nights sleeps in my bed with me.
He has a little runny nose
He only naps in my arms, the car, or the stroller.
He is starting sleep training on oct 10th
He hasn't had solids yet.
He reaches for me and his toys.
He sleeps best on his side.
He takes a bottle of breastmilk well, but mostly I'm too lazy to pump.
Everything Else...
- both Julian's parents and my parents got new puppies
- Eloise is enjoying preschool
- I am 114 lbs! Just about goal weight!
- this next month Keri, Joel and Olivia are visiting.
- I think Eloise is done with naps! Don't get me wrong, ill miss the daily break, but I would rather a 730 bedtime than an 830 one. If she does nap, bedtime is a SHOW. I'm so over negotiating with an almost three year old at bedtime. We will see how things go sans nap.
- Eloise is going to be a 'pink pirate' and Henry is going to be a dragon for Halloween.
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The Facts:
He is over 15 lbs.
He laughs at his sister.
He has the cutest gummy smile.
He loves to nurse.
He still nurses every 3 hours.
He is wearing his doc band 23 hours a day, and it doesn't really phase him.
He has sensitive skin
The eczema seems to be getting better
The spitting up seems to be getting better (sometimes)
He is in 6 and 6-9 month clothing
He still wakes up 3-4 times a night to nurse. And some nights sleeps in my bed with me.
He has a little runny nose
He only naps in my arms, the car, or the stroller.
He is starting sleep training on oct 10th
He hasn't had solids yet.
He reaches for me and his toys.
He sleeps best on his side.
He takes a bottle of breastmilk well, but mostly I'm too lazy to pump.
Everything Else...
- both Julian's parents and my parents got new puppies
- Eloise is enjoying preschool
- I am 114 lbs! Just about goal weight!
- this next month Keri, Joel and Olivia are visiting.
- I think Eloise is done with naps! Don't get me wrong, ill miss the daily break, but I would rather a 730 bedtime than an 830 one. If she does nap, bedtime is a SHOW. I'm so over negotiating with an almost three year old at bedtime. We will see how things go sans nap.
- Eloise is going to be a 'pink pirate' and Henry is going to be a dragon for Halloween.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
4 months old and everything else
My sweet baby Henry is 4 months old! He is a joy to be around and still extremely easy-going. He is still only eating breastmilk and is still every three hours. By four months, usually, you can go every 4 hours, but he isn't there yet. This is about the time that Eloise was starting to become 5% or under in weight so I am interested in how much he weighs and where he is in the scale. He still spits up A.LOT. and drools constantly. He has cradle cap and eczema and dry skin. But he smiles and laughs and melts my heart. He is a momma's boy and I love it. He started reaching for toys this month and he can roll from his stomach to his back. He only has done the roll thing a handful of times, but he has done it. Sleep-wise it is touch and go. Lately, he has been getting up a lot more in the middle of the night. I try to only feed him on one side or just give him a pacifier, but apparently that is not working. He is still swaddled, but probably not for much longer. I have a feeling that has a lot to do with his sleeping issues. He can get his arms out and then won't go back to sleep, etc, etc. UGH. I guess I have to figure something out there. Napping, he takes a 40 minute 9am nap. Besides that he doesn't have a schedule but more of a routine which includes napping in my arms when he is tired. He is getting awfully heavy so those arm naps might have to come to an end. But my o my I love a sleeping boy in my arms. It doesn't get much sweeter.
He is officially getting his band on September 11. They estimate it will be on 6-9 weeks. I am hoping to have it off before Thanksgiving. This will probably add to the sleep troubles. We will see. Operation Perfect Head is a GO!
Anyway, I am super in love with him and I really love having a little boy. He is all boy and so so so cute. He loves his sister and will smile and laugh at her all day. She loves him as well and watching that relationship grow is precious. I have a feeling once he can steal her toys things might change ;) I can't tell who he looks like yet but he definitely has the same eyes as Eloise. She has more intense eye lashes, but the actual eye shape is the same. He doesn't have her nose or mouth. I still think he looks like Julian's dad. I guess we will see...
He is 14 lbs 11oz and 25 inches long
He is 50-75% across the board
And I am 117 lbs! 1 pound away from pre pregnancy!

As far as Eloise goes this month is a biggie. She is currently being potty trained!!! We have a sticker system that gets her a prize after 7 stickers and it seems to be working. I don't want to jinx myself but I think we are on our way! I am so proud of my big girl! She is starting pre-school in September and I can't believe how grown up she is lately. She has been saying such big words and using them in the correct context which surprises all of us every time she does it.
She is still very much into princesses, but Barbie has made her way up the scale. What she really enjoys is dressing and undressing them. We have a Barbie fashion show about 4-5 times a day. It is exhausting but I love how much happiness it brings her. She is also pretty obsessed with the iPad. We were thinking of giving her one for her bday but I think it's too much. She already has Julian's and uses it way more than I want her to, but a nursing mom has to do things...
I can't believe I am starting to plan her 3rd birthday. We are thinking it will be a princess and pirate theme, which is sooo Eloise.
Besides that, not much going on. We are all looking forward to fall weather and spending the rest of summer relaxing.
He is officially getting his band on September 11. They estimate it will be on 6-9 weeks. I am hoping to have it off before Thanksgiving. This will probably add to the sleep troubles. We will see. Operation Perfect Head is a GO!
Anyway, I am super in love with him and I really love having a little boy. He is all boy and so so so cute. He loves his sister and will smile and laugh at her all day. She loves him as well and watching that relationship grow is precious. I have a feeling once he can steal her toys things might change ;) I can't tell who he looks like yet but he definitely has the same eyes as Eloise. She has more intense eye lashes, but the actual eye shape is the same. He doesn't have her nose or mouth. I still think he looks like Julian's dad. I guess we will see...
He is 14 lbs 11oz and 25 inches long
He is 50-75% across the board
And I am 117 lbs! 1 pound away from pre pregnancy!

As far as Eloise goes this month is a biggie. She is currently being potty trained!!! We have a sticker system that gets her a prize after 7 stickers and it seems to be working. I don't want to jinx myself but I think we are on our way! I am so proud of my big girl! She is starting pre-school in September and I can't believe how grown up she is lately. She has been saying such big words and using them in the correct context which surprises all of us every time she does it.
She is still very much into princesses, but Barbie has made her way up the scale. What she really enjoys is dressing and undressing them. We have a Barbie fashion show about 4-5 times a day. It is exhausting but I love how much happiness it brings her. She is also pretty obsessed with the iPad. We were thinking of giving her one for her bday but I think it's too much. She already has Julian's and uses it way more than I want her to, but a nursing mom has to do things...
I can't believe I am starting to plan her 3rd birthday. We are thinking it will be a princess and pirate theme, which is sooo Eloise.
Besides that, not much going on. We are all looking forward to fall weather and spending the rest of summer relaxing.
Doc Band Update
So, it's 100% happening. Henry was put in the 'moderate' category for plagiocephaly and he is getting the band, or helmet. The company we chose to go with, cranial technologies, uses a band,not a helmet, but essentially it's the same thing.
Once he gets the band, they predict he will be in it for 6-9 weeks. I'm so not excited about it. But, I am excited to fix my baby's head.
My hope is to have it on before September and for him to have it off by December.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Once he gets the band, they predict he will be in it for 6-9 weeks. I'm so not excited about it. But, I am excited to fix my baby's head.
My hope is to have it on before September and for him to have it off by December.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Henry is 3 months old!!!
How is it that you are already three months old little buddy?? You definitely are getting a personality and are the sweetest most easy-going baby ever. My heart melts when you smile and you make this momma so happy with your coos and silly faces. I am enamored by your sweetness and how much you and your sister already seem to love each other! Happy 3 months buddy!!
What is going on with Henry at 3 months:
-- He is wearing 3-6 month clothing and some 6 month onesies
--He is smiling and cooing constantly!
--He laughs out loud! He has only done it twice but I live for those moments!
--He takes a bottle well. I just can't seem to pump enough for a full bottle which is driving me batty.
--He loves his pacifier and lovey (just like his sister)
--He is still a pretty good sleeper. He takes his naps in his bouncer still and sleeps in his crib. He can sleep on average about 6-7 hours his first stretch at night (from 7pm--2am about) and then will sleep about a 3 hour stretch after that. It differs daily but that is about average.
--He still sleeps swaddled in a summer infant swaddleme blanket.
--We have our evaluation at Craniel Tech this month to discuss getting the band. He still very much favors one side and even though I feel the stretches have helped somewhat, he mainly will sleep on that one side. I go in and turn his head every so often while I am awake and he might leave it there for 10-20 minutes, but then it will spring back to the favored side. I guess we will see what they say. Along with pumping, this is my biggest concern for him right now.

Other things going on while Henry was busy turning 3 months:
--Terrible Twos are upon us. OH BOY. She is still a perfect princess but such a stinker. She knows what buttons to push and when to push them. DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA
--I am down to 121 lbs! So close! 5 lbs to pre-pregnancy weight, 8 lbs to being at my goal weight! I am happy with my body's transformation and can't wait to get on a regular exercise schedule (once pre-school starts/sleeping more) to help the rest of the transformation.
--We have started to discuss extending my leave. As of right now I am scheduled to go back January 30th. By October we want to have the paperwork in for me extension if we decide that I am extending. We will know more about that in a few weeks based on a couple of variables with Julian's job.
What is going on with Henry at 3 months:
-- He is wearing 3-6 month clothing and some 6 month onesies
--He is smiling and cooing constantly!
--He laughs out loud! He has only done it twice but I live for those moments!
--He takes a bottle well. I just can't seem to pump enough for a full bottle which is driving me batty.
--He loves his pacifier and lovey (just like his sister)
--He is still a pretty good sleeper. He takes his naps in his bouncer still and sleeps in his crib. He can sleep on average about 6-7 hours his first stretch at night (from 7pm--2am about) and then will sleep about a 3 hour stretch after that. It differs daily but that is about average.
--He still sleeps swaddled in a summer infant swaddleme blanket.
--We have our evaluation at Craniel Tech this month to discuss getting the band. He still very much favors one side and even though I feel the stretches have helped somewhat, he mainly will sleep on that one side. I go in and turn his head every so often while I am awake and he might leave it there for 10-20 minutes, but then it will spring back to the favored side. I guess we will see what they say. Along with pumping, this is my biggest concern for him right now.

Other things going on while Henry was busy turning 3 months:
--Terrible Twos are upon us. OH BOY. She is still a perfect princess but such a stinker. She knows what buttons to push and when to push them. DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA
--I am down to 121 lbs! So close! 5 lbs to pre-pregnancy weight, 8 lbs to being at my goal weight! I am happy with my body's transformation and can't wait to get on a regular exercise schedule (once pre-school starts/sleeping more) to help the rest of the transformation.
--We have started to discuss extending my leave. As of right now I am scheduled to go back January 30th. By October we want to have the paperwork in for me extension if we decide that I am extending. We will know more about that in a few weeks based on a couple of variables with Julian's job.
Torticollis update
Henry has a mild case of torticollis which as resulted in him being diagnosed with moderate plagiocephaly or in other words he has a moderate flat spot of his head. A lot of babies born early get this because their heads are super malleable, also babies who were big at birth in comparison to their moms (thats me) because they were probably twisted to one side of the neck and couldn't move much at the end, which is why they favor that side. Also babies who spend a lot of time in their crib typically get these problems.
We noticed Henry was favoring one side of his head at his 1 month appointment. He was starting to get a flat spot and the pediatrician told us little tricks to try to get him to use the other side of his head. By his two month appointment it had gotten worse and we were referred to a Physical Therapist. Some of the ideas people had to help was to put rolled up blankets/wedges/things into his bed to keep him on the one side. I am sorry, but SIDS scares me. I would rather have a child who has a flat spot than one that doesn't breathe. I know that probably wouldn't happen but I couldn't take the chance. Plus, he moves himself all over his crib like a mad man, so I wasn't comfortable putting things in his crib with him.
The PT gave us stretches to do, which should help. He has 4-5 stretches he has to do 7 times a day and each one has to be held for a minimum of 30 seconds for three reps each time. I spend most of the day doing his stretches. The good news is that he is SUCH a happy baby. Always smiling and laughing! I mean like belly laughs already! So, *most of the time* he doesn't mind doing his stretches. The only one who minds is Eloise because I can't do anything else during that time. But, she is getting used to it and can try to help during the tummy time stretches.
Another part of this whole thing, is I haven't been putting him in his crib for naps because the less time spent on his back or on his left side -the better. So he still naps in his bouncer which I also bought an insert for to help keep his head straight and not to one side. But, nap training will come in time.
We also made an appointment with craniel technologies for an eval for the band, or helmet. At four months of age, we will decide whether or not Henry will need the band. If we do decide he needs to wear it, he will have to wear it 23 hours a day for 4-10 weeks. Crazy, right? It is amazing that 1 out of 10 infants need to wear the band, but I am hoping being diligent enough with his stretches, going to the PT and the chiropractor, will help him out.
We have gone to see his PT twice so far, and she was happy with his progress. She said that in 1 week he already met his 3 week goals she had for him! That makes this mommy happy!! But, I still have lots of work to do and decisions to make. I am just so blessed and happy that he is happy and healthy and we will work out any other issues that arise :)
We noticed Henry was favoring one side of his head at his 1 month appointment. He was starting to get a flat spot and the pediatrician told us little tricks to try to get him to use the other side of his head. By his two month appointment it had gotten worse and we were referred to a Physical Therapist. Some of the ideas people had to help was to put rolled up blankets/wedges/things into his bed to keep him on the one side. I am sorry, but SIDS scares me. I would rather have a child who has a flat spot than one that doesn't breathe. I know that probably wouldn't happen but I couldn't take the chance. Plus, he moves himself all over his crib like a mad man, so I wasn't comfortable putting things in his crib with him.
The PT gave us stretches to do, which should help. He has 4-5 stretches he has to do 7 times a day and each one has to be held for a minimum of 30 seconds for three reps each time. I spend most of the day doing his stretches. The good news is that he is SUCH a happy baby. Always smiling and laughing! I mean like belly laughs already! So, *most of the time* he doesn't mind doing his stretches. The only one who minds is Eloise because I can't do anything else during that time. But, she is getting used to it and can try to help during the tummy time stretches.
Another part of this whole thing, is I haven't been putting him in his crib for naps because the less time spent on his back or on his left side -the better. So he still naps in his bouncer which I also bought an insert for to help keep his head straight and not to one side. But, nap training will come in time.
We also made an appointment with craniel technologies for an eval for the band, or helmet. At four months of age, we will decide whether or not Henry will need the band. If we do decide he needs to wear it, he will have to wear it 23 hours a day for 4-10 weeks. Crazy, right? It is amazing that 1 out of 10 infants need to wear the band, but I am hoping being diligent enough with his stretches, going to the PT and the chiropractor, will help him out.
We have gone to see his PT twice so far, and she was happy with his progress. She said that in 1 week he already met his 3 week goals she had for him! That makes this mommy happy!! But, I still have lots of work to do and decisions to make. I am just so blessed and happy that he is happy and healthy and we will work out any other issues that arise :)
Henry is 2 months old!
Henry is 2 months old! I feel like I just wrote his 1 month post! This past month went by super fast. I went back and was reading Eloise's 2 month post and I feel like I could just copy and paste the entire thing, because it is exactly what is going on with Henry. But, being fair and all, I will write Henry his own. Poor second child :)
Henry at 2 months:

--He is a happy baby still! He only cries when he is tired and not in his bouncer. He likes to nap in his bouncer. This is different than Eloise. She liked napping in her swing or in my arms. He wants nothing to do with my arms or the swing. He is not a cuddly baby like Eloise was. He likes to be held over my shoulder if I am holding him, or looking out. He doesn't want to cuddle in my arms and if I do put him there he will get frustrated that he isn't eating. To him, being in my arms means food. He smiles a lot and coos. He says things like 'agoo' and such. He will smile in response to me or Julian and can follow us with his eyes.
-- His schedule is nurse, awake time, sleep. He does this all day until bedtime. Right now I am nursing him approximately at 7, 10, 1, 4, 6, 7:30. Then he will sleep anywhere from 5-8 hours and get nursed around 1-2am (depending on how long his first stretch of sleep is) and then we start it over again.
--He takes a bottle really well. He likes the Avent bottles and I try to give him a bottle once a week. I give him about 5 ounces in a bottle right now. The only way I have found pumping to work is if I pump at the time he is getting the bottle. I haven't been able to add an extra session in, but for now this is working. If I need more than one bottle, I might have some trouble. I have a couple months to figure that out. I am just happy he takes the bottle to begin with :)
--He favors his left side and is getting a flat spot. Ugh. This is cause for much worry in my head. But, he is going to the chiropractor and we are working on some stretches. When I look back to Eloise's 2 month pictures, she also had a flat spot, so I hope we can work it out and it won't end up being a big deal.
--He had VERY bad acne this past month. It started out as a little pimple here and there around 1 month and then turned into full blown acne all over his poor face. I finally took him to see the doctor a week ago and she said it was acne along with heat rash and said to put hydrocortizone cream lightly on it once a day. Amazingly, after almost a month of awful acne/heat rash, within two-three days of cream, the acne is totally gone. I am so happy to feel smooth baby cheeks again.
--Henry is in 3 and 3-6 month clothing and is finishing up his box of size 1 diapers. I am pretty sure he will be in size 2's when this box is up.
Other things going on :
--I am down to 124 pounds. I feel like my body is slowly shrinking. I had started going to my parents to work out 2-3 times a week, but with summer here now and traffic, and putting the kids in the car for 45 minutes there and 45 minutes back, I just haven't been getting there as much. I also try to work out during Eloise's nap time, but I also want to clean, do laundry, take a shower, etc. So I haven't been working out as much. Ugh. Oh well, I am still losing weight so that is good. My goal is to be 113 lbs eventually but that is like the lowest weight I have ever been in my adult life, so I would be happy with 115-116 which is my pre-pregnancy weight. Julian is sick of hearing me talk about it and is reminding me that it has only been 2 months and to give myself time. But, after 9 months of not having my body, it is hard to deal. But, I am happy with the progress so far.
--Potty training with Eloise wasn't going well. It was a huge fight, so we stopped trying. We are going to VA at the end of July - beginning of August, so I will try again after that trip. I am in no rush, and I am pretty sure she will eventually be potty trained :)
--Nothing else is really going on. We are having a very low key summer. It is hard to get out with both kids, and plan around naps and eating and such. I am just enjoying my time home with my babies, playing and having really lazy days.
At the doctors appointment we found out he weighs 12 lbs 9 oz and is 75% across the board.
Also the dr recommended to see a physical therapist because Henry has been favoring his left side - it's slight tortocollis (?).
Henry at 2 months:

--He is a happy baby still! He only cries when he is tired and not in his bouncer. He likes to nap in his bouncer. This is different than Eloise. She liked napping in her swing or in my arms. He wants nothing to do with my arms or the swing. He is not a cuddly baby like Eloise was. He likes to be held over my shoulder if I am holding him, or looking out. He doesn't want to cuddle in my arms and if I do put him there he will get frustrated that he isn't eating. To him, being in my arms means food. He smiles a lot and coos. He says things like 'agoo' and such. He will smile in response to me or Julian and can follow us with his eyes.
-- His schedule is nurse, awake time, sleep. He does this all day until bedtime. Right now I am nursing him approximately at 7, 10, 1, 4, 6, 7:30. Then he will sleep anywhere from 5-8 hours and get nursed around 1-2am (depending on how long his first stretch of sleep is) and then we start it over again.
--He takes a bottle really well. He likes the Avent bottles and I try to give him a bottle once a week. I give him about 5 ounces in a bottle right now. The only way I have found pumping to work is if I pump at the time he is getting the bottle. I haven't been able to add an extra session in, but for now this is working. If I need more than one bottle, I might have some trouble. I have a couple months to figure that out. I am just happy he takes the bottle to begin with :)
--He favors his left side and is getting a flat spot. Ugh. This is cause for much worry in my head. But, he is going to the chiropractor and we are working on some stretches. When I look back to Eloise's 2 month pictures, she also had a flat spot, so I hope we can work it out and it won't end up being a big deal.
--He had VERY bad acne this past month. It started out as a little pimple here and there around 1 month and then turned into full blown acne all over his poor face. I finally took him to see the doctor a week ago and she said it was acne along with heat rash and said to put hydrocortizone cream lightly on it once a day. Amazingly, after almost a month of awful acne/heat rash, within two-three days of cream, the acne is totally gone. I am so happy to feel smooth baby cheeks again.
--Henry is in 3 and 3-6 month clothing and is finishing up his box of size 1 diapers. I am pretty sure he will be in size 2's when this box is up.
Other things going on :
--I am down to 124 pounds. I feel like my body is slowly shrinking. I had started going to my parents to work out 2-3 times a week, but with summer here now and traffic, and putting the kids in the car for 45 minutes there and 45 minutes back, I just haven't been getting there as much. I also try to work out during Eloise's nap time, but I also want to clean, do laundry, take a shower, etc. So I haven't been working out as much. Ugh. Oh well, I am still losing weight so that is good. My goal is to be 113 lbs eventually but that is like the lowest weight I have ever been in my adult life, so I would be happy with 115-116 which is my pre-pregnancy weight. Julian is sick of hearing me talk about it and is reminding me that it has only been 2 months and to give myself time. But, after 9 months of not having my body, it is hard to deal. But, I am happy with the progress so far.
--Potty training with Eloise wasn't going well. It was a huge fight, so we stopped trying. We are going to VA at the end of July - beginning of August, so I will try again after that trip. I am in no rush, and I am pretty sure she will eventually be potty trained :)
--Nothing else is really going on. We are having a very low key summer. It is hard to get out with both kids, and plan around naps and eating and such. I am just enjoying my time home with my babies, playing and having really lazy days.
At the doctors appointment we found out he weighs 12 lbs 9 oz and is 75% across the board.
Also the dr recommended to see a physical therapist because Henry has been favoring his left side - it's slight tortocollis (?).
Planning Disney 2014
Disney World is one of my favorite places to go and some of my favorite memories as a child. When we were younger, we went almost every year. Still as pre-teens and teenagers, my siblings and I begged to go there over other places on vacation. Something about it so magical and I love that my kids will get to experience it as well. Julian wasn't buying into my Disney Love until we went last year with Eloise. One time and he got it. He was hooked. We immediately started planning our next trip, which is Jan 2014. With two kids, we decided staying on the monorail would make life a little easier. We also needed a two room place. So we did some research and found David's Vacation Rentals (www.dvcrequest.com) and were able to book a 1 bedroom at the Bay Lake Towers. It is more expensive than staying in one hotel room (but that isn't an option for us) and it is more expensive than staying at the Art of Animation (which we loved, but didn't want to deal with the buses and being farther away). I know we can't totally get away from the buses, but we can definitely minimize our time spent with them. Plus, once both kids are older, staying farther away and having to take buses is no biggie. But, when one won't even be walking, and we have to plan around naptime/eating time, I feel the money spent will be worth it.
After booking our place, the next order of business is food. Some people don't plan Disney the way I do, but I think it is worth it to plan out the meals and get good reservations, at least for one meal a day. Plus, if you want to eat at certain places you have to book 180 days in advance NO EXCEPTIONS. With a daughter who can name every princess and her prince and the songs they sing, we needed to make sure we got a character meal with princesses. So the meals that we are planning on doing that need ADR's (advance dining reservations for those of you not obsessed with Disney and their terms) :
--Akershus in Norway (Epcot). I was between this and Cinderella's Royal Table in the castle. I think dining in the castle would be so fun and Eloise does like Cinderella. But, her favorite princess is Aurora and she really does like ALL the princesses. I think it would be more her style to be able to see Ariel and Jasmine and Aurora and Belle and whoever else rather than just Cinderella.
--Chef Mickey's in the Contemporary. Lots of people are coming for a couple days here and there throughout our trip. So, we are planning on doing a big breakfast here at Chef Mickey's. So we will be dining with my Aunt Judy, my cousins, my brother and Jen, my mom and sister and of course US! We don't have any other breakfasts planned because we are staying in a place with a kitchen (yay) and we are going to order groceries so we don't have to worry about rushing around in the morning.
--Mickey's Backyard BBQ. We loved this last time and we can't wait to go again. It was so fun for Eloise to be able to dance with the characters and it was really laid back and fun. Come and go as you please, don't have to stay seated. It was made for toddlers who don't like to sit still :)
--Hollywood and Vine at Hollywood Studios. This is a character meal for breakfast and lunch only, and we will be going for lunch. They have characters like Jake and the pirates, Sofia, Doc, and Little Einsteins. I am not sure which ones will be there while we are dining. But, since these are some of Eloise's favorite shows, I am sure she will enjoy it.
We are planning on eating at other places as well, but they don't need 180 days in advance reservations and can wait until closer.
Some people might think we are crazy for bringing an 8 month old on vacation to Disney World. And even though he won't remember it, we are doing it more for Eloise. She loves Disney and she is at such a great age. Disney is only 'magical' for a couple of years for little ones. Sure, it is still fun now as an adult, but not as magical as it was when I was little. I want to make sure she gets to experience as much 'magic' as she can!
I am so excited for our first vacation as a family of four!
After booking our place, the next order of business is food. Some people don't plan Disney the way I do, but I think it is worth it to plan out the meals and get good reservations, at least for one meal a day. Plus, if you want to eat at certain places you have to book 180 days in advance NO EXCEPTIONS. With a daughter who can name every princess and her prince and the songs they sing, we needed to make sure we got a character meal with princesses. So the meals that we are planning on doing that need ADR's (advance dining reservations for those of you not obsessed with Disney and their terms) :
--Akershus in Norway (Epcot). I was between this and Cinderella's Royal Table in the castle. I think dining in the castle would be so fun and Eloise does like Cinderella. But, her favorite princess is Aurora and she really does like ALL the princesses. I think it would be more her style to be able to see Ariel and Jasmine and Aurora and Belle and whoever else rather than just Cinderella.
--Chef Mickey's in the Contemporary. Lots of people are coming for a couple days here and there throughout our trip. So, we are planning on doing a big breakfast here at Chef Mickey's. So we will be dining with my Aunt Judy, my cousins, my brother and Jen, my mom and sister and of course US! We don't have any other breakfasts planned because we are staying in a place with a kitchen (yay) and we are going to order groceries so we don't have to worry about rushing around in the morning.
--Mickey's Backyard BBQ. We loved this last time and we can't wait to go again. It was so fun for Eloise to be able to dance with the characters and it was really laid back and fun. Come and go as you please, don't have to stay seated. It was made for toddlers who don't like to sit still :)
--Hollywood and Vine at Hollywood Studios. This is a character meal for breakfast and lunch only, and we will be going for lunch. They have characters like Jake and the pirates, Sofia, Doc, and Little Einsteins. I am not sure which ones will be there while we are dining. But, since these are some of Eloise's favorite shows, I am sure she will enjoy it.
We are planning on eating at other places as well, but they don't need 180 days in advance reservations and can wait until closer.
Some people might think we are crazy for bringing an 8 month old on vacation to Disney World. And even though he won't remember it, we are doing it more for Eloise. She loves Disney and she is at such a great age. Disney is only 'magical' for a couple of years for little ones. Sure, it is still fun now as an adult, but not as magical as it was when I was little. I want to make sure she gets to experience as much 'magic' as she can!
I am so excited for our first vacation as a family of four!
Things we love this time...
**Fisher Price bouncer! Nothing super fancy but it is Henry's fav! Eloise was a swing girl and really didn't love the bouncer. Henry will hangout in the swing but much prefers this bouncer. He slept in it, while in his crib, for a couple weeks. Vibration mode can relax my mister when he is fussy which is glorious. A baby massage chair. Good thing he likes it because this poor second child isn't held nearly as much as Eloise was. He hangs in it quite a bit.

**MAM pacifiers
Eloise uses avent paci's and I even bought a couple different brands for Henry. He isn't huge into the paci but will use it sometimes and will only accept MAM. They gave him a MAM in the hospital so he has used it from day 1 ( no nipple confusion here).

** Swaddle me blankets by Summer Infant.
This kid loves to be swaddled. He can go from crazy to sleep very fast once swaddled. We swaddled Eloise a little and mostly did arms out, but Henry seems to need it much more. I love these blankets and I'm not sure what I'm going to do once he grows out of them. My sweet swaddled pumpkin.

**The Baby Whisperer!! I followed this somewhat with Eloise but this time around I started from the beginning. It has really helped with sleep. He has been giving me 5 hr stretches at night right when the baby whisperer said he would. Eloise didn't give me that long of a stretch until 2 months. I'm sure there will be bumps in the road but so far, following her advice, has given me some sleep. I recommend at least reading her books and taking from it what you want - if you like to sleep.
**Gigi's burp clothes have a whole new meaning now! I liked them with Eloise bc they were handmade and pretty. This time they serve an enormous purpose. Henry spits up all.the.time. These burp cloths are definitely important in our house! Gigi even made mini ones for Eloise to use with her baby dolls! So cute!
**other things we love that we loved last time as well:
- children's place pj's
- boppy and breast friend (one on each level of our house)
- dex baby sound machine (we now have three that we use all night!)
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**MAM pacifiers
Eloise uses avent paci's and I even bought a couple different brands for Henry. He isn't huge into the paci but will use it sometimes and will only accept MAM. They gave him a MAM in the hospital so he has used it from day 1 ( no nipple confusion here).

** Swaddle me blankets by Summer Infant.
This kid loves to be swaddled. He can go from crazy to sleep very fast once swaddled. We swaddled Eloise a little and mostly did arms out, but Henry seems to need it much more. I love these blankets and I'm not sure what I'm going to do once he grows out of them. My sweet swaddled pumpkin.

**The Baby Whisperer!! I followed this somewhat with Eloise but this time around I started from the beginning. It has really helped with sleep. He has been giving me 5 hr stretches at night right when the baby whisperer said he would. Eloise didn't give me that long of a stretch until 2 months. I'm sure there will be bumps in the road but so far, following her advice, has given me some sleep. I recommend at least reading her books and taking from it what you want - if you like to sleep.
**Gigi's burp clothes have a whole new meaning now! I liked them with Eloise bc they were handmade and pretty. This time they serve an enormous purpose. Henry spits up all.the.time. These burp cloths are definitely important in our house! Gigi even made mini ones for Eloise to use with her baby dolls! So cute!
**other things we love that we loved last time as well:
- children's place pj's
- boppy and breast friend (one on each level of our house)
- dex baby sound machine (we now have three that we use all night!)
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Henry is 1 month!
It has been a crazy first month, but I am so happy with life right now :). Henry is such a good baby, and the transition from a family of three to a family of four is really coming along smoothly.
Here is what Henry has been up to in his first month:
-- He can hold his head up at a 45 degree angle when he is on his tummy
--He barely ever cries, but he sure does grunt a lot!
--He eats every three hours during the day, and can go around 5 hours at night. I cluster feed him right before bed (every 2 hours) .
-- I feed him around 730pm and swaddle him (which he loves) and lay him down in his crib and he sleeps until around 1230-130. I am so thankful for this! Then it is touch and go from there. I feed him on one side, we both fall asleep, and then I lay him back down because I am lazy and tired. He will wake up a couple hours after that. But, if I feed him on both sides (which means changing his diaper to wake up him so he will eat) He can go longer.
-- he is in 3 month clothing
-- he nurses only for food, he isn't a comfort nurser. And he is pretty aggressive.
-- he can make eye contact and smiles once in a while.
-- he has taken a bottle
-- he weighs approximately 12 lbs (that's from me weighing myself and then me holding him- his dr appointment isn't until Thursday. But, I will update when we go see his doctor.
** update! Henry is actually 11 lbs 6 oz (ugh I need a new scale) and 22" long!
--he had some heart things going on when he was first born. We went to the cardiologist and he had everything re-tested. She says he is fine and everything looks normal! Thank goodness :)
Henry at 1 month old:

As far as everything else is going....
--Eloise is now 2 1/2 years old. I started taking potty training much more seriously. I have dollar store potty prizes and she gets the concept. So, for right now, when she is home she is in underwear, when we go out or when she is sleeping she is in a pull-up. It has been two days and I am pretty on top of putting her on the potty about every 30 minutes and she has only had one accident. I hope this continues well.
--At my 39 week appointment I was 151 lbs. I am now down to 130. 20 lbs down 20 to go!! My starting weight was 116 but I would really like to be more like 110. I know everyone says to relax and it is no big deal. But, it is hard to go 9 months without your body (well, not that hard :) ) and then another couple of months. Especially since it is almost summer. My goal is to be at least to 120 by the end of summer. 10 lbs in 3 months is very realistic. I also plan on joining the gym if I can figure out how that will work with timing of nursing and babysitters. I'll update more on that when I know more.
--I didn't have any tearing this time around so recovery has been fantastic.
--Julian has been an amazing help! The first week after Henry was born, he stayed home from work *Mostly*, and Gigi came and visited which was an amazing help. My mom was sick and is just now getting better so having those extra hands was invaluable.
--We are planning a trip to VA in July for Julian's birthday. I am a little nervous about handling both kids not at home for a week, but I am sure it will be fine.
--Disney is officially planned for January!! My mom and sister are coming for the whole week. My brother and Jen are coming for half the week and my Aunt Judy and Kristen will be there for a couple days as well. I am super excited for this!!
-- I want to start getting Henry used to the bottle but I haven't been able to pump enough for an entire bottle unless I pump right before a feeding, and then he eats it immediately. So, my plan as of now, is to give him a formula bottle, so I can pump a bottle and get a head start. I plan on doing this around 6-8 weeks. That way I can always have a bottle ready if we need it. I feel like with Eloise, she never took a bottle and that is fine and I loved nursing her fully, but with two, it is hard to not be able to have someone else feeding him. We will see how it goes :)
I can't wait to see what this next month brings!
Here is what Henry has been up to in his first month:
-- He can hold his head up at a 45 degree angle when he is on his tummy
--He barely ever cries, but he sure does grunt a lot!
--He eats every three hours during the day, and can go around 5 hours at night. I cluster feed him right before bed (every 2 hours) .
-- I feed him around 730pm and swaddle him (which he loves) and lay him down in his crib and he sleeps until around 1230-130. I am so thankful for this! Then it is touch and go from there. I feed him on one side, we both fall asleep, and then I lay him back down because I am lazy and tired. He will wake up a couple hours after that. But, if I feed him on both sides (which means changing his diaper to wake up him so he will eat) He can go longer.
-- he is in 3 month clothing
-- he nurses only for food, he isn't a comfort nurser. And he is pretty aggressive.
-- he can make eye contact and smiles once in a while.
-- he has taken a bottle
-- he weighs approximately 12 lbs (that's from me weighing myself and then me holding him- his dr appointment isn't until Thursday. But, I will update when we go see his doctor.
** update! Henry is actually 11 lbs 6 oz (ugh I need a new scale) and 22" long!
--he had some heart things going on when he was first born. We went to the cardiologist and he had everything re-tested. She says he is fine and everything looks normal! Thank goodness :)
Henry at 1 month old:

As far as everything else is going....
--Eloise is now 2 1/2 years old. I started taking potty training much more seriously. I have dollar store potty prizes and she gets the concept. So, for right now, when she is home she is in underwear, when we go out or when she is sleeping she is in a pull-up. It has been two days and I am pretty on top of putting her on the potty about every 30 minutes and she has only had one accident. I hope this continues well.
--At my 39 week appointment I was 151 lbs. I am now down to 130. 20 lbs down 20 to go!! My starting weight was 116 but I would really like to be more like 110. I know everyone says to relax and it is no big deal. But, it is hard to go 9 months without your body (well, not that hard :) ) and then another couple of months. Especially since it is almost summer. My goal is to be at least to 120 by the end of summer. 10 lbs in 3 months is very realistic. I also plan on joining the gym if I can figure out how that will work with timing of nursing and babysitters. I'll update more on that when I know more.
--I didn't have any tearing this time around so recovery has been fantastic.
--Julian has been an amazing help! The first week after Henry was born, he stayed home from work *Mostly*, and Gigi came and visited which was an amazing help. My mom was sick and is just now getting better so having those extra hands was invaluable.
--We are planning a trip to VA in July for Julian's birthday. I am a little nervous about handling both kids not at home for a week, but I am sure it will be fine.
--Disney is officially planned for January!! My mom and sister are coming for the whole week. My brother and Jen are coming for half the week and my Aunt Judy and Kristen will be there for a couple days as well. I am super excited for this!!
-- I want to start getting Henry used to the bottle but I haven't been able to pump enough for an entire bottle unless I pump right before a feeding, and then he eats it immediately. So, my plan as of now, is to give him a formula bottle, so I can pump a bottle and get a head start. I plan on doing this around 6-8 weeks. That way I can always have a bottle ready if we need it. I feel like with Eloise, she never took a bottle and that is fine and I loved nursing her fully, but with two, it is hard to not be able to have someone else feeding him. We will see how it goes :)
I can't wait to see what this next month brings!
Henry Thomas Barker 4.25.13
Henry Thomas Barker was born at 3:35am on April 25, 2013 (his due date)!
Birth Story:
I was woken up with my first contraction at 1:18am. I had been getting Braxton Hicks so I wanted to feel one more intense one before I started timing. Once I felt the next contraction, I grabbed my phone with my contraction counting app, and started timing. They were an avg of 6-7 minutes apart. I waited though, to wake up Julian, just because I wanted to be sure. So at 2am, I wake him up and tell him I'm having contractions. I call my mom at 2:18 am (I know I am being really specific but I like details) and tell her I think it's time so leave to come here. I even mentioned to Julian that if its false labor it would be no biggie. I call my doctor and she tells me to come to the hospital when I am ready. By 2:30 the contractions were BAD. Julian packed the car and since I was being so loud moaning through contractions, I went to wait in the car for my parents to get there. I didn't want to wake Eloise! At 2:55 the contractions were so bad I texted my mom to see how much longer they would be. She said 10 minutes. Julian insisted we leave because he could tell the contractions were really close. We left for the hospital at 3:02 and ran every red light. I walked into the emergency room while Julian parked. I started having a contraction and told the security guard I needed to push. He didn't believe me but I told him it wasn't my first. Nurses came running down, they put me in a wheel chair and got me in a room. They checked me and I was fully dilated and ready to push. But, my doctor wasn't there yet, so they wanted me to wait. It was very intense, the need to push was overwhelming. Finally my doctor arrived, she checked me, my water broke, and three pushes later Henry was born! Julian didn't even have time to get the camera, so all we have are iPhone pics of his first minutes. Thank goodness for iPhones!

He was 8 lbs 7 oz! I'm still surprised by how big he is. So far he loves to eat and poop, so we will see how his first couple days continue!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Birth Story:
I was woken up with my first contraction at 1:18am. I had been getting Braxton Hicks so I wanted to feel one more intense one before I started timing. Once I felt the next contraction, I grabbed my phone with my contraction counting app, and started timing. They were an avg of 6-7 minutes apart. I waited though, to wake up Julian, just because I wanted to be sure. So at 2am, I wake him up and tell him I'm having contractions. I call my mom at 2:18 am (I know I am being really specific but I like details) and tell her I think it's time so leave to come here. I even mentioned to Julian that if its false labor it would be no biggie. I call my doctor and she tells me to come to the hospital when I am ready. By 2:30 the contractions were BAD. Julian packed the car and since I was being so loud moaning through contractions, I went to wait in the car for my parents to get there. I didn't want to wake Eloise! At 2:55 the contractions were so bad I texted my mom to see how much longer they would be. She said 10 minutes. Julian insisted we leave because he could tell the contractions were really close. We left for the hospital at 3:02 and ran every red light. I walked into the emergency room while Julian parked. I started having a contraction and told the security guard I needed to push. He didn't believe me but I told him it wasn't my first. Nurses came running down, they put me in a wheel chair and got me in a room. They checked me and I was fully dilated and ready to push. But, my doctor wasn't there yet, so they wanted me to wait. It was very intense, the need to push was overwhelming. Finally my doctor arrived, she checked me, my water broke, and three pushes later Henry was born! Julian didn't even have time to get the camera, so all we have are iPhone pics of his first minutes. Thank goodness for iPhones!

He was 8 lbs 7 oz! I'm still surprised by how big he is. So far he loves to eat and poop, so we will see how his first couple days continue!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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