
36 weeks! Almost there!

36 week facts
- Henry is as big as a melon. Not a water melon but maybe honeydew.
- I weigh 145 which is 29 lbs up from my starting weight. I feel smaller than last time though. I'm not sure why considering I'm measuring a week ahead.
- I had a cervix check this week and I'm 60% effaced but not dilated. I sorta want to put myself on bed rest so he stays in longer lol. Who does that?
- Henry is officially head down! After weeks of worrying and doing everything possible (Chiropractor for the Webster technique, inversion, etc) he is head down! Yay :).
- I don't think I'll ever be fully prepared for Henry. I feel like I cross 2 things off my list and add 5 more. But car seat is installed and we have diapers. What else do I really need?!
- I never had Braxton Hicks with Eloise and I'm having them this time around. They aren't fun.
-I haven't had any heartburn and he ultrasound tech said baby is bald. Maybe there's truth to the old wives tale after all :)
- I'm also still not swollen at all! No fat foot and rings still fit! I'm constantly amazed how different this pregnancy is. I thought it was a boy vs girl thing but dr said its a first pregnancy vs second thing. Who knows!
- I still crave ice and very cold crisp apples.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone