
Things we love this time...

**Fisher Price bouncer! Nothing super fancy but it is Henry's fav! Eloise was a swing girl and really didn't love the bouncer. Henry will hangout in the swing but much prefers this bouncer. He slept in it, while in his crib, for a couple weeks. Vibration mode can relax my mister when he is fussy which is glorious. A baby massage chair. Good thing he likes it because this poor second child isn't held nearly as much as Eloise was. He hangs in it quite a bit.

**MAM pacifiers
Eloise uses avent paci's and I even bought a couple different brands for Henry. He isn't huge into the paci but will use it sometimes and will only accept MAM. They gave him a MAM in the hospital so he has used it from day 1 ( no nipple confusion here).

** Swaddle me blankets by Summer Infant.
This kid loves to be swaddled. He can go from crazy to sleep very fast once swaddled. We swaddled Eloise a little and mostly did arms out, but Henry seems to need it much more. I love these blankets and I'm not sure what I'm going to do once he grows out of them. My sweet swaddled pumpkin.

**The Baby Whisperer!! I followed this somewhat with Eloise but this time around I started from the beginning. It has really helped with sleep. He has been giving me 5 hr stretches at night right when the baby whisperer said he would. Eloise didn't give me that long of a stretch until 2 months. I'm sure there will be bumps in the road but so far, following her advice, has given me some sleep. I recommend at least reading her books and taking from it what you want - if you like to sleep.

**Gigi's burp clothes have a whole new meaning now! I liked them with Eloise bc they were handmade and pretty. This time they serve an enormous purpose. Henry spits up all.the.time. These burp cloths are definitely important in our house! Gigi even made mini ones for Eloise to use with her baby dolls! So cute!

**other things we love that we loved last time as well:
- children's place pj's
- boppy and breast friend (one on each level of our house)
- dex baby sound machine (we now have three that we use all night!)
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Henry is 1 month!

It has been a crazy first month, but I am so happy with life right now :).  Henry is such a good baby, and the transition from a family of three to a family of four is really coming along smoothly.
Here is what Henry has been up to in his first month:
-- He can hold his head up at a 45 degree angle when he is on his tummy
--He barely ever cries, but he sure does grunt a lot!
--He eats every three hours during the day, and can go around 5 hours at night. I cluster feed him right before bed (every 2 hours) .
-- I feed him around 730pm and swaddle him (which he loves) and lay him down in his crib and he sleeps until around 1230-130. I am so thankful for this! Then it is touch and go from there. I feed him on one side, we both fall asleep, and then I lay him back down because I am lazy and tired. He will wake up a couple hours after that. But, if I feed him on both sides (which means changing his diaper to wake up him so he will eat) He can go longer.
-- he is in 3 month clothing
-- he nurses only for food, he isn't a comfort nurser. And he is pretty aggressive.
-- he can make eye contact and smiles once in a while.
-- he has taken a bottle
-- he weighs approximately 12 lbs (that's from me weighing myself and then me holding him- his dr appointment isn't until Thursday. But, I will update when we go see his doctor.

** update! Henry is actually 11 lbs 6 oz (ugh I need a new scale) and 22" long!
--he had some heart things going on when he was first born. We went to the cardiologist and he had everything re-tested. She says he is fine and everything looks normal! Thank goodness :)
Henry at 1 month old:

As far as everything else is going....
--Eloise is now 2 1/2 years old.  I started taking potty training much more seriously.  I have dollar store potty prizes and she gets the concept. So, for right now, when she is home she is in underwear, when we go out or when she is sleeping she is in a pull-up.  It has been two days and I am pretty on top of putting her on the potty about every 30 minutes and she has only had one accident.  I hope this continues well.
--At my 39 week appointment I was 151 lbs.  I am now down to 130.  20 lbs down 20 to go!! My starting weight was 116 but I would really like to be more like 110.  I know everyone says to relax and it is no big deal. But, it is hard to go 9 months without your body (well, not that hard :) ) and then another couple of months.  Especially since it is almost summer.  My goal is to be at least to 120 by the end of summer.  10 lbs in 3 months is very realistic. I also plan on joining the gym if I can figure out how that will work with timing of nursing and babysitters. I'll update more on that when I know more.
--I didn't have any tearing this time around so recovery has been fantastic.
--Julian has been an amazing help! The first week after Henry was born, he stayed home from work *Mostly*, and Gigi came and visited which was an amazing help. My mom was sick and is just now getting better so having those extra hands was invaluable.
--We are planning a trip to VA in July for Julian's birthday.  I am a little nervous about handling both kids not at home for a week, but I am sure it will be fine.
--Disney is officially planned for January!! My mom and sister are coming for the whole week.  My brother and Jen are coming for half the week and my Aunt Judy and Kristen will be there for a couple days as well. I am super excited for this!!
-- I want to start getting Henry used to the bottle but I haven't been able to pump enough for an entire bottle unless I pump right before a feeding, and then he eats it immediately.  So, my plan as of now, is to give him a formula bottle, so I can pump a bottle and get a head start.  I plan on doing this around 6-8 weeks. That way I can always have a bottle ready if we need it. I feel like with Eloise, she never took a bottle and that is fine and I loved nursing her fully, but with two, it is hard to not be able to have someone else feeding him.  We will see how it goes :)
I can't wait to see what this next month brings!