**MAM pacifiers
Eloise uses avent paci's and I even bought a couple different brands for Henry. He isn't huge into the paci but will use it sometimes and will only accept MAM. They gave him a MAM in the hospital so he has used it from day 1 ( no nipple confusion here).

** Swaddle me blankets by Summer Infant.
This kid loves to be swaddled. He can go from crazy to sleep very fast once swaddled. We swaddled Eloise a little and mostly did arms out, but Henry seems to need it much more. I love these blankets and I'm not sure what I'm going to do once he grows out of them. My sweet swaddled pumpkin.

**The Baby Whisperer!! I followed this somewhat with Eloise but this time around I started from the beginning. It has really helped with sleep. He has been giving me 5 hr stretches at night right when the baby whisperer said he would. Eloise didn't give me that long of a stretch until 2 months. I'm sure there will be bumps in the road but so far, following her advice, has given me some sleep. I recommend at least reading her books and taking from it what you want - if you like to sleep.
**Gigi's burp clothes have a whole new meaning now! I liked them with Eloise bc they were handmade and pretty. This time they serve an enormous purpose. Henry spits up all.the.time. These burp cloths are definitely important in our house! Gigi even made mini ones for Eloise to use with her baby dolls! So cute!
**other things we love that we loved last time as well:
- children's place pj's
- boppy and breast friend (one on each level of our house)
- dex baby sound machine (we now have three that we use all night!)
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