
Eloise June's Birth Story

Eloise is finally here! This is her birth story...
(WARNING: its a long one, folks!)

Julian and I spent Thanksgiving at my parents house with my family. It was a wonderful day filled with lots of food and football. There was a really good game on that night, so we stayed pretty late watching it. We got home around 9pm and spent some time hanging with the dogs since they had been by themselves all day. We were so exhausted and headed to bed around 10. At 10:30, while I was slowly starting to fall into a deep sleep, my water broke. I wasn't sure what it was exactly but I felt a lot of discharge. I went to the bathroom to find my underwear soaked and that I was non-stop dripping. Thank goodness I got up fast enough that it didn't get on our bed or our sheets! Once my water broke I called my doctor and got the answering service. They asked a few questions and told me that the doctor on call would call me soon. Now don't get me wrong, I liked all of the doctors in the practice, but the one I liked the least amount was Dr. Saez-Lacy. Guess who was on call that night? You got it, Dr. Saez-Lacy. She called and asked how far along I was ( 38 1/2 weeks) and if I passed the group B strep test (yes). She then told me to wait until my contractions were 5 minutes apart to go to the hospital. If they weren't 5 minutes apart by 7am, I should go to the hospital. She suggested Julian and I get some rest...YEA RIGHT! We were both too excited/nervous to get any sleep. So we counted contractions. At first, I wasn't sure what a contraction was. But, as they got more intense and closer together I quickly found out. By 1:30am we were headed to the hospital. So, I labored at home for about 4 hours. Once at the hospital, I was really feeling the contractions. I filled out a bunch of paperwork, answered all kinds of questions, and got hooked up to a million machines. At this point, I was in so much pain I couldn't wait to get some sort of pain medicine. I had to be 2 cm to get the first "loopy" medicine (stedanol sp?). Well, when I was checked I was only 1/2 cm but 80% effaced. Even though I was disappointed about not being 2cm, they said being 80% effaced was great because that usually takes first time moms a while. So, I had to labor through it without meds until I was 2cm. I tried EVERYTHING. I changed positions, I breathed, I TRIED to do relaxation things, I got in the shower. Nothing could help me get in the right state of mind to handle the pain. At one point, Julian was napping, and all I wanted was my IPOD. So, I tried waking him up by throwing things at him. That didn't work so I had to call the nurse to wake him up to drive home at 4am to get my IPOD. He barely remembers it and swears that he slept drove. The funny thing is, I never even used the IPOD. Once I got the "loopy" medicine, I fell right asleep. I could still feel the contractions, but it definitely took the edge off long enough for me to get a little sleep. I was still moaning through the contractions, but it was so much better. Once that wore off, I was begging for the epidural. But, again, I needed to be 5cm and I wasn't. So I moaned and groaned until the doctor said it was time for the epidural. Boy oh boy, it was the worst pain ever. During all of this I promised I was never going to do it again (ummm... that totally wore off). I was so happy when it was time for the epidural. The epidural made everything from my waist down numb. It was the craziest feeling. I didn't like it at all, and wanted it to be over. I regretted saying that! Once the epidural wore off, it was time to push. Feeling EVERYTHING while pushing was not fun...I would much prefer the wierd tingling of the epidural. Pushing lasted almost 2 hours and was 100x worse than the contractions. I thought I was going to die. I begged for any sort of drug, a c-section, anything. I was sooo tired and I didn't think I was going to be able to do it. I moaned, cried, screamed, cursed, and yelled at Julian. It was probably the worst experience (pain wise) of my life. I pledged to NEVER do it again (like I said before, you totally forget how awful it is when you see the sweet angel). When Eloise finally made her way out, it was the best feeling of relief I had ever felt. It was amazing! They laid her on my chest and she was screaming and crying and all I could say was, "is she normal?" Julian teared up and I just couldn't believe I had a baby girl. They cleaned her off and took her so that I could deliver the placenta, get my uterus to contract, and get sewn up (I had a first degree tear). Then, it was euphoria from there. She was and still is perfect. Beautiful big eyes, brown hair, and a perfect pink color. She nursed like a champ (and still does). I feel so blessed to have her in my life. God really does amazing things and I am so lucky that He entrusted her to me. She is my angel and I can't wait to watch her grow up.


37 weeks and swollen

I never could imagine how being swollen from head to toe could feel. But, now, I get it. I am so swollen that I couldn't even find ONE pair of shoes to wear last night. I rocked flip-flops in mid-November and they didn't even really fit. Being swollen sucks.

Anyway, enough complaining! I had my first internal at 36 weeks and NOTHING has changed. I am not dilated or effaced. My cervix is still high up and not soft. SOOO, that leads me to believe that Eloise is going to be late. I was hoping for a November baby, but I guess she has other plans.... we will see. Good news is I am still at a weight gain of 33 lbs. Let's hope I don't gain too much more before she arrives!

Things I am looking forward to after pregnancy:

1. sleeping on my stomach
2. a glass of wine
3. peanut butter

In that exact order may I add. I can't believe this whole adventure is almost over and I am about to start a brand new one. No turning back now...



35 weeks pregnant/35 days until Eloise's due date!! I can't believe I am only 35 days away from December 6th! This pregnancy really flew! She has been kicking me a lot lately, and I am still having the occasional heartburn. I don't want to complain a lot but there is so much my body is doing that I can't even begin to explain how excited I am to get my body back. I love knowing that she is inside of me, but at the same time I am ready to hold her in my arms, not my belly! We have officially completed our childbirth classes. They did a good job in preparing us for everything. But, it also made me realize how much I do NOT want a C-Section. As long as Eloise is healthy, I'll take it. I can't wait to meet our little girl :). This weekend is my baby shower and I am very excited! I am so blessed to have so many people want to come and celebrate Eloise June and buy her things! This girl is already so spoiled and she isn't even here yet. It is super special to know how many people are almost as excited as Julian and I are about her arrival!


32 weeks pregnant!

I can't believe I am already 32 weeks pregnant!! Eloise is moving all over the place and I absolutely love to feel it. I sometimes can't imagine not being pregnant. I have a little over 50 days until her due date and I can't wait to find out how she is going to make her way into this world! We have a lot of things going on in the few short weeks until her birth.

Eloise and I have had many discussions about when she is going to arrive. I have told her I will be happy with whenever she is ready. But, if she really wanted to make mommy happy she would come the week after Thanksgiving but before her due date! That would be mommy's ideal time :) But, I make plans and God laughs....


30 weeks pregnant!!

What a wonderful time of year! October starts at the end of this week & I am 30 weeks pregnant. My favorite candle scent is back in stores and fall is FINALLY starting to arrive!

--Julian has spent the last couple of days in California. His dad had a business trip there with a free beach house. So, Julian and Jordan went down from Thurs-Mon and joined him for a little mini vacation! Julian will be home tomorrow night and I cannot wait to see him! I have missed him so much. I always get nervous when planes are involved, but I pray for his safe arrival home and I know that when he gets here I can take a big sigh of relief.

--I have gained a total of 23 lbs so far. A little more than what I wanted for this stage of my pregnancy but definitely in the range of what is acceptable. I feel like it is all belly which is a good thing. I am hoping I can lose most of that by just giving birth and breastfeeding. Then, by March I am going to start P90x and get back to my ideal weight (115lbs). Even though pregnancy has really agreed with me and it has been really easy so far, it is still hard to give up your body. It is so neat to watch everything change and grow and know that my little girl is growing inside of me. But, at the same time, I don't feel like it is my body. I probably won't feel like it is my body again for a while. I know that it is all worth it though :)

--Julian isn't currently working. All the housing jobs are done pretty much and he has calls to answer every now and then but mostly he has been a stay at home dad the last week or so. We are banking on the fact that we should be getting a profit check soon (hopefully)!! So, I keep praying for the profit check to hurry up and make its way into our hands and for Highview Homes to find a new job fast. If we didn't get the profit check this month it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world because we could live off of savings. But, not for much longer than a month. Julian also starts his real estate class soon, so that will at least keep him busy! But, with Christmas creeping up, I don't want to have to start to worry about money. I like living comfortably.

--We are currently trying to find a church. After the whole debacle with Bayside Chapel (that will be a whole other post when I have to time and energy for it), we haven't really been actively attending church. But, I really want to find one we like before Eloise comes. I think having your children get in the habit of going to church is a good thing. Let's hope we can find something that works for us.

--Kelly and Jeff moved to NJ on Labor Day. It has been really fun having a whole new set of faces to see when we all go out. I am excited to see how our whole dynamic of friendship changes and becomes better. It is also nice to see what life is like with a child. Blake is a really good baby. It is nice that there are going to be babies around for Eloise to be friends with.

--Work is going really well. I LOVE my new students and their parents seem really awesome. I do feel bad that I am leaving so soon (Nov. 19th is my last day) but at least it will leave a good taste in my mouth and I'll be ready to go back in September.

--my baby shower is quickly approaching and I can't wait!! Actually, I really can't wait until Eloise is here. When I think about the actual delivery party, I get anxious. So, I decided from now on I am not thinking about it. The day will come when Eloise has to come out of me. I will do what has to be done, no need worrying about it! The baby shower is going to be so nice! Julian's mom and sister are coming and I am just so excited to celebrate and get the rest of the stuff we need for our little girl.


28 weeks pregnant!

I am officially in my third trimester and I am still feeling pretty good! School has started again, and it is a welcome change from summer. I am excited for fall weather so I can stop sweating all of the time. I still don't have many pregnancy related issues. Lately, though, my sciatica has been bothering me at night. I think it has to do with going back to work, not wearing the correct shoes, and standing most of the day. I plan on wearing more comfortable shoes this week. So, we'll see if that helps the sciatica pain.

As far as the nursery goes, we have walls done and painted, the stroller is up and ready for Eloise, and the glider from pottery barn is all set up. The crib and furniture hasn't been delivered yet, so we are still waiting on that. I go in her room all the time and just sit in the chair and stare. I can.not.wait to rock her!!

I can't believe things are being planned for after her birth. I have Christmas parties to go to, birthday parties, and just events in general. I am nervous about what it is going to be like with her around. Am I going to want to bring her and leave early? Am I going to want to leave her? Am I going to want to bring her for a bit, then have Julian come get her and I stay or vice versa? Or will it be fine keeping her the whole time? I guess once she comes I'll have a better idea of my limitations and what I feel comfortable with.

My last day of school is November 19th, and then I take the rest of the year off. It is exciting to know I will have that time with her, and not have to worry about work! I feel very blessed to be able to do that.

Here is a list of what is most important to me about the delivery and afterwards:

1. Breastfeeding: I really want to breastfeed for at least 6 months exclusively. I want to not even pump for the first month or two. After that I will look into pumping, but this is the number one most important thing on my list. I will do whatever it takes to continue breastfeeding for as long as possible.

2. Vaginal Delivery: I do NOT want a C-section. But, I guess a lot of other people had them, and they didn't want them either. I have heard NJ is the number 1 state for C-sections and I would really like to avoid it at all costs if I can. I mean if the baby is under stress and it is an ABSOLUTE emergency, then of course I would be fine with it. But, I will labor for hours rather than have a C-section.

3. No Artificial Rupturing: I want my water to break on its own. I feel that is what is supposed to happen and what is most natural. Plus, I have read if your water has to be broken, then you have a better chance of having a C-section.

But, how many times have women made plans for their birth and it went exactly as planned? Probably not many. I just have to know that the doctors are going to do everything they can so that Eloise and I are healthy and that is the most important thing!


25 weeks pregnant and Attachment Parenting

25 weeks and feeling great! I feel so blessed to not have any real pregnancy pains that most women do. I never really had morning sickness, I was tired in my first trimester but not overly so where I would fall asleep in the afternoon. I have a little back pain but nothing terrible. I really haven't had any pregnancy headaches or stuffiness. I do have a little pregnancy mask on my face but that really is my only 'symptom'. I started this whole journey at 116lbs, and now I am 120lbs. So I have gained a total of 4 lbs so far (well that was at my 24 week appointment). If I stay on this schedule, I will gain a total of about 30 pounds which I will be totally happy with!

School is starting in about a week and I am trying to get as much done for Eloise that I can before I have to go back. We have registered at Pottery Barn Kids, Buy Buy Baby, and Target. We have signed up for three classes at the hospital: breastfeeding, infant care, and childbirth preparation. We have sent in our pre-registration forms to the hospital. We have painted Eloise's room and are waiting for the furniture to arrive (it should be any day now!). We have filled out my maternity leave paperwork and handed it in--my last day of work is November 19th. Now, I am looking into different parenting styles and I have come to really love the idea of AP or attachment parenting.

Attachment Parenting has a couple components. Breastfeeding, baby wearing, bed sharing, sleeping and scheduling.

Breastfeeding: I plan on breastfeeding on demand. I will nurse as long or as short as Eloise will want. She will know when she is hungry, and as long as I follow her cues to a certain extent then things should go pretty smoothly. I also plan on breastfeeding exclusively for 6 months. After that, Eloise will start solids and maybe some formula and only nurse once in a while. We will see how this plan goes. I will update you once I am actually breastfeeding.

Baby Wearing: I have registered for the moby wrap and a hotsling. Being able to wear her should make things easier on everyone. I can do everything I need to do in a day and Eloise will be close by at least for the first month or so. Then, we can look into trying to nap in other places besides on me or in my arms.

Bed Sharing: Now, bed sharing is something we are NOT going to do but I am not against it. We are going to room share which has a lot of positives as well. With Julian's crazy dreams/sleep habits I wouldn't want our baby in the bed with us. But she will be right next to us in a bassinet. That way in the middle of the night, if she wants to nurse I can lay her down with me and nurse in a side lying position and go back to sleep for a while.

Sleep Habits: We don't plan on doing any sleep training as of right now. I feel that babies cry for a reason, and as their mother you should respond to these cries immediately. Most babies aren't going to be sleeping through the night, especially if they are breastfed.

Scheduling: I think scheduling is important but I don't want to overdue it. I don't want to force Eloise to take 3 scheduled naps a day if she isn't tired, or if she is tired. I plan on following babies cues. If she wants to take three naps...great. If she wants to take 4 or 5 naps...great. As long as she is healthy I think that getting on a schedule isn't important. As far as bedtime goes, I think there should be a schedule. My plan of a routine is starting at 7:30 with bath, lotion, nursing, book, swaddle, sleep. But other than that I feel like going with the flow and responding to what babies needs are at that moment are most important. Of course, as babies get older they do need a more structured schedule. So I will let you know how that goes :)


21 weeks pregnant

Eloise's bedding from Pottery Barn Kids:

Barcelo Los Cabos
19 weeks pregnant!

So much has happened in the past 5 weeks! Julian and I went on our babymoon to Cabo, Mexico. It was amazing!! We stayed at this really nice resort---Barcelo Los Cabos--and had such a relaxing time. Then, a couple days after we had gotten home we had our anatomy scan. Both Julian and I were really excited to find out if baby Barker was a boy or a girl. We were both strongly leaning towards boy. I had a boy nursery picked out, I had boy ideas picked out. But, you make plans and God laughs so guess what?? We are having a sweet baby girl!!! I couldn't be more excited!!! I think it took Julian a while to get used to the idea of having a girl but now he is just excited as I am. He was thinking rough and tough ball playing/wrestling. Now he is thinking how to protect his little girl from all things boy. My entire family is soo soo excited. My mom wants to know when she can reserve Cinderella's castle because there is a two year waiting list. Eloise June Barker is going to be one spoiled little girl! Ellie, as we have been calling her, is named after Eloise at the Plaza and her middle name is my grandmother's name.

Even though we have bought all this girl bedding and clothes I am still nervous that the tech was wrong and it could still be a boy. You hear of that happening to people all the time. So, next week I am going for an elective ultrasound to double check the sex. Hopefully, it is still a little girl because I have seriously bonded with her. I can't wait to see what she looks like and hold her in my arms. only 19 more weeks to go!!

We also figured out maternity leave which was very confusing. I am going back to work in September obviously. But, then I am only working until November 19th. I'll take two weeks of my sick days and that takes us to December 13th. Then we get the Family Leave Act for 84 days including weekends and holidays and that brings us to March 17th. Then from March 17th until the next year I will be unpaid and we won't have insurance. Cobra is about $2,000/month which is ridiculous so I think we'll be trying to get a blue cross/blue shield insurance for those couple of months I am not working. Then, I am pretty sure, I'll go back to work the next September. I always thought I would be a SAHM from the beginning. But, we are young, I have a very amazing job for a mom, and my mom is willing to babysit everyday if need be. SO, why not make as much money as possible now? If I do go back to work though, we'll be getting pregnant again much sooner than expected so I can take off another couple months for maternity leave.


16 weeks pregnant!

I can't believe I haven't posted anything in such a long time! I guess life got in the way and I put the blog on the back burner. Well to start off, Julian and I have done quite a few things in the past couple of weeks. We went to Tampa with Mike and Shannon, we registered for baby items, and we went to a wedding in Connecticut. I finished with school for the year and I am not working this summer so that is very exciting for me. Also, Julian and I leave for Cabo in a week. It's crazy how fast time flies, the baby is going to be here before we know it!

Anyway, on to the pregnancy... 16 weeks and I am feeling pretty great. I recently had the stomach flu (yuck!) and was out of commission for about two days. I couldn't believe I hadn't thrown up once this whole pregnancy and then I get the stomach flu-in summer-and my luck changes. I was really worried about what the lack of calories I was getting for baby, but we had a doctors appointment and she said that baby was moving a lot and the heartbeat was strong. But, she was a little concerned about my weight. Here is the deal with that...

Before I was pregnant I probably weighed anywhere from 112-114lbs. Once we found out I was pregnant and went to the doctor, I guess I was 6 weeks by then and I weighed 116. I don't know if I was bloated or had just gained a couple lbs just because I hadn't been exercising, etc. Anyway, then at the end of my first trimester they weighed me in at 118. Then, I this appointment I was back at 116. But, I had just gotten over the stomach flu as well.

I guess we'll see if I can gain some more weight before my next appointment. If anything it's an extra excuse to get some milkshakes and fries whenever I get the urge!!

The doctor also said I should be able to feel the baby move soon. It's called 'quickening' and it feels like gas and/or bubbles popping. I am excited for that feeling. I thought I felt it a couple of times but I am not sure that it definitely wasn't gas. I am excited for all the fun stuff still to come with this pregnancy!


11 weeks pregnant

I am almost at the end of my first trimester!! External genitalia are beginning to show and development into a male or female will be complete in another three weeks! That is one thing that I can't wait to find out! Julian told me today he was listening to a Beatles song "I couldn't dance with another" and started tearing up thinking about him and a little daughter. That reallyyyyyy makes me want to have a girl. But, as I have said before, I don't care either way. I want one of each so which ever I have first doesn't matter!! This week the baby is about the size of a large lime. This is the first week where I have felt like that is pretty big. I am surprised something that size is inside of me. None of my work pants can button (I have been using rubber bands to close them). I really am not liking the bella band so far, so I haven't been using it. But, I think a lot of my stomach right now is just bloat and no baby. I am excited to 'pop' and know for sure that it is baby making my stomach big, not just gas! As far as how I am feeling, I feel pretty good. I had some stomach issues in the beginning of the week but I think I have it all figured out now. I don't feel much different except some stomach pains here and there and can still get through my days without many complaints! Julian and I are going to Mike and Shannon to Tampa next weekend. We will be gone all of Memorial Day weekend. By the time we get back, I'll be done with my first trimester. That means I'll be 1/3 of the way there!! I can't wait to meet you baby Barker (Eloise or Chase)!!


10 weeks pregnant!

Baby is finally starting to put on some weight! He's close to .18 ounce and is the size of a small plum! The end of this week will be the end of the embryonic period and the beginning of the fetal period. Few malformations occur during the fetal period so it is very exciting to be at this point in my pregnancy! The queasyness has come back a little, nothing too bad though. I am still very tired and can't wait for that part of the pregnancy to be over. I haven't been going to the gym as much as I should but I know that this summer I'll be able to get there more. Julian and I have been talking more and more about baby things. We have picked out our stroller (bugaboo chameleon) and we have started looking at nursery furniture. We are even discussing cloth diapering. Julian says because I'll be doing the majority of the diaper changes that it is totally up to me. I can't decide which way to go. I mean cloth diapering is better for the environment, better for babies skin, less diaper rash, and it's way cheaper. But, it is more work, more laundry, and could potentially be more smelly. I just can't decide. But, I do think cloth diapered baby bums look so cute! I guess I have a lot of research to do. We are leaning towards Land of Nod furniture because "Baby Bargains" gave it a B (which is a good grade in this category) and their furniture is made by an American company which is always a plus. I like all white furniture for either gender. I also like a dresser with a changer top rather than a changing table. That way the dresser can be used for a while unlike a changing table.
As far as how I look, I go back and forth between being able to fit into my pants and not. So, I know that any baby bump I thought I had is definitely just bloat. But, my mom and my sister and I are going shopping tomorrow to start looking for maternity clothes. We are going to A Pea in the Pod. It should be fun!


The one where we pay $350 to find out that Maggie has gas

So the past couple of days Maggie has been having stomach issues. She had some pretty rough diarrhea and occasional vomiting. Diarrhea and vomiting were two of Duke's favorite things when he was a puppy, so I am no stranger to them. So, I handled it the same way I used to handle it for Duke. I made sure she had plenty of water, took her out as much as she needed (who wants diarrhea in the house?) and gave her a Pepcid. Boiled chicken and rice was next on the agenda. These few things used to cure Duke in no time. But, then all of a sudden Maggie's back legs stopped working. She couldn't really walk/get up or lay down. It scared Julian and I so of course we googled it. Google is a terrible thing because now we are convinced she is having an allergic reaction of some sort and is going paralyzed. Julian decides to call a 24 hour emergency vet (it's 9:30 pm). They say it sounds pretty serious so we have to bring her in. Julian, being the best husband and doggie daddy ever, gets dressed, carries her to the car, and brings her to the emergency vet. He calls me after everything was over (around 11) and says they took x-rays of her stomach and hips. They were afraid of a blockage of some sort and/or hip displaysia. But, fortunately, she is fine and all they could see on the x-ray was a big gas bubble. So, Maggie has gas. Lots of gas.
We knew that....

I guess better safe than sorry!


Maybe we'll move...

So Julian and I were offered a dream the other day by my parents. They really want us (well really just the baby I think) to be closer to them. So, they are willing to help us out in order to buy a lot and build a house. Julian and I are very excited about the whole idea and have already started playing on the MLS website searching for the perfect place. Building our next home is a dream come true. I can make it exactly as I want it. I mean, our house now is absolutely wonderful. I love our neighbors, the quiet street we live on, the proximity to the park, etc. It is a great size, we could potentially live there with two or three kids and be comfortable. But, being closer to my family would be nice. They could check in on the dogs when we went away for a night. They could babysit at a moment's notice if we wanted to go to the movies, or out to dinner. AND I don't want to forget about the fact that we could build the house EXACTLY as we would want it.

If I could have the perfect dream house here is what it would include:

* A big frong porch with fans and a porch swing so I could drink lemonade and watch the kids and dogs playing in the front yard
*A yard big enough that our front yard as well as our backyard could be used for playing
*A kitchen with an oven that has 6 burners and a warming drawer.
*A basement (now that I have one I don't known if we could live without one)
*TWO walk in closets (Another thing that we have now that I can't live without)
*A master bathroom with double sinks! It would truly be a dream come true
*A place where we could walk the dogs (We have it now and I am not willing to give that up)
* A patio to have a firepit

We have been searching in Middletown so far. I'll be updating as we get more information about what is actually going to happen. I love dreaming about it but at the same time I don't want to rush into anything and make a mistake. Where we live now is perfect. I love almost everything about it. It isn't in a perfect location, Point Pleasant isn't where we want to be forever. If we lived in Monmouth County I would be closer to stores that I would stop at, a Whole Foods, a very cool downtown with cute shops and restaurants, a Farmer's Market, etc. There is so much to think about...


9 weeks pregnant

I don't want to jinx anything, but any queasyness I had last week is totally gone this week! Part of me thinks my body needed to get used to the new hormones and as it was adjusting, I was feeling sick. So, I don't feel sick and not overly tired like I used to. But, I do go to bed before 9pm every night. So the reason that I am not tired could be the 9+ hours of sleep I get a night. Besides feeling pretty good, I am slowly but surely starting to get back to the gym. It will be good for me and baby so I have to force myself! My waist is definitely getting thicker and I seem most comfortable in loose dresses. My bra size went up, I am now officially a 32E which is crazy! I hope that doesn't go up anymore.

This weekend is Mother's Day and I am excited to share the news with my whole family. My mom made a joke about everyone at McLoone's leaving once they hear Aunt Anne Marie screaming! I think it is going to be fun to tell everyone (finally). I emailed my college friends and it feels good to talk to Lindsay about everything. She had a drug-free birth with a doula so she is definitely a resource I am going to be using!

Besides Sunday being Mother's Day, this weekend Julian and I are going to NYC to start testing out some strollers. I really want a Bugaboo, so we want to go and see it in person, look at the different options and just get a feel for what we want. Julian seems just as excited about it as I am! It is so nice to have a husband who cares as much as I do about these things.

We have been going back and forth on names. Here are the options thus far:

GIRL: Lila June or Eloise June

BOY: Chase Anderson

Chase Henry

Henry Thomas

Once we find out the sex, everything will be easier! (I still think it is a boy!)


8 weeks pregnant

Well, the morning sickness has taken its effect. But, I wouldn't necessarily call it morning sickness. I would call it "late afternoon/evening" not feeling greatness. I am fine pretty much all day and then I get home and around 4-430pm I start feeling queasy. I haven't figured out yet if it is because I am hungry or because eating is the last thing I should do. It seems eating something very small and sipping on ginger ale and then laying down works. But, then I fall asleep around 7:30. I guess that is the life I will lead for the next couple of weeks.
They weighed me at the doctor yesterday and I have gained 1 pound. 1 pound in 8 weeks isn't bad. Even though I feel like I have been eating like crap and not exercising. But, I eat what looks good to me and I started walking again so I should be fine. Pizza seems to be my friend so that is what I have been eating.
My pants started to get snug in the beginning of the week. I couldn't even button my pants on Wednesday. But, then on Friday everything seemed to fit OK. I guess it depends on how bloated I am that day. I ordered the BellaBand and it should be here soon. I am excited to have an actual bump. But, I have read it won't happen for a while. I guess we will see.


I'm Pregnant!

I am officially pregnant! I can't really believe it myself. Here are all the details...

When did you find out?

I found out March 29, 2010. It was the Monday of my spring break. I had gone to Target to buy a few things and I randomly picked up a pregnancy test. I knew it was pretty early to be taking one, but I felt it couldn't hurt. So, I went home and took the test. I walked out of the bathroom and started putting all the stuff that I had just bought away. I walked back into the bathroom to check the test, expecting a 'not pregnant'. When I saw the 'pregnant' I started laughing and jumping up and down. I preceeded to take about 3 more tests that day.

How did you tell Julian?

I called him immediately but he was meeting with homeowners at his job so I knew he wasn't going to answer. I debated about whether or not to wait for him to get home, but I just couldn't. So I took a picture of the pregnancy test with my phone and messaged it to him. He called me as soon as the meeting was over. He was very happy!

When did you tell family and friends?

We decided to not tell anyone until we saw the doctor. Well, that didn't really work out. I called Shannon the next day and told her. We were going out for her husband's birthday so I figured she would know something was up anyway when I wasn't drinking. So, besides Shannon, no one knew for a couple of weeks. Then, on April 14th I told my immediate family, and that following weekend we went to Virginia and told Julian's immediate family. Everyone is really excited! I told my close friends at the end of April right before we all went out to celebrate Kim's birthday. We will be telling my whole entire family on Mother's Day.

Will you find out the sex?

I was very sure I would never find out the sex of our baby. I just always believed that it is the coolest surprise in the delivery room. Well, that is kind of out the window. Julian really wants to find out the sex. So does my mom. I have given in and seen the upside to it. The nursery gets decorated appropriately, the outfits will be cuter because they will be gender specific. It means a lot to Julian so he gets this one! So, yes, we will be finding out the sex.

What sex would you rather?

I had always said I want a boy first. Julian also really wants a son. But, the more we talk about it we would also LOVE a little baby girl. I know it sounds so politically correct, but I really don't care. I want one of each eventually so whatever comes first is fine with me. As of right now, I guess I would still want a boy. Although, I will be delighted with a little girl. But, if I had to guess I think it's a boy.

Do you have names picked out?

We have picked out our names

Chase for a boy, Lila or Eloise for a girl.

How are you feeling?

At first I didn't really feel much different. I haven't experienced much morning sickness. I do get queasy now and then, but nothing terrible. The biggest symptom I have is exhaustion. I feel like I can sleep 10 hours a night plus take a nap during the day. I always seem tired. But, it is just a reminder that baby Barker is in there and doing well!

Due Date?

December 6, 2010


I really seem to be enjoying Italian food and french fries. The weird things I have wanted were

- cantaloupe melon ( I ate a whole one)

- pickles and a peanut butter sandwich

- cheese

- pasta


Most of the time any type of meat seems to gross me out. I have been dealing with chicken and it hasn't been that bad. But fish really does not look appetizing to me and most of the time big pieces of chicken or pork don't either. Vegetarain pregnant lady here I come.


7 weeks pregnant

I feel like there have been some changes in the way I feel from 6 weeks to 7 weeks. This week I am SOOO much more tired. I feel tired from when I wake up until when I fall asleep (usually before 8pm). I didn't realize how tired I could be, even after sleeping for 10 straight hours. Also, I don't have morning sickness but I sometimes feel a little queasy, especially right after a big meal. I haven't had many cravings this week. I did eat a peanut butter sandwich and then downed almost a whole jar of pickles. I guess you could say that sounds like I am pregnant! We have another ultrasound on Tuesday to check on baby Barker's heartbeat and then I have a full exam on Thursday (I am due for my annual anyway!). I can't wait to hear what the doctor says!


6 weeks pregnant

So, I am now 6 weeks pregnant! I don't feel any different except my chest is super sore. I can barely hug J because they hurt so bad. Besides that, I have no other symptoms. The doctor said not to worry about it because it is still early. I felt queasy one day but nothing bad. Sometimes a smell will bother me but it isn't anything life-changing. I have read books and online articles about morning sickness, extreme fatigue, headaches, bloat and constipation in the first trimester. So far, I have had none of these. I guess I am tired a lot but nothing crazy. I don't feel like I need a nap. Plus, I gave up caffeine so that might be why I feel tired. I have read on the "December Mommies" board that people have already started craving certain foods. I haven't really experienced that either. I tend to not want to eat meat products (chicken, fish, turkey, etc) but I usually don't want meat products anyway. I also seem to enjoy fruits, vegetables and cheese a lot more than usual. I don't want to seem like I am complaining about not having horrible first trimester symptoms, I just feel like since I don't have any I am not experiencing all that pregnancy is. Don't get me wrong--I wouldn't mind missing the morning sickness and the headaches. But, my only reminder that baby Barker is alive is my sore chest. I'll take it :)

Did you know that you can see a heartbeat this early on in your pregnancy? YOU CAN! We even have pictures of baby Barker, who looks more like a jelly bean than a baby. It was so awesome going to get the ultrasound done and having Julian there to experience that with me. I can't believe that some husbands don't even go to any appointments. I really think seeing the heartbeat finally made everything real to us. It was such a wonderful feeling. The other thing that is also making this real is telling people. Keeping this secret is really hard so finally we went to my parents and surprised them with the good news! It was a dinner for my brother's birthday (as he would say-we stole his thunder). We gave him a J.Crew gift card and a bag with a Yankee onesie in it. He didn't even pull it out of the bag. He took one look and said "oh no" and put it down. I had to force him to pull it out so everyone could see. My sister's mouth immediately dropped. My mom didn't get it and had to have us explain it to her. But, after everyone realized what was going on they were all so happy! We all hugged and my mom teared up. I called my dad today and he said that he's really happy but my mom is estatic. She has already started to plan a baby shower! This is going to be a really fun next 8 months.

The next thing we have to look forward to is this weekend. We are going to VA to visit Julian's family and tell them the good news!


I want these coasters!

How cool are these coasters? They stick to the bottom of glasses, so that not only are they a coaster that you will carry around with you all night, but they are a wine tagger as well! You will always know which glass is yours! Etsy just has the coolest things :)

I'm definitely adding these to my list of things I want!


Myrtle Beach

My timing seems to be perfect. This weekend there was practically a hurricane in New Jersey and I was in Myrtle Beach soaking in the sun. It was really great to be out and about in nice weather. We walked every day on the beach and got some really great pictures, thanks to Shannon. Girl's weekends are always fun and the laughing pretty much didn't stop until we landed back in gloomy NJ. Thank goodness the weather here has changed and it seems as if SPRING HAS FINALLY SPRUNG!

Anyway, Kelly's baby shower was fun and she looks great! She is starting to get a pregnant belly! But, that is the only big thing about her. I have seen plenty of pregnant women who get big all over, Kelly is definitely not one of those. She seems a little uncomfortable but I guess that is normal for 32 weeks. It was great to see her since I hadn't seen her since before I knew she was pregnant! She is our first pregnant friend, and I am pretty sure she just got the ball rolling :)

The gift we brought for her was this Summer Infant Complete Coverage video baby monitor! What a good idea considering all those mommies that stare at their babies 24/7 and can't get any sleep! I can't imagine how worried you would be all night! Well, here's the solution.

Summer Infant 02720 Complete Coverage Color Video Baby Monitor Set

She also got a couple of other really nice things! I thought these pacifier cases were adorable, they aren't the exact ones that Kelly got, but the same idea! I found these at www.piccolinionline.com I like these better than the clips you see attached to babies. So cute!

Quilted Pacfier Holders

She also received some monogrammed burp cloths like this one I found at www.moonbeambaby.com. What a cute idea for a baby shower! I love personalized gifts...

It was so fun to sit around and talk about babies, I guess I needed a break from the weddings! However, I am thrilled to back with Julian and the dogs. Julian even cleaned the house, which was a really nice surprise! Here are a few pics to document the fun weekend...We can't wait to meet you baby Blake!


Duke and Maggie

How can anything be more joyful than coming home to two dogs who are so excited to see you they can barely stand up? Where else can anyone get unconditional love and hours of laughter? Just look at their faces, they melt my heart! Without them life sure would be a lot duller. But, then again, my house would be a lot cleaner. I just recently came to terms with the fact that my house is always going to smell like 'tooty booty'. Thank goodness I am not overly houseproud! Plus, they are the only reason J and I walk about 6 miles a week. They keep us in shape, make us laugh everyday, and provide endless amounts of cuddles. As I am writing this they are running in circles around my house.... hahaha LIFE IS GOOD!


100 Things To Do Before 2012

I understand that 100 things is a lot of things. But, I think it is important to always have goals in mind and keep track of the things that you have completed and are proud of. I tried to make this list attainable but at the same time challenging.
1. Implement a swear jar so I can stop cursing all together
2. Be thankful for 4 things everyday and write them in a journal
3. Pray everyday
4. Go to church at least 1x a month
5. Tithe
6. Read a fun story to my class 1x a week
7. Walk the dogs 3x a week
8. Read every ‘book club’ book
9. Start an herb garden
10. Work out 2x a week
11. Donate money to a charity once a season
12. unplug my phone charger when I am not using it
13. Send postcards to three people when I am on vacation of a week or longer
14. Take a at least one picture every week
15. Buy 75% organic and local groceries
16. Research a Farmers Market in the area
17. Clean out the guest room closets
18. Finish decorating two out of the three guest rooms
19. Finish decorating my little room
20. Paint our bedroom
21. Get a really nice high-tech camera
22. Learn to use my really nice high-tech camera
23. Go on vacation with friends
24. Try 5 new restaurants that aren’t chains
25. Send a birthday card to everyone whose birthday I have in my planner
26. Send a care package to a soldier
27. Take Pilates at my gym
28. Pay for a stranger’s coffee
29. Pay for a friend’s coffee
30. Teach Maggie how to sit and stay
31. Take both dogs to the dog beach and take pictures
32. Invest money in an index fund
33. Give myself manicures
34. Only run the dishwasher when it is full
35. Make our backyard someplace we can enjoy
36. Buy handmade or charitable Christmas gifts
37. Buy myself something from Etsy
38. Don’t get mad at my dogs for things that are my fault
39. Tell J I love him everyday
40. Sign the “No Phone Zone” pledge to stop texting while driving
41. Be genuinely happy for people in a situation where I might be jealous
42. Floss everyday for 21 days
43. When I do get pregnant, use a doula
44. Try not to end sentences with prepositions
45. Make Julian a steak at least once
46. Watch 3 documentaries
47. Make my own all-purpose cleaner
48. Write a good note home for a student that annoyed me.
49. Only use organic lotions
50. Turn off lights when I leave a room.
51. Recycle more
52. Seriously consider cloth diapers
53. Read the whole Winnie the Pooh series
54. Only buy fresh fish to cook/ Don’t buy frozen fish
55. Eat dinner with my parents more often
56. Organize my kitchen cabinets/junk drawers
57. Get an I phone or some sort of similar smart phone
58. Buy organic beauty products
59. When I am pregnant make a baby book
60. When I am pregnant get maternity pictures
61. Have a professional baby photo session
62. Swifer the floors at least twice a week
63. Buy environmentally friendly candles ONLY
64. Switch dishwasher detergent to METHOD
65. Drink two Sigg’s of water a day
66. Take a vitamin everyday
67. Drink only one cup of caffeinated coffee a day
68. Be Team Green
69. Get new kitchen stools
70. Try to understand that cutting in line is a serious offense
71. Cook one thing from every cookbook I have
72. Make my own granola bars at least once
73. Use agave nectar instead of sugar
74. Put pictures in my photo albums instead of leaving them on the computer
75. Brush my dogs once a week
76. Donate the jackets in our closets we never wear
77. Go see a show and out to dinner in NYC with just J
78. Rub J’s feet for no real reason when he has had a hard day
79. Use a plastic bag at least twice before throwing it away
80. Get plants for the indoors and take care of them
81. Go camping at least once
82. Go to a museum that I haven’t been to
83. Buy Lincoln logs to expand the collection in my classroom
84. Only turn on two rows of lights in my classroom, not three
85. Keep in touch with my college friends better than I do now
86. Write out the word definitely instead of using “def”
87. Learn how to shoot a gun so I don’t get nervous with them in my house
88. Take tennis lessons
89. Get a new handle for our slider
90. Get a new screen the dogs won’t bust through
91. Get a rug for the living room
92. Decorate the guest bath
93. Decorate the downstairs bathroom
94. Get a wreath for spring
95. Clean the outdoor furniture
96. Add more pictures to our frame gallery
97. Have a party where we send real invitations
98. Get our bathroom a new shower curtain
99. Use under eye cream every night
100. Make a list of things that make me happy


The Beginning!

I have been thinking about starting a blog for a while. I enjoy looking at blogs and think there is something really interesting in reading about someone else's day to day life.

As for the title, that is something my first graders helped me with. In their world, mom is only a mom, and the teacher is only the teacher. Discussing other names for people, such as mom is also a daughter and your teacher is also a wife, really threw them for a loop. It is so endearing to watch these little faces when I tell them that I have a husband, or a mom. Oh, first grade!

Having all these roles makes my life wonderful and crazy at the same time! I don't know one first grade teacher whose life isn't slightly crazy and overwhelmingly wonderful!