--Julian has spent the last couple of days in California. His dad had a business trip there with a free beach house. So, Julian and Jordan went down from Thurs-Mon and joined him for a little mini vacation! Julian will be home tomorrow night and I cannot wait to see him! I have missed him so much. I always get nervous when planes are involved, but I pray for his safe arrival home and I know that when he gets here I can take a big sigh of relief.
--I have gained a total of 23 lbs so far. A little more than what I wanted for this stage of my pregnancy but definitely in the range of what is acceptable. I feel like it is all belly which is a good thing. I am hoping I can lose most of that by just giving birth and breastfeeding. Then, by March I am going to start P90x and get back to my ideal weight (115lbs). Even though pregnancy has really agreed with me and it has been really easy so far, it is still hard to give up your body. It is so neat to watch everything change and grow and know that my little girl is growing inside of me. But, at the same time, I don't feel like it is my body. I probably won't feel like it is my body again for a while. I know that it is all worth it though :)
--Julian isn't currently working. All the housing jobs are done pretty much and he has calls to answer every now and then but mostly he has been a stay at home dad the last week or so. We are banking on the fact that we should be getting a profit check soon (hopefully)!! So, I keep praying for the profit check to hurry up and make its way into our hands and for Highview Homes to find a new job fast. If we didn't get the profit check this month it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world because we could live off of savings. But, not for much longer than a month. Julian also starts his real estate class soon, so that will at least keep him busy! But, with Christmas creeping up, I don't want to have to start to worry about money. I like living comfortably.
--We are currently trying to find a church. After the whole debacle with Bayside Chapel (that will be a whole other post when I have to time and energy for it), we haven't really been actively attending church. But, I really want to find one we like before Eloise comes. I think having your children get in the habit of going to church is a good thing. Let's hope we can find something that works for us.
--Kelly and Jeff moved to NJ on Labor Day. It has been really fun having a whole new set of faces to see when we all go out. I am excited to see how our whole dynamic of friendship changes and becomes better. It is also nice to see what life is like with a child. Blake is a really good baby. It is nice that there are going to be babies around for Eloise to be friends with.
--Work is going really well. I LOVE my new students and their parents seem really awesome. I do feel bad that I am leaving so soon (Nov. 19th is my last day) but at least it will leave a good taste in my mouth and I'll be ready to go back in September.
--my baby shower is quickly approaching and I can't wait!! Actually, I really can't wait until Eloise is here. When I think about the actual delivery party, I get anxious. So, I decided from now on I am not thinking about it. The day will come when Eloise has to come out of me. I will do what has to be done, no need worrying about it! The baby shower is going to be so nice! Julian's mom and sister are coming and I am just so excited to celebrate and get the rest of the stuff we need for our little girl.
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