
6 weeks pregnant

So, I am now 6 weeks pregnant! I don't feel any different except my chest is super sore. I can barely hug J because they hurt so bad. Besides that, I have no other symptoms. The doctor said not to worry about it because it is still early. I felt queasy one day but nothing bad. Sometimes a smell will bother me but it isn't anything life-changing. I have read books and online articles about morning sickness, extreme fatigue, headaches, bloat and constipation in the first trimester. So far, I have had none of these. I guess I am tired a lot but nothing crazy. I don't feel like I need a nap. Plus, I gave up caffeine so that might be why I feel tired. I have read on the "December Mommies" board that people have already started craving certain foods. I haven't really experienced that either. I tend to not want to eat meat products (chicken, fish, turkey, etc) but I usually don't want meat products anyway. I also seem to enjoy fruits, vegetables and cheese a lot more than usual. I don't want to seem like I am complaining about not having horrible first trimester symptoms, I just feel like since I don't have any I am not experiencing all that pregnancy is. Don't get me wrong--I wouldn't mind missing the morning sickness and the headaches. But, my only reminder that baby Barker is alive is my sore chest. I'll take it :)

Did you know that you can see a heartbeat this early on in your pregnancy? YOU CAN! We even have pictures of baby Barker, who looks more like a jelly bean than a baby. It was so awesome going to get the ultrasound done and having Julian there to experience that with me. I can't believe that some husbands don't even go to any appointments. I really think seeing the heartbeat finally made everything real to us. It was such a wonderful feeling. The other thing that is also making this real is telling people. Keeping this secret is really hard so finally we went to my parents and surprised them with the good news! It was a dinner for my brother's birthday (as he would say-we stole his thunder). We gave him a J.Crew gift card and a bag with a Yankee onesie in it. He didn't even pull it out of the bag. He took one look and said "oh no" and put it down. I had to force him to pull it out so everyone could see. My sister's mouth immediately dropped. My mom didn't get it and had to have us explain it to her. But, after everyone realized what was going on they were all so happy! We all hugged and my mom teared up. I called my dad today and he said that he's really happy but my mom is estatic. She has already started to plan a baby shower! This is going to be a really fun next 8 months.

The next thing we have to look forward to is this weekend. We are going to VA to visit Julian's family and tell them the good news!

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