He is officially getting his band on September 11. They estimate it will be on 6-9 weeks. I am hoping to have it off before Thanksgiving. This will probably add to the sleep troubles. We will see. Operation Perfect Head is a GO!
Anyway, I am super in love with him and I really love having a little boy. He is all boy and so so so cute. He loves his sister and will smile and laugh at her all day. She loves him as well and watching that relationship grow is precious. I have a feeling once he can steal her toys things might change ;) I can't tell who he looks like yet but he definitely has the same eyes as Eloise. She has more intense eye lashes, but the actual eye shape is the same. He doesn't have her nose or mouth. I still think he looks like Julian's dad. I guess we will see...
He is 14 lbs 11oz and 25 inches long
He is 50-75% across the board
And I am 117 lbs! 1 pound away from pre pregnancy!

As far as Eloise goes this month is a biggie. She is currently being potty trained!!! We have a sticker system that gets her a prize after 7 stickers and it seems to be working. I don't want to jinx myself but I think we are on our way! I am so proud of my big girl! She is starting pre-school in September and I can't believe how grown up she is lately. She has been saying such big words and using them in the correct context which surprises all of us every time she does it.
She is still very much into princesses, but Barbie has made her way up the scale. What she really enjoys is dressing and undressing them. We have a Barbie fashion show about 4-5 times a day. It is exhausting but I love how much happiness it brings her. She is also pretty obsessed with the iPad. We were thinking of giving her one for her bday but I think it's too much. She already has Julian's and uses it way more than I want her to, but a nursing mom has to do things...
I can't believe I am starting to plan her 3rd birthday. We are thinking it will be a princess and pirate theme, which is sooo Eloise.
Besides that, not much going on. We are all looking forward to fall weather and spending the rest of summer relaxing.
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