What is going on with Henry at 3 months:
-- He is wearing 3-6 month clothing and some 6 month onesies
--He is smiling and cooing constantly!
--He laughs out loud! He has only done it twice but I live for those moments!
--He takes a bottle well. I just can't seem to pump enough for a full bottle which is driving me batty.
--He loves his pacifier and lovey (just like his sister)
--He is still a pretty good sleeper. He takes his naps in his bouncer still and sleeps in his crib. He can sleep on average about 6-7 hours his first stretch at night (from 7pm--2am about) and then will sleep about a 3 hour stretch after that. It differs daily but that is about average.
--He still sleeps swaddled in a summer infant swaddleme blanket.
--We have our evaluation at Craniel Tech this month to discuss getting the band. He still very much favors one side and even though I feel the stretches have helped somewhat, he mainly will sleep on that one side. I go in and turn his head every so often while I am awake and he might leave it there for 10-20 minutes, but then it will spring back to the favored side. I guess we will see what they say. Along with pumping, this is my biggest concern for him right now.

Other things going on while Henry was busy turning 3 months:
--Terrible Twos are upon us. OH BOY. She is still a perfect princess but such a stinker. She knows what buttons to push and when to push them. DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA
--I am down to 121 lbs! So close! 5 lbs to pre-pregnancy weight, 8 lbs to being at my goal weight! I am happy with my body's transformation and can't wait to get on a regular exercise schedule (once pre-school starts/sleeping more) to help the rest of the transformation.
--We have started to discuss extending my leave. As of right now I am scheduled to go back January 30th. By October we want to have the paperwork in for me extension if we decide that I am extending. We will know more about that in a few weeks based on a couple of variables with Julian's job.
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