
Torticollis update

Henry has a mild case of torticollis which as resulted in him being diagnosed with moderate plagiocephaly or in other words he has a moderate flat spot of his head. A lot of babies born early get this because their heads are super malleable, also babies who were big at birth in comparison to their moms (thats me) because they were probably twisted to one side of the neck and couldn't move much at the end, which is why they favor that side. Also babies who spend a lot of time in their crib typically get these problems.

We noticed Henry was favoring one side of his head at his 1 month appointment.  He was starting to get a flat spot and the pediatrician told us little tricks to try to get him to use the other side of his head.   By his two month appointment it had gotten worse and we were referred to a Physical Therapist.  Some of the ideas people had to help was to put rolled up blankets/wedges/things into his bed to keep him on the one side. I am sorry, but SIDS scares me.  I would rather have a child who has a flat spot than one that doesn't breathe.  I know that probably wouldn't happen but I couldn't take the chance. Plus, he moves himself all over his crib like a mad man, so I wasn't comfortable putting things in his crib with him.

The PT gave us stretches to do, which should help.  He has 4-5 stretches he has to do 7 times a day and each one has to be held for a minimum of 30 seconds for three reps each time. I spend most of the day doing his stretches.  The good news is that he is SUCH a happy baby. Always smiling and laughing! I mean like belly laughs already! So, *most of the time* he doesn't mind doing his stretches. The only one who minds is Eloise because I can't do anything else during that time.  But, she is getting used to it and can try to help during the tummy time stretches.

Another part of this whole thing, is I haven't been putting him in his crib for naps because the less time spent on his back or on his left side -the better. So he still naps in his bouncer which I also bought an insert for to help keep his head straight and not to one side.  But, nap training will come in time.

We also made an appointment with craniel technologies for an eval for the band, or helmet.  At four months of age, we will decide whether or not Henry will need the band.  If we do decide he needs to wear it, he will have to wear it 23 hours a day for 4-10 weeks. Crazy, right? It is amazing that 1 out of 10 infants need to wear the band, but I am hoping being diligent enough with his stretches, going to the PT and the chiropractor, will help him out.

We have gone to see his PT twice so far, and she was happy with his progress. She said that in 1 week he already met his 3 week goals she had for him! That makes this mommy happy!! But, I still have lots of work to do and decisions to make. I am just so blessed and happy that he is happy and healthy and we will work out any other issues that arise :)

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