
Random thoughts

- I'm excited for Henry's helmet to come off bc it makes his head smell so bad. But, once it's off I have no way to stop his constant scratching of his head. But without the helmet, maybe he won't be as itchy.
- Henry's eczema is 99% gone. It's amazing. The doctor prescribed some cream she made up ( I had to go to a hometown pharmacy bc the big ones don't do it right she said). Within two days it was gone. Amazing. He has soft smooth skin. Yay!!
- Julian officially started a new apartment job where he leaves in the morning around 6am and is gone until about 2:30. He also works 9-6 every other Saturday. The kids and I have been sooooo spoiled having him home a lot. I feel like I am now getting the true stay at home mom experience. We miss him and his help around here but we are so blessed he is working.
- Eloise is back to taking naps again. Skipping nap wasn't working out well so she's napping from 12:30-2:00 and she's in bed with lights out at 7-7:30. She sometimes isn't asleep until 8:30 but she isn't fighting me as much with staying in bed *most of the time*.
- Henry is now on three naps a day. He also "eats" solids three times a day. He isn't so much into the solids but we are working on it.
- I am down to 112 lbs but still have loose skin. I'm ready to start working out. If only they napped at the same time, oh and if I could sleep 5 hours straight at night. I'm always tired. My goal is to sleep train Henry in December. But it always happens that if Henry has a good night, Eloise wakes up. If they both sleep well, dukes barking to go out and has diarrhea at 2am (this actually happens to me). I might never sleep again haha.
- I'm extending my leave until June. I'm excited to not go back to work for a while longer.
- I'm pretty obsessed with England's history and can't stop researching. I'm a dork but I love everything from Henry VI to the war of the roses to king Edward and then the Tudors and all Henry VIII 's wives. I need to go to England soon. Too bad kids don't like historical walks and such.

Those are my random thoughts

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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