Birth Story:
I was woken up with my first contraction at 1:18am. I had been getting Braxton Hicks so I wanted to feel one more intense one before I started timing. Once I felt the next contraction, I grabbed my phone with my contraction counting app, and started timing. They were an avg of 6-7 minutes apart. I waited though, to wake up Julian, just because I wanted to be sure. So at 2am, I wake him up and tell him I'm having contractions. I call my mom at 2:18 am (I know I am being really specific but I like details) and tell her I think it's time so leave to come here. I even mentioned to Julian that if its false labor it would be no biggie. I call my doctor and she tells me to come to the hospital when I am ready. By 2:30 the contractions were BAD. Julian packed the car and since I was being so loud moaning through contractions, I went to wait in the car for my parents to get there. I didn't want to wake Eloise! At 2:55 the contractions were so bad I texted my mom to see how much longer they would be. She said 10 minutes. Julian insisted we leave because he could tell the contractions were really close. We left for the hospital at 3:02 and ran every red light. I walked into the emergency room while Julian parked. I started having a contraction and told the security guard I needed to push. He didn't believe me but I told him it wasn't my first. Nurses came running down, they put me in a wheel chair and got me in a room. They checked me and I was fully dilated and ready to push. But, my doctor wasn't there yet, so they wanted me to wait. It was very intense, the need to push was overwhelming. Finally my doctor arrived, she checked me, my water broke, and three pushes later Henry was born! Julian didn't even have time to get the camera, so all we have are iPhone pics of his first minutes. Thank goodness for iPhones!

He was 8 lbs 7 oz! I'm still surprised by how big he is. So far he loves to eat and poop, so we will see how his first couple days continue!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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