3 days until Henry's due date! I would NEVER have thought I would have made it this far. For some reason, I thought because I had Eloise 10 days early, that Henry would also make an early arrival. I do believe that the longer a baby 'cooks' on the inside, the happier they are on the outside, so I am OK with still being pregnant. I am getting anxious to meet our little guy, though. I can't wait to see who he looks like, what his personality is like, how big he is, how he does breastfeeding, sleeping, etc.
People are constantly asking how I am feeling, and truly, I feel fine. I have the normal pregnancy complaints, but nothing terrible. Julian says I snore like a water buffalo (I didn't know water buffalo's snore?) and he can't get much sleep, but I am fine :) I still wake up about 39890489302 times a night to pee, but that was normal all throughout this pregnancy.
Thinking about adding our baby boy to our family has obviously put some worries into my brain:
* Worried about how Eloise will handle having a new baby in the family*
I am thankful for the extra time with Eloise as an only child, and every night I think, this could be the last night I put her to bed as an only child (tear). But, I like to think of it as we are giving her a great gift. A gift of a sibling! Someone you can always talk to and go to with secrets and play with! Even though I know the transition will be just that---a transition, I know that giving her a little brother is the best thing we could do for her. She is going to be a great big sister and even though there will most likely be a period of time where she isn't so sure about this new member of our family, I know she is going to love him big time. I worry about her not getting all the attention anymore, but lots of people have more than 1 child, and most of them turn out fine, right?
*Worried about getting an induction*
At my practice, they don't like woman going over 41 weeks, and will induce me if Henry hasn't made his appearance by then. I have been doing a lot of research because when I hear induction, I automatically think it will most likely end in a c-section. But, I have a very favorable cervix for an induction, so the statistics aren't as bad. Since I am already effaced (90% at my last visit) and dilated (3cm), they might not even have to give me pitocin. They could just break my water and see if labor starts on its own. I am hoping this will be a non-issue because he will come tonight (!!) but I say that every night and he is still comfy cozy in my belly. Plus, I like the fact that I don't know when he is coming, it's a surprise. An induction ruins that surprise. But, as long as he is healthy, I'll get over the non-surprise labor :)
*Worried about breastfeeding*
It went so extremely smoothly for Eloise and I for 14 months, that I feel like I should be fine. But, this will be Henry's first time, so it's like learning it all over again for me. I have to be patient and realize that we will figure it out together. Another part of breastfeeding that worries me is how much time I have to spend doing it, with a toddler to take care of as well. If I remember correctly it is every 2 hours for the first 2 weeks and then we can cut down to every 3 hours. So, I might need some extra daddy/Nan help the first couple of weeks because I don't know how cool Eloise will be with mommy sitting on the couch feeding Henry ALL. THE. TIME. and not dancing and singing like usual.
*Worried about circumcision*
We are definitely circumcising Henry, but it worries me that he will have to be in pain. I hate thinking about me voluntarily choosing for him to go through that. Poor little guy. I worry about this probably more than some of the other things on the list. But, it's good to know that lots of people do it, and these little boys turn out fine.
Now, if I had it my way, and i was totally in control (which I know I have absolutely NO control) this is the birth I would plan:
--I would go into labor during the night like 4-5am, my water would break and contractions would start.
--We would call my mom and dad and they would arrive in about an hour so they would be here when Eloise woke up.
--We would head to the hospital before Eloise woke up, I wouldn't want her to see me in pain,
--I would labor for however long it takes (hopefully not toooo long)
--I would be able to push Henry out in under an hour (keep dreaming lady)
--Henry Thomas Barker would be born healthy and breastfeed easily and I AM GETTING SO EXCITED THINKING ABOUT IT I COULD SCREAM BUT I WON'T BECAUSE ELOISE IS NAPPING.
Dear Little baby Henry,
Mommy and Daddy and big sister Eloise can't wait to meet you!!! Come on out and join the fam jam. You are going to love it here. Duke barks all the time at nothing and poops/throws up on things he shouldn't. He makes us all laugh everyday. Your sister loves princesses and sings and dances like nobody's business. Her voice is special and she will not grow up to be a singer, but you'll enjoy the show, I promise. Daddy is silly and can't wait to play with you! He wants to teach you about sports and handyman stuff. We all can't wait to cuddle and kiss you!! I want you to come when you are ready, but we are so excited that sooner is better than later :)
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