
update on breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is going really well so far! I really love knowing how good it is for her. I also love the quiet time it gives us. I love watching her little hand on my chest as she is nursing and her big eyes looking up at me. It is an amazing bond that Eloise and I have because of breastfeeding. Do I love it 24/7? Of course not. But the good definitely outweighs the bad. I wish I didn't have to go back to work because I would definitely continue until she was at least a year old. As of right now I am planning on continuing until she is 7 months and then slowly adding formula and some solids in. As I get further into my journey of breastfeeding, I don't understand why only 13.6% of moms (I found this fact on the internet) breastfeed for the minimum amount of time, 6 months. Yes, it is a big commitment. But, it has such an impact of a child's health it seems that would be enough motivation.
*Breastfed children are proven to have higher IQ's.
*Breastfed children have higher visual acuity (less need for glasses).
*Breastfed children get fewer ear infections.
*Breastfed children have improved muscle development of their face and have less need for orthodontics later in life.
*Breastfed children are less likely to have to get their tonsils out.
*Breastfed children have fewer and less sever upper respiratory infections, less wheezing, and less influenza
*Breastfed children may have lower cholesterol as adults.
*Breastfed children have less diarrhea, fewer gastrointestinal infections.
*Breastfed children have a lower risk of food allergies and a lower risk of Crohn's disease.
*Breastfed children respond better to vaccinations and decreases the risk of childhood cancer.
* Breastfed children are at a reduced risk of getting diabetes.
*Breastmilk is easier on a baby's kidneys
*Breastfed children are less likely to have appendicitis
*Breastfed children are less likely to have arthritis
*Breastfed children have less allergic eczema
*Breastfed children are leaner at one year of age and less likely to be obese later in life.
*Breastfed children have less constipation.

And this all is on top of the fact that breast milk is free! I don't think that feeding your baby formula is evil. But after knowing all the facts, moms should be at least giving it their all before giving up. Everyone buys carseats when they are told it is the safest thing for their child. So, why then, do we not automatically breastfeed our children when we KNOW it is the best thing we can do for them? I guess you know where I stand.

Now, let me explain something. I totally get that some woman don't get off 6 full months from work and they can't continue breastfeeding. But, there are laws for working moms and pumping. The point I am trying to make is that even if you breastfeed for the 8 weeks you are home from work, it is better than not even trying.

"Breastfeeding may not be the right choice for all parents, but it is the BEST choice for all babies."

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