Happy 3 months baby girl! I can hardly believe that 3 months has gone by, it really flew! Here are some of the things you are doing this month:
*Smiling!!! You are soo smiley :) Unfortunately, you don't like to smile for the camera. But, your daddy and I get to see those beautiful full face smiles all the time.
*When you are on your stomach you can lift your head up 90 degrees! You aren't really a fan of tummy time, but you can lift your head pretty well and you can roll over onto your back. Such a strong little monkey.
*You started to bring your hands together (it looks like you are praying).
*You suck on your hands. I hope one day you figure out your thumb or fingers. As of right now, you like sucking your entire fist haha.
* You have pretty good head control and can hold your head steady when you are held upright
*You have razzed a couple of times
*You talk to us all the time! I can't wait to find out what you are saying :)
*I have started incorporating cloth diapers this month...so far so good!
*Your sleep habits are sometimes amazing and sometimes back to being a newborn. I don't want to say too much about it because I am afraid I might jinx the good nights!
*I am pretty sure you know my face and voice. When I am behind you and I am talking, you turn to find me (at least I think that is what you are doing).
*Some people say you look like Julian, some people think you look like Uncle Mike, and some people see Nan. I think you look just like Eloise :)
We love you and can't wait to see what this next month brings us!
Eloise at 1 month:
Eloise at 2 months:
Eloise at 3 months:

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