
cloth diaper update

I am loving cloth diapers. I originally ordered three (2 bum genius 3.0's and 1 bum genius 4.0). I have since ordered 5 more 3.0's in smalls and 2 more 3.0's in mediums. I still need to order more 4.0's but I am waiting for some sort of sale. There are pros and cons of each but I am happy with having both options. First, the bum genius 3.0's are no longer being made so they are all cheaper. Plus, they come with an insert sewn in so there is no need for stuffing (if you have a child that isn't a huge wetter). There is a pocket so that stuffing is an option if needed. Also, 3.0's aren't one size fits all so I had to order smalls which fits babies 8-16 lbs and Mediums which go up to 22 lbs I believe. This means they will only last a short while until I would have to move her to the next size. This sizing "problem" really isn't a big deal to me because it means that they are trimmer diapers and aren't making her bum look enormous. The only real downside to the 3.0's that I see is it takes them FOREVER to dry. I hang them, then put them in the dryer on low for an hour, then continue to hang them until they are dry, which can take a full day! The 4.0's are one size fits all so you can use them from real little babies until almost potty trained. They have buttons that will change the size of the diaper as the baby gets older. That is a plus because you don't need to buy a lot of different sizes, yet the diaper on Eloise looks huge as of right now. But, they aren't stuffed already so they dry very fast. Here is my pro list of each diaper:

3.0 pros
-trimmer fit
-already stuffed

4.0 pros
-dry fast
-one size fits all
-can buy them anywhere

3.0 cons
-not making them anymore
-takes forever to dry
-have to buy different sizes

4.0 cons
-more expensive than 3.0
-a little bit bigger on smaller babies

Bum Genius obviously made the 4.0's to be better than the 3.0's and consider them an upgrade. I think I will really LOVE the 4.0's once Eloise is a bit bigger so that it fits her better. Here is a cute pic of her in her 4.0. I find this diaper a little on the bulky side.

Now, onto washing these wonderful diapers. There are so many different options but we follow the cold wash, hot wash, extra rinse routine. We use Planet Ultra HE detergent for both the cold wash and the hot wash. I choose extra rinse during the hot wash AND THEN I even rinse the hot wash again. A lot of people online say the diapers start smelling because they haven't rinsed the detergent out of them enough. So, a couple of extra rinses won't really hurt. I just wish I could get them to dry a little faster! We are still using disposables at night because she sleeps all night and I use diaper rash cream, which you can't use with a cloth diaper. I did buy some flushable liners which I might use with the cloth once I get it all under control.

I wonder how long it will take until I am fully in cloth diapers, or if I will even get there. Now, we don't do cloth wipes (yet). But I don't really see the need. I still have my diaper dekor, so I just throw the cloth diapers into the planet wise wet bag, and the wipes into the diaper dekor. But, who knows what I will want to do once I am a cloth diaper pro!

I am glad I decided to take the cloth diaper challenge (three cloth diapers a day!) I am excited I took this step rather than doing it all at once because it can be so intimidating. And look at what I can help accomplish:
100,000 parents committing to change 3 cloth diapers per day resulting in:
  • Thirty to fifty million pounds of prevented landfill waste.*
  • One hundred million disposable diapers not purchased.*
  • A combined savings of over $24M in the next year.**
  • Increased public and media awareness about the environmental and economical benefits of cloth diapering.


3 months old

Happy 3 months baby girl! I can hardly believe that 3 months has gone by, it really flew! Here are some of the things you are doing this month:
*Smiling!!! You are soo smiley :) Unfortunately, you don't like to smile for the camera. But, your daddy and I get to see those beautiful full face smiles all the time.
*When you are on your stomach you can lift your head up 90 degrees! You aren't really a fan of tummy time, but you can lift your head pretty well and you can roll over onto your back. Such a strong little monkey.
*You started to bring your hands together (it looks like you are praying).
*You suck on your hands. I hope one day you figure out your thumb or fingers. As of right now, you like sucking your entire fist haha.
* You have pretty good head control and can hold your head steady when you are held upright
*You have razzed a couple of times
*You talk to us all the time! I can't wait to find out what you are saying :)
*I have started incorporating cloth diapers this month...so far so good!
*Your sleep habits are sometimes amazing and sometimes back to being a newborn. I don't want to say too much about it because I am afraid I might jinx the good nights!
*I am pretty sure you know my face and voice. When I am behind you and I am talking, you turn to find me (at least I think that is what you are doing).
*Some people say you look like Julian, some people think you look like Uncle Mike, and some people see Nan. I think you look just like Eloise :)

We love you and can't wait to see what this next month brings us!

Eloise at 1 month:

Eloise at 2 months:

Eloise at 3 months:



Eloise has currently been fighting her naps. She will only nap for longer than 20 minutes in her swing. But, if you don't get her in her swing BEFORE she gets tired she will scream cry until she falls asleep. It's been a battle, but we are working on it. Anyway, I wanted to find out how many naps and for how long children should be taking and I found this great article in "Parenting" magazine about naps. Here is the breakdown:

2-6 months old: 3 naps for a total of 5 hours
6-8 months old: 2 or 3 naps for a total of 3 1/2 hours
8-12 months old: 2 naps for a total of 3 hours
12-18 months old: 2 naps for a total of 2 1/2 hours
18 months - 3years: 1 nap for a total of 2 hours
3 -4 years old: 1 nap for a total of 90 minutes
4-5 years old: 1 optional afternoon nap for a total of 45 minutes (quiet time if they aren't napping)

I am happy I found this because I like to have some sort of breakdown and idea of what naps SHOULD be like. But, I find myself worrying if Eloise has slept more or less than the recommended time. I have to remember that when I follow her rhythm, things seem to work out OK. She seems to know what she needs and has no problem telling me ALL about it :)


our days

I am not a big schedule follower, and I knew going into parenting that "scheduled" was not going to be a term to describe me. The first couple weeks Eloise came home, BOY OH BOY did I want some sort of schedule. I think it was more about feeling normal than actually about schedules. Nonetheless, I read lots of different baby books, and read everything I could online about what a baby schedule should be like. I even tried some of them (for a short lived period because I can't keep schedules). Now, I am three months in and guess what? Eloise made her own schedule. It does follow the E.A.S.Y of the baby whisperer, but not because I put her on it. She came up with it on her own and I just followed her lead. So, She wakes up and we eat, she plays, and then she goes to sleep. She does that all day until bed. It is wonderful knowing what to expect. It also helps knowing her semi-schedule for when she is fussy. Now, when she is crying, I can figure out what it is she needs (most of the time.) My only problem is activity time. I put her in her bouncer and I talk to her and sing to her and listen when she "agoo's" back to me. Then, I'll try tummy time for a bit (she hates it). After tummy time, i'll flip her over on her play mat and let her play with the birdies on the mat. Then, we'll sit in the newborn lounger and I'll read her a book. During that time, I usually change her diaper 1 or 2 times. Then, she yawns and its in the swing for a nap. I don't really know what "activities" we should be doing. Hopefully, when the weather gets warm, we can start adding a walk to that list. I want to know how much tummy time is right for a baby her age and what sort of activity gym should I get for her development. I guess I have some research to do.

Pics of tummy time:


clean eating

After 6 weeks of P90x, my body is somewhat going back to it's normal state. I am definitely not where I used to be, but I can see a difference. Well, I can at least FEEL a difference! Julian is very much into following Tony's meal plan (based on P90x) and it worked for a while. But, it is sooo boring that we need a change. I need more than just grilled chicken or grilled fish or turkey. So, I have decided that we are going to be "clean eaters" and my mom even bought me a clean eating cookbook! Clean eating is all about consuming whole food in its most natural state. Julian and I pretty much do this already. Eating organically and locally is important. We have to make sure that we are not eating all the extra additives and preservatives that ruin our foods. Clean eating is about eating "straight from nature". I think it is impossible to do all the time though. Every once in a while we are going to go out to eat and it might not always be 'clean'. Sometimes, I may want a cookie or a piece of cake. But, for the majority of time I am going to try to feed my family clean.

cloth diapering update

My first three cloth diapers came in! They are so cute!! I cannot wait to put them on Ellie's bum. Anyway, I am still confused about a couple of things. I know you are supposed to stuff them with the inserts, but do you have to 'unstuff' them before washing? I have to look around and see if I can find the answer to that. I am also a little confused about the whole washing process. But, I think once I start doing it, I will learn as I go. There are a couple more things I need to get before I start.

Right now all we have is:
*2 BumGenuis 3.0
* 1 BumGenius 4.0
* 3 inserts
* laundry detergent

What I still need:
*Diaper pail
*Tote to put in Diaper pail
*wet bag for the diaper bag
*at least 20 more diapers (I am pretty sure I am sticking with BumGenius)

I am not totally sold on cloth wipes yet. So as of right now, I am going to continue to use regular wipes. I am a little wipes crazy, and I tend to use a lot just to make sure I am not double wiping and I get everything off of her cute little bum. So, wipes will go in the diaper dekor or the throw away bags in the diaper bag and diapers will go in the wet bag or the new diaper pail I still have to get. The other problem is diaper rash. Eloise has been getting diaper rash on and off since she came home. I change her diapers a lot to avoid it, but she is already sleeping through the night and I think staying in one diaper all night is causing it. But, with cloth diapers you can't use diaper rash cream (We have been using Aveeno). So, I am going to try to clear up the diaper rash before we start cloth diapers. Hopefully, making the move to cloth diapers will clear up the diaper rash for good. I also think maybe if it does come back, I will use disposable diapers while waiting for the rash to go away.


update on breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is going really well so far! I really love knowing how good it is for her. I also love the quiet time it gives us. I love watching her little hand on my chest as she is nursing and her big eyes looking up at me. It is an amazing bond that Eloise and I have because of breastfeeding. Do I love it 24/7? Of course not. But the good definitely outweighs the bad. I wish I didn't have to go back to work because I would definitely continue until she was at least a year old. As of right now I am planning on continuing until she is 7 months and then slowly adding formula and some solids in. As I get further into my journey of breastfeeding, I don't understand why only 13.6% of moms (I found this fact on the internet) breastfeed for the minimum amount of time, 6 months. Yes, it is a big commitment. But, it has such an impact of a child's health it seems that would be enough motivation.
*Breastfed children are proven to have higher IQ's.
*Breastfed children have higher visual acuity (less need for glasses).
*Breastfed children get fewer ear infections.
*Breastfed children have improved muscle development of their face and have less need for orthodontics later in life.
*Breastfed children are less likely to have to get their tonsils out.
*Breastfed children have fewer and less sever upper respiratory infections, less wheezing, and less influenza
*Breastfed children may have lower cholesterol as adults.
*Breastfed children have less diarrhea, fewer gastrointestinal infections.
*Breastfed children have a lower risk of food allergies and a lower risk of Crohn's disease.
*Breastfed children respond better to vaccinations and decreases the risk of childhood cancer.
* Breastfed children are at a reduced risk of getting diabetes.
*Breastmilk is easier on a baby's kidneys
*Breastfed children are less likely to have appendicitis
*Breastfed children are less likely to have arthritis
*Breastfed children have less allergic eczema
*Breastfed children are leaner at one year of age and less likely to be obese later in life.
*Breastfed children have less constipation.

And this all is on top of the fact that breast milk is free! I don't think that feeding your baby formula is evil. But after knowing all the facts, moms should be at least giving it their all before giving up. Everyone buys carseats when they are told it is the safest thing for their child. So, why then, do we not automatically breastfeed our children when we KNOW it is the best thing we can do for them? I guess you know where I stand.

Now, let me explain something. I totally get that some woman don't get off 6 full months from work and they can't continue breastfeeding. But, there are laws for working moms and pumping. The point I am trying to make is that even if you breastfeed for the 8 weeks you are home from work, it is better than not even trying.

"Breastfeeding may not be the right choice for all parents, but it is the BEST choice for all babies."


cloth diapered bums

I have started the adventure of cloth diapering. When I first got pregnant, I did a lot of research into cloth diapering and came to the conclusion that it was just too much for me right then, but it was important to do it eventually. I wanted to learn how to take care of a newborn and use disposable diapers before I got into adding a whole other responsibility of cloth diapers. But, now that I am a seasoned mama (ha!) I've decided now is the time. I am slowly going to start adding cloth diapers to our routine. Eloise is now 2 1/2 months old and I think it is the perfect time! Not only are cloth diapers the environmentally responsible choice:

*Disposables are the third most common product in landfills
*A disposable diaper may take up to 500 years to decompose
*One baby that uses all disposables will contribute to 1 ton of waste in your local landfill

But they are also economically responsible. Let's say one can spend $800 on cloth diapered accessories (which is a huge amount, and probably no one who cloth diapers spends that much), it is still less then how much you will spend if you use disposables. Plus, if you are planning on having more than one child, you just reuse your diapers and you will save TONS of money.

And on a side note: I have heard cloth diapered babies are potty trained faster!

What I will eventually need:
12-15 cloth diapers
Flushable liners for when Eloise is eating solids (6 months old)
A wet bag for the diaper bag
A new Diaper pail for the cloth diapers
Cloth Diaper detergent
Oxi Clean
A drying Rack

How to Wash Cloth Diapers:

* Wash the entire load on cold with detergent. It is important to wash it on cold to remove the yuckiness from the diapers
*Wash the entire load again on warm or hot with detergent
*Do a second rinse
*Tumble dry on medium

Tips I have found about cloth diapers:

*Try OxiClean for stains that won't go away
*Use flushable liners such as "Imse Vimse Flushable Diaper Liners" for when Eloise is eating solids because you can't stick regular poop into the washing machine.
*To get rid of stains, lay the diapers to dry in the sun
*At night stuff Bum Genius diapers with Bum Genius one size inserts



I have an amazing job, and I know how lucky I am to have a job these days. My boss is great, I have really helpful co-workers, and I get to hang with really cool 6 year olds all day. Oh did I mention that I get all holidays and a whole summer off? Who wouldn't love my job. Not only are the above mentioned enough to have a job that rocks but I was able to stop working in November to have a baby and I am not going back until September and I still have my job...best job ever, I know. So then, I ask you, why don't I want to go back? Well look at this face and tell me you would want to be away for most of the day...
I want to be the one around to see her first steps, first words, etc. I want to rock her before her naps and be able to hug her when she cries. I guess what I'm saying is that I want to 'mother' her. I am lucky enough to have a mother who doesn't work and will watch her so we won't have to pay for daycare. I just can't imagine not being with her all of the time. I guess I better get used to the idea...my paycheck and benefits are more than we could give up. Plus, TONS of mothers do it and everything works out fine. Julian and I have talked about it a lot lately and we decided that as long as things are still going well for him at work and money-wise, than I will work up until I have our next baby and then I will stop altogether. Great plan, but it makes me want to have that next baby sooner rather than later. Don't get me wrong, it won't be too soon, but I was thinking 3-4 years apart and now I am thinking 2 years apart doesn't sound so bad. I guess we will see what the future holds.


2 months old

2 whole months!! Eloise, you are such a big girl! You smile more, you sleep more and you talk more. I think you might just be a talker. Lately, you have been sleeping around 8 hours a night. Let's hope I didn't just jinx it! My absolute favorite thing is my morning smiles. When I go and get you in the morning you smile and coo at me while I pick you up out of your crib and change you. I would do anything for those smiles--they prove to me that not only do daddy and I love you sooo much but you are starting to understand who we are and you're showing your love to us through those beautiful gummy smiles! (Is there anything better than that??) You are on a pretty predictable schedule these days. You Eat, have activity time, and sleep pretty much all day. When I read the baby whisperer and it said that you should be doing all of that, I thought it was some fantastic, made up schedule that I would have to make you conform to. Well, guess what? You figured it out on your own and I have since labeled you an 'angel baby'. Oh, and not to brag but you've been rolling from your tummy to your back since you were 5 weeks old (so advanced!) There is nothing in this world that means more to me than you baby girl! Happy 2 months :)

Eloise at 1 month

Eloise at 2 months