How I feel: I feel great! I still have to pee constantly and feel very bloated by the end of the day, but that is about it. I was able to sleep OK on Friday night, but besides that, the insomnia is bad. My brain just won't shut off. I really hope that symptom goes away. Fast. With Eloise, I really remember a 'not great' feeling and being really tired. None of that has hit yet, so we will see!!
Size of baby: the size of a sesame seed! So little. I really forget I'm pregnant a lot of the time. Not a lot of people know, plus I have other things on my mind (school, Eloise, etc.). I definitely don't think about it as much as I did when I was pregnant with Eloise.
food cravings last week I was really into salty things like bacon and chips. This week, I still like that stuff but not as obsessed. I still am loving avocado and I can't get enough water! Which means I pee like crazy.
sex of the baby
Had a boy dream. I'm REALLY feeling boy. Obviously, I'm happy with a healthy baby. I have reasons I want a little girl (every girl needs a sister, I have all girl things, I love Girly girl stuff, I understand girls,etc) and reasons I want a boy (Julian gets a son, mamas little boy, to have one of each, to experience something different). We will know at about 20 weeks!!
what I'm excited about my first three dr appointments! I have the first three scheduled in September (blood work and paper work, sonogram, first real ob appointment). I just want to hear that heartbeat!

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