10 weeks pregnant - September 27, 2012
How I feel: still feeling great, which I am so thankful for!! I am getting pain if I move from sitting or laying to standing too fast (round ligament pain I think?) I also feel like the hair on my legs is growing at super speeds, as well as my belly!
All about BB#2: size of a kumquat??? Also, baby has completed all the major development stuff! I think I feel the baby moving but it's probably not that. I also still have a strong boy feeling!! I can't wait to find out!!
Stuff going on: we planned Eloise's 2nd birthday as an Elmo party and on Thanksgiving weekend. I bought invitations and crafted a wreath. Well, she is obsessed with Minnie Mouse, so we changed her theme and the date until the weekend after. We also planned her dedication for October 28th (we procrastinated this for months) and think we are just going to invite everyone over for football afterwards rather inviting everyone to church. Some people at church would be OK but our church is not equipped for the amount of people that might show up if I gave out an open invitation :).
Worries: I can't decide what to do about buying another crib or not. I don't want to force Eloise to get a big girl bed before she is ready, but I can't imagine buying another crib when she is almost out of hers. I was thinking maybe in February getting her a toddler bed and seeing how she does. Then, if it is awful and she isn't sleeping, buying her a cheap ikea crib until she is ready again. I also thought she could just keep her crib at least for a couple weeks after the baby is born considering the new baby won't sleep in a crib for a while. I mean, she is going to be 2 1/2 right after the baby is born. How much longer can she sleep in a crib for? 6 months max? I guess we will figure it out....
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The crazy and wonderful life of a wife, mother, teacher, sister, friend and daughter

9 weeks pregnant
9 weeks pregnant -- September 20, 2012'
So, they changed my due date from April 23rd to April 25th. When I got my first ultrasound the dates came back anywhere between April 23rd and April 25th. So, we just stuck with April 23rd based on my cyle. But, at the next doctor's visit, they said they wanted to move it to the 25th, just to be safe. I am totally fine with this because I feel like the later the due date, the better chance I have of not having to be induced.
How I feel: I am still feeling really good. My stomach is definitely starting to stick out a lot more. By the end of the day, I feel like I look 4 months pregnant. I can't hide it any longer :) I have heard you show a lot earlier with your second, but gee whiz. I know it's not baby and it is all bloat but I don't remember this phase happening so soon. I am still having a strong 'boy' feeling. I checked the chinese gender chart and it said 'boy'. But, it also said 'boy' for Eloise, so who knows!! Then, I checked the heart rate and it said anything over 140 bpm is a girl. We were at 170bpm last visit so that is way over. Who knows, I have no idea, all I care about is a healthy baby. I also have a strong feeling I will be a couple days late. My mother had me about 2 weeks early and my brother was 2 days late. April 28th is my grandma Doris's birthday, so for some reason, I really feel like BB#2 (Baby Barker #2) will be born on April 28th. It is also a good friend's birthday and my other good friend had her baby on MY birthday, so I have this weird feeling about THAT. That is my guess!
How big is baby: About the size of a green olive, which actually sounds delicious right now.
What I am looking forward to: My brother's wedding and our couple nights in Cape May at a very nice hotel.
So, they changed my due date from April 23rd to April 25th. When I got my first ultrasound the dates came back anywhere between April 23rd and April 25th. So, we just stuck with April 23rd based on my cyle. But, at the next doctor's visit, they said they wanted to move it to the 25th, just to be safe. I am totally fine with this because I feel like the later the due date, the better chance I have of not having to be induced.
How I feel: I am still feeling really good. My stomach is definitely starting to stick out a lot more. By the end of the day, I feel like I look 4 months pregnant. I can't hide it any longer :) I have heard you show a lot earlier with your second, but gee whiz. I know it's not baby and it is all bloat but I don't remember this phase happening so soon. I am still having a strong 'boy' feeling. I checked the chinese gender chart and it said 'boy'. But, it also said 'boy' for Eloise, so who knows!! Then, I checked the heart rate and it said anything over 140 bpm is a girl. We were at 170bpm last visit so that is way over. Who knows, I have no idea, all I care about is a healthy baby. I also have a strong feeling I will be a couple days late. My mother had me about 2 weeks early and my brother was 2 days late. April 28th is my grandma Doris's birthday, so for some reason, I really feel like BB#2 (Baby Barker #2) will be born on April 28th. It is also a good friend's birthday and my other good friend had her baby on MY birthday, so I have this weird feeling about THAT. That is my guess!
How big is baby: About the size of a green olive, which actually sounds delicious right now.
What I am looking forward to: My brother's wedding and our couple nights in Cape May at a very nice hotel.
Back to school
So the first two weeks of school have come and went and BOY was I busy!!! But, I am happy to say, that we survived and I am ready to go back to a normal routine. We have a lot of fun stuff going on this fall and I am just excited for the weather and all that comes with this season.
Here are our random tidbits:
-Julian and I are helping out with the teens at our church on Wednesday night Life Groups. It is called Vitality and we had such an awesome experience our first Wednesday. There are about 10-15 teens that come and this season of Life Groups is about forming good habits, (reading the bible, memorizing bible verses, praying daily, etc) and just really spending time with God. Julian took the boys, I had the freshman and sophomore girls, and the pastor that heads it up took the older girls. They are such a sweet group of kids! I am excited to see where/how we can impact them and how they are going to impact us :)
- My class seems like a very sweet class. They are all good kids who want to behave and learn. Of course, on Friday I got a new student, and I feel like he is going to change the dynamic of this class. But, I guess I should wait and see :/
-Eloise's schedule is about as busy as a 1 year old can get. My mom watches her Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays and Julian has Wednesdays and Fridays. On Monday's she goes to Paint, Pour and Paste at the Manasquan Rec center for toddler arts and crafts with my mom. Every other Tuesday the cleaners come so my mom takes her up to Monmouth county to do shopping and back to Nan's to play. Wednesdays she goes to Dancing Bears Music class with Julian and then to a toddler fitness class. She does both of these things BEFORE nap. She is going to be exhausted. Toddler fitness doesn't start until next week, so we will see how she does. Julian can't sit at home so he loves planning activities for them. Thursday is nothing (thank goodness!) and Friday she goes to Little Gym. She is a mover and a shaker.
-We planned our Disney Trip!!!!!!!! I am so excited that we were able to do this. We are staying at the new resort, Art of Animation, where we got a family suite (we don't like having to share a room with Eloise due to naps). We are leaving late Wednesday night and coming home Sunday! I am so excited to see Eloise experience Mickey and Minnie and the princesses! She is gonna FLIP.
-Pregnancy is going really well. I have updated the first 8 weeks (minus week 7 because I forgot). My weeks change on Tuesdays and I am going to try to update on Tuesdays but not much changes everyweek so I feel redundant. Oh well.
-My brother's wedding is soooo soon! I can't believe. My sister and Dave made them a reallyyyyyy nice cornhole thing to play during cocktail hour as a wedding gift. I thought it was such a good idea. AND it is in their wedding colors. SO FUN.
-ALL of our favorite shows (Sons of Anarchy, New Girl, Homeland, Dexter, etc) start this month so we will be giving our DVR a HUGE workout. I may have to stop reading a book every two days in order to watch. I have been reading a bunch of YA books and they have been really entertaining (and only 3.99 or less on my kindle). I have a few people at school who are also BIG readers and we always talk about good books and are always on Goodreads together, recommending books. I love getting recommendations because then I feel like I know what to expect
That is all for now :)
Here are our random tidbits:
-Julian and I are helping out with the teens at our church on Wednesday night Life Groups. It is called Vitality and we had such an awesome experience our first Wednesday. There are about 10-15 teens that come and this season of Life Groups is about forming good habits, (reading the bible, memorizing bible verses, praying daily, etc) and just really spending time with God. Julian took the boys, I had the freshman and sophomore girls, and the pastor that heads it up took the older girls. They are such a sweet group of kids! I am excited to see where/how we can impact them and how they are going to impact us :)
- My class seems like a very sweet class. They are all good kids who want to behave and learn. Of course, on Friday I got a new student, and I feel like he is going to change the dynamic of this class. But, I guess I should wait and see :/
-Eloise's schedule is about as busy as a 1 year old can get. My mom watches her Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays and Julian has Wednesdays and Fridays. On Monday's she goes to Paint, Pour and Paste at the Manasquan Rec center for toddler arts and crafts with my mom. Every other Tuesday the cleaners come so my mom takes her up to Monmouth county to do shopping and back to Nan's to play. Wednesdays she goes to Dancing Bears Music class with Julian and then to a toddler fitness class. She does both of these things BEFORE nap. She is going to be exhausted. Toddler fitness doesn't start until next week, so we will see how she does. Julian can't sit at home so he loves planning activities for them. Thursday is nothing (thank goodness!) and Friday she goes to Little Gym. She is a mover and a shaker.
-We planned our Disney Trip!!!!!!!! I am so excited that we were able to do this. We are staying at the new resort, Art of Animation, where we got a family suite (we don't like having to share a room with Eloise due to naps). We are leaving late Wednesday night and coming home Sunday! I am so excited to see Eloise experience Mickey and Minnie and the princesses! She is gonna FLIP.
-Pregnancy is going really well. I have updated the first 8 weeks (minus week 7 because I forgot). My weeks change on Tuesdays and I am going to try to update on Tuesdays but not much changes everyweek so I feel redundant. Oh well.
-My brother's wedding is soooo soon! I can't believe. My sister and Dave made them a reallyyyyyy nice cornhole thing to play during cocktail hour as a wedding gift. I thought it was such a good idea. AND it is in their wedding colors. SO FUN.
-ALL of our favorite shows (Sons of Anarchy, New Girl, Homeland, Dexter, etc) start this month so we will be giving our DVR a HUGE workout. I may have to stop reading a book every two days in order to watch. I have been reading a bunch of YA books and they have been really entertaining (and only 3.99 or less on my kindle). I have a few people at school who are also BIG readers and we always talk about good books and are always on Goodreads together, recommending books. I love getting recommendations because then I feel like I know what to expect
That is all for now :)
8 Weeks Pregnant
8 weeks pregnant -September 11, 2012
How I feel: Great!! I still pee a lot and I am VERY bloated by the end of the day. But, besides that I feel really good. My stomach NEVER hurts (knock on wood) and I just feel altogether good. I remember being REALLY tired with Eloise and also having some *ahum* stomach problems. This time, nothing really is bothering me. That also makes me think this time it's a boy. Aren't girls supposed to make you feel sick? I am just so blessed that I didn't even get really sick with Eloise.
What I am excited about: We saw the doctor and BB (baby Barker) was measuring at exactly 8 weeks. My due date is still April 23, 2012 and there is a strong heartbeat (170 bpm). I am just so happy BB has a heartbeat and is doing well. Our next doctor appointment is on Monday but the next ultrasound isn't until 12 weeks.
Random Thoughts:I still feel like this baby is a boy. First of all, I don't feel sick at all. Second of all, I had a boy dream. Thirdly, I feel like my butt is getting huge. I remember my butt getting big with Eloise, but not as fast. Julian noticed it last week and I think a big butt points towards boy.
All of our family and close friends now know. We even told pastor and his wife at church, the more prayers the better! I won't facebook announce or tell my principal until I am closer to 12 weeks. I am just super excited to grow our family!
How I feel: Great!! I still pee a lot and I am VERY bloated by the end of the day. But, besides that I feel really good. My stomach NEVER hurts (knock on wood) and I just feel altogether good. I remember being REALLY tired with Eloise and also having some *ahum* stomach problems. This time, nothing really is bothering me. That also makes me think this time it's a boy. Aren't girls supposed to make you feel sick? I am just so blessed that I didn't even get really sick with Eloise.
What I am excited about: We saw the doctor and BB (baby Barker) was measuring at exactly 8 weeks. My due date is still April 23, 2012 and there is a strong heartbeat (170 bpm). I am just so happy BB has a heartbeat and is doing well. Our next doctor appointment is on Monday but the next ultrasound isn't until 12 weeks.
Random Thoughts:I still feel like this baby is a boy. First of all, I don't feel sick at all. Second of all, I had a boy dream. Thirdly, I feel like my butt is getting huge. I remember my butt getting big with Eloise, but not as fast. Julian noticed it last week and I think a big butt points towards boy.
All of our family and close friends now know. We even told pastor and his wife at church, the more prayers the better! I won't facebook announce or tell my principal until I am closer to 12 weeks. I am just super excited to grow our family!
6 weeks pregnant!
6 weeks pregnant - August 28, 2012
How I feel: Pretty good still! Our hot water heater broke a couple days ago, and I haven't been able to shower, so that is making me feel gross. I also can't really wash the dishes due to the lack of hot water, so the smell from the sink is making me feel slightly nauseous. It's bad, though. I am gonna have to just suck it up and clean it by hand with cold water just to get rid of the smell. EW. Sometimes I can't wait to go back to work because Julian does the dishes when I am at work. I despise doing the dishes. As far as everything else, I most definitely am getting the tired symptom and by 8pm, I am exhausted. I also still feel bloated.
How big is baby: Baby is the size of a sweet pea. He or she is growing like crazy, and is starting to get eyes, ears, nose, cheeks and a chin. The little heart is beating! I can't wait to hear that sound!!
Who knows: My family and Julian's family both know now. Also, my grandmother knows but she promises she hasn't told anyone. She said she's just been avoiding everyone, HA! Aunt Paula most def knows. I don't believe for a second that in the 4 conversations they have A DAY, she didn't mention it. We are planning on telling our friends at a Labor Day party.
Worries: Of course, I am worried about losing this baby. I don't feel as pregnant as I want to feel. I forget all the time. I just can't wait to get the sonogram and hear the heartbeat. Middle of September can't come soon enough!
How I feel: Pretty good still! Our hot water heater broke a couple days ago, and I haven't been able to shower, so that is making me feel gross. I also can't really wash the dishes due to the lack of hot water, so the smell from the sink is making me feel slightly nauseous. It's bad, though. I am gonna have to just suck it up and clean it by hand with cold water just to get rid of the smell. EW. Sometimes I can't wait to go back to work because Julian does the dishes when I am at work. I despise doing the dishes. As far as everything else, I most definitely am getting the tired symptom and by 8pm, I am exhausted. I also still feel bloated.
How big is baby: Baby is the size of a sweet pea. He or she is growing like crazy, and is starting to get eyes, ears, nose, cheeks and a chin. The little heart is beating! I can't wait to hear that sound!!
Who knows: My family and Julian's family both know now. Also, my grandmother knows but she promises she hasn't told anyone. She said she's just been avoiding everyone, HA! Aunt Paula most def knows. I don't believe for a second that in the 4 conversations they have A DAY, she didn't mention it. We are planning on telling our friends at a Labor Day party.
Worries: Of course, I am worried about losing this baby. I don't feel as pregnant as I want to feel. I forget all the time. I just can't wait to get the sonogram and hear the heartbeat. Middle of September can't come soon enough!
5 weeks pregnant
5 weeks pregnant - August 20,2012
How I feel: I feel great! I still have to pee constantly and feel very bloated by the end of the day, but that is about it. I was able to sleep OK on Friday night, but besides that, the insomnia is bad. My brain just won't shut off. I really hope that symptom goes away. Fast. With Eloise, I really remember a 'not great' feeling and being really tired. None of that has hit yet, so we will see!!
Size of baby: the size of a sesame seed! So little. I really forget I'm pregnant a lot of the time. Not a lot of people know, plus I have other things on my mind (school, Eloise, etc.). I definitely don't think about it as much as I did when I was pregnant with Eloise.
food cravings last week I was really into salty things like bacon and chips. This week, I still like that stuff but not as obsessed. I still am loving avocado and I can't get enough water! Which means I pee like crazy.
sex of the baby
Had a boy dream. I'm REALLY feeling boy. Obviously, I'm happy with a healthy baby. I have reasons I want a little girl (every girl needs a sister, I have all girl things, I love Girly girl stuff, I understand girls,etc) and reasons I want a boy (Julian gets a son, mamas little boy, to have one of each, to experience something different). We will know at about 20 weeks!!
what I'm excited about my first three dr appointments! I have the first three scheduled in September (blood work and paper work, sonogram, first real ob appointment). I just want to hear that heartbeat!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
How I feel: I feel great! I still have to pee constantly and feel very bloated by the end of the day, but that is about it. I was able to sleep OK on Friday night, but besides that, the insomnia is bad. My brain just won't shut off. I really hope that symptom goes away. Fast. With Eloise, I really remember a 'not great' feeling and being really tired. None of that has hit yet, so we will see!!
Size of baby: the size of a sesame seed! So little. I really forget I'm pregnant a lot of the time. Not a lot of people know, plus I have other things on my mind (school, Eloise, etc.). I definitely don't think about it as much as I did when I was pregnant with Eloise.
food cravings last week I was really into salty things like bacon and chips. This week, I still like that stuff but not as obsessed. I still am loving avocado and I can't get enough water! Which means I pee like crazy.
sex of the baby
Had a boy dream. I'm REALLY feeling boy. Obviously, I'm happy with a healthy baby. I have reasons I want a little girl (every girl needs a sister, I have all girl things, I love Girly girl stuff, I understand girls,etc) and reasons I want a boy (Julian gets a son, mamas little boy, to have one of each, to experience something different). We will know at about 20 weeks!!
what I'm excited about my first three dr appointments! I have the first three scheduled in September (blood work and paper work, sonogram, first real ob appointment). I just want to hear that heartbeat!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
4 weeks pregnant
4 weeks 2 days on August 15, 2012
Here's the story....
Last time I was at my doctor, I was concerned about some unexplained bleeding. They diagnosed me with Luteal Phase Defect. Pretty much, it's a problem women have that can cause early miscarriages or problems getting pregnant. So, with that said, Julian and I decided that now was as good as time as any to start trying. That was in July. We were going to wait until September, but what is two months? Anyway, so first shot, and we are pregnant. I woke up this morning (our 4 year anniversary) and took a test! PREGNANT! I feel like I can't get too excited because Luteul Phase Defect can cause miscarriages in the first trimester. But, I am still thrilled to see that 'Pregnant' sign on the test.
How far along: 4 weeks and 2 days
Weight gain or loss: 0 as of right now :) The doctor weighed my in NYC when I went in for some tests for my heart and I was 108 then. We will see at my first appointment what I am.
How I feel: I started waking up to pee in the middle of the night last week, so I was sure I was pregnant then. But, that's not a sure-fire way to tell. So I wouldn't let myself be convinced. I feel bloated, thats abou tit. But, that just means my body is doing what it is meant to do so I will take it!! If cravings in the first couple days are any indication (lol), I want salty fries and burgers and chicken tacos. Mostly, I am craving avocados.
Telling people: We were going to my parents house to drop Eloise off so we could go out
to dinner to celebrate our anniversary as well as this tiny little baby
growing inside of me. My grandma ended up being there, and even though
she's queen blabbermouth, we told them. It was too perfect they were all
there at one time. Obviously, they are super excited. We leave for VA this week, so we will be telling Julian's family then. I am going to try to do something cute to incorporate Eloise for telling my brother and sister but I just can't come up with anything that Eloise will sit still long enough for. Besides family, I will tell everyone else after the sonogram in mid-September.
Gender: My grandma wants Eloise to have a sister and my dad already predicted a boy. When I ask Eloise she says 'girl'. I reallyyyyy think it's a boy. We will find out in about 16 weeks :)
We toyed with the idea of not finding out but we just can't do it. We loved everything about being pregnant with Eloise, and I wouldn't change one thing. I loved knowing I had a little girl in my belly. So, we will be finding out for sure. I think it also helped Julian (and myself) to bond while I'm pregnant.
Due Date: April 23, 2012 according to all the websites.
Worries: The only thing I am worried about is making sure this baby sticks! I also started worrying about how Eloise will do with not being an only child. Obviously that's hard for any child, but I also think NOT having a sibling would be worse!
What I am loving: That excited feeling of being pregnant! It is such a cool feeling. I am really looking forward to my first couple of dr's appointments and seeing a heartbeat.
My first doctor appointment is September 4th -- the first day of school for teachers. I have the first sonogram and the first appointment already scheduled as well. Both in mid-September. I will start telling people after those appointments.
I am just feeling so immensely blessed. Prayer has so much power it is unbelievable. I prayed that I would be a first grade teacher, and it happened within the month. I prayed we would get pregnant quickly, and first cycle, boom. God is good :)
Here's the story....
Last time I was at my doctor, I was concerned about some unexplained bleeding. They diagnosed me with Luteal Phase Defect. Pretty much, it's a problem women have that can cause early miscarriages or problems getting pregnant. So, with that said, Julian and I decided that now was as good as time as any to start trying. That was in July. We were going to wait until September, but what is two months? Anyway, so first shot, and we are pregnant. I woke up this morning (our 4 year anniversary) and took a test! PREGNANT! I feel like I can't get too excited because Luteul Phase Defect can cause miscarriages in the first trimester. But, I am still thrilled to see that 'Pregnant' sign on the test.
How far along: 4 weeks and 2 days
Weight gain or loss: 0 as of right now :) The doctor weighed my in NYC when I went in for some tests for my heart and I was 108 then. We will see at my first appointment what I am.
How I feel: I started waking up to pee in the middle of the night last week, so I was sure I was pregnant then. But, that's not a sure-fire way to tell. So I wouldn't let myself be convinced. I feel bloated, thats abou tit. But, that just means my body is doing what it is meant to do so I will take it!! If cravings in the first couple days are any indication (lol), I want salty fries and burgers and chicken tacos. Mostly, I am craving avocados.
Telling people: We were going to my parents house to drop Eloise off so we could go out
to dinner to celebrate our anniversary as well as this tiny little baby
growing inside of me. My grandma ended up being there, and even though
she's queen blabbermouth, we told them. It was too perfect they were all
there at one time. Obviously, they are super excited. We leave for VA this week, so we will be telling Julian's family then. I am going to try to do something cute to incorporate Eloise for telling my brother and sister but I just can't come up with anything that Eloise will sit still long enough for. Besides family, I will tell everyone else after the sonogram in mid-September.
Gender: My grandma wants Eloise to have a sister and my dad already predicted a boy. When I ask Eloise she says 'girl'. I reallyyyyy think it's a boy. We will find out in about 16 weeks :)
We toyed with the idea of not finding out but we just can't do it. We loved everything about being pregnant with Eloise, and I wouldn't change one thing. I loved knowing I had a little girl in my belly. So, we will be finding out for sure. I think it also helped Julian (and myself) to bond while I'm pregnant.
Due Date: April 23, 2012 according to all the websites.
Worries: The only thing I am worried about is making sure this baby sticks! I also started worrying about how Eloise will do with not being an only child. Obviously that's hard for any child, but I also think NOT having a sibling would be worse!
What I am loving: That excited feeling of being pregnant! It is such a cool feeling. I am really looking forward to my first couple of dr's appointments and seeing a heartbeat.
My first doctor appointment is September 4th -- the first day of school for teachers. I have the first sonogram and the first appointment already scheduled as well. Both in mid-September. I will start telling people after those appointments.
I am just feeling so immensely blessed. Prayer has so much power it is unbelievable. I prayed that I would be a first grade teacher, and it happened within the month. I prayed we would get pregnant quickly, and first cycle, boom. God is good :)
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