- Christmas time really brings out the little boy in Julian. I'm pretty sure he still believes in Santa. I enjoy how much he enjoys this season!
- if you have never read Two From Galilee, this is the perfect time of year to do so! It's the great love story of Mary and Joseph. This book really brought Jesus alive for me. I think I'm going to read it again to get in the spirit. I also plan on reading three from Galilee!
- every year around this time my dad does some grandiose thing like buy a soup kitchen a new oven or sponsor a Christmas meal at a church. This year he has come up with the idea to host a Christmas party for an orphanage. He wants to take them to his restaurant and serve them a meal and give them all winter jackets. I can't wait to be a part of it and hope his idea comes to fruition. Julian wants to be Santa! Ha, I can't wait to see this.
- Eloise went to her 1 yr appointment and she's 25th percentile for height and 5th percentile for weight. She had her bloodwork done to see if maybe she has an allergy or a thyroid issue. The dr didn't seem too concerned and thinks she's probably just going to be small. But, I can't help but worry. I want her to be perfect and healthy. She goes back in a month so we will see.
- Ellie girl took her first steps! I got it on video so that makes me happy! She takes a couple steps here and there but she isn't "walking" yet! So grown up!!
- I'm officially, no questions asked going back to work in March. I am also totally ok with it. Sure, I love being a stay at home mom. I spend pretty much every second with little miss and it's great. I don't think we have been apart for more than 3-4 hours (minus sleeping). I think going back to work will be good for us. My mom is going to watch her Tuesday's and Wednesday's and Julian will have her Monday's, Thursday's and Fridays. I always get anxious about money and Julian reminds me that as long as I'm working we will be fine. And I work for three months then it's summer!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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