
13 months!!

Wowzers - wasn't it just your birthday? I feel like this month went super duper fast! Anyway, these are some things you're doing at 13 months:
- You nurse only twice a day ( in the morning and before bed)
- You can find your nose, your head, and your belly when asked. You also like to point out these body parts on other people!
- You 'shh' duke when he barks! If I say, "what do we say to Duke?" you'll reply, "sh sh sh".
- I think you've been saying 'drop' to duke when he takes your toy.
-you are officially a walker! You took your first steps unassisted on November 28th and you gradually stopped crawling. You barely ever crawl now!
- you learned how much fun opening gifts is!
- you fall asleep for both naps without being rocked. Sometimes at bedtime, but not always.
- you are an extremely picky eater and it tends to drive me a little crazy. You have a hard time trying new things. You did try a cinnamon roll Christmas morning and you liked it!
- you don't like any kind of milk so far. I've tried rice milk, whole milk, vanilla milk and chocolate milk. What's been working best is sneaking a tablespoon of milk in your water. My plan is to gradually add more milk.
Baby girl, you are officially not a baby anymore! You are a toddler! You aren't big in cuddling anymore and you want to walk everywhere! I love your new independence (except during diaper changes). I can't believe how you grow and change everyday! I love you monkey girl!!
Pictures to come..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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