
Another baby?

No, I don't have any announcements... Just an urge to add to my family. I absolutely love the place I am right now with life. But, I can't help but feel a pull towards adding another child. Realistically, I don't think I am ready for another baby. But, when are you ever ready? If I waited until I felt financially and emotionally ready, we might not ever have more children. Who is ever ready to get fat, not sleep and leak breastmilk?

Sometimes I think Julian and I have a propensity to over think these things. We will never be that couple that just let's it happen. Before we got pregnant with Eloise, we discussed it to great length. We knew we didn't want a baby before I was tenured and we didn't want me to be pregnant in Hawaii. We discussed financials, responsibilities of who was expected to do what, etc. This discussion probably started in May and we didn't start trying until we hammered out all the details - in Late December. So, the fact that I'm thinking about it definitely does not mean we are anywhere close to baby #2- it just means the discussion has started.

(don't mind me while I continue to ramble)

Sometimes I'm upset that we won't just 'let it happen' but on the other hand we were totally ready for Eloise. It just isn't us to not plan. We think, we plan, we research, we prepare! It takes all the surprise out - but that isn't always bad.

This next pregnancy already has requirements set by myself and Julian. For example, we want baby #2 to arrive AFTER Eloise turns two. We want to find a church to join, and I have to try the work thing.

Just because I have babies dancing around in my head does not mean we are ready! Obviously :)
But with all of that aside, Miss Eloise is growing by the second. She is going to be one in thirteen days!!! Where did this past year go? I can't even handle what a big girl she is! Soon I'll be calling her a toddler and not a baby!! *tear* Crazy how time flies!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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