I have to say, being a mommy is the best thing in the whole world! But, at first, it's kinda hard figuring out your niche in this mommy thing. What kind of mom are you? What kind of mom do you want to be? There are so many decisions that factor into it all. Will you co-sleep? Will you work? Will you start solids early or later? And these decisions start even before the babies are born. Will you get ultrasounds? Will you get the flu shot while pregnant? Will you find out the sex? Will you have an induction? But what I know for sure is that no matter what your decisions, they won't necessarily be what everyone else thinks and that is OK. As long as the happiness of your baby and family comes first. Everyone has strong opinions on mommy things (co-sleeping, ultra sounds, nursing, etc) but no one else has your life. I have learned that my choices aren't always the best for everyone else AND everyone else's choices aren't always the best for me.
I am nursing Eloise past a year- is that a popular choice? No. Do I know anyone else who has done it? No. Do I care if someone else isn't doing it? No. I am comfortable with my decision and that is all that matters.
Am I a working mom? Not at the moment. But I will be in March. I think staying at home is great option but I also think being a working mom is a great option, too.
Sometimes it's hard not to think your choice is the best. And it should be the best - for you! if someone were to ask my opinion, I can only tell them from my experience.
Yes we planned to get pregnant, yes we found out the sex, no I didn't have an induction, yes I nursed past a year, no I didn't delay solids until 6 months, no she's never had a bottle, no I didn't work at all her first year, no I didn't co sleep, yes I still rock her to sleep for naps and bedtime, yes i do the majority of parenting, no I didn't give her the flu shot.
I've loved every minute of my mommy experience so far and I wouldn't change one thing- not one. I would recommend each of my decisions to someone but if they chose differently, I wouldn't care. Everyone has to do what is right for them.
Great moms come in all shapes and sizes! Just be secure in your decisions and it'll all work out.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone