I have never been a fan of the CIO (cry it out) method of sleep training. I have felt that nothing good could come from letting your child scream themselves to sleep. But, when you have many sleepless nights and days filled without naps you tend to change your mind.While we were in Virginia, we had some serious sleep issues. Besides the fact that Eloise would only nap in her swing, she wasn't sleeping well in her travel crib. Julian and I spent more than one night sleeping with Eloise between us. This was the only way she would sleep. I definitely don't recommend this and can't believe I even did it considering it can be dangerous and I'm a huge worrywart. But, desperate times call from desperate measures and a copy of dr. Ferber's book was waiting for me when I got home. His 'progressive waiting' method made sense. Put your child in the crib. Once they start crying wait 3 minutes before going in and reassuring them, then wait 5 minutes, etc. I was mentally prepared for this to be the hardest thing ever.
I started with naps. The child has been napping in her swing for the past three months so I knew this wasn't gonna be easy. I waited for her tired signs (eye rubbing, yawns). Then, I put her in her crib with a pacifier,said "night night, I love you" and left. She fussed for three minutes and I went in and put her paci back in and handed her a lovey. She fussed for about three minutes and then FELL ASLEEP! I couldn't believe it! She has done almost the exact same thing for three naps a day now. Granted, she sometimes only naps for 20 minutes but sometimes it's an hour and a half. Most of the time it's 45 minutes of a good nap. (even if she insists on lovey being over her head and driving me insane checking to make sure shes still breathing).
Picture of her napping on the monitor. I dare not go into the nursery to take a pic for fear of waking a napping baby.

Anyway, we are still doing our normal nighttime routine because we both still enjoy it. I nurse/ rock her to sleep. But I am sure when we are both ready to change that routine we will and it'll probs be no big deal. She's getting to be such a big girl these days napping in her crib. I am so proud of her making that transition without it being too hard on her mama.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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