
are two dogs too many?

I have two really beautiful labs, Duke and Maggie. We got Duke in 2007 before we were married and he is like a son to us. He is a big yellow bundle of love. He is one of the loves of my life. Then, there is Maggie. She is a sweet, kind bundle of energy. But, I never really bonded with Maggie. Don't get me wrong, she's a good dog. Probably a better listener than Duke is. But, she has seizures. We had it pretty well maintained with phenobarb but lately she's been having them more often even with her medicine. Now, add a baby to the mix and I can't even begin to describe to you how much easier life would be with only one dog. Can I have two dogs and a baby and have a good life? Absolutely. Could my life be much easier with only one dog and a baby? Yep. Julian and I are definitely dog people. We love dogs, all types, all the time. Before Ellie came along we always said we would open a kennel where all the dogs no one wanted could come and stay with us. Then comes baby, and we have a dog WE don't want. Well, I shouldn't say we don't want her. I would love to keep her. If she didn't have seizures and wasn't a puppy anymore. Here's the thing: I am putting up with my dogs as of right now. I don't get to fully enjoy Duke because you can't fully enjoy two dogs and a baby at once. The dynamic we have going isn't healthy for the dogs or for myself. I miss Duke. Yes, I know he is right there laying on the chair behind me, but I miss him. I can't pet or love on him without Maggie jumping in the middle. Maggie is a good dog, she loves walks and playing ball and is great with other dogs. She deserves so much more than her owner "putting up" with her. She should be the love of someone's life (like Duke is to me). I feel awful for even admitting any of this, but I have to be honest with myself, and thats what this BLOG thing is all about, being honest. I don't want to look back at the years I had dogs and not remember how much they meant to me. Giving away Maggie is a sad thought, but I know deep down inside, if we can get a good home for her, it's the right decision. Now, if Julian was bringing up giving Duke away, I would scream, cry, and pitch a fit like a toddler. Shouldn't that be how you feel about your family pet? I think "poor Moops" but in reality, it's going to be the most loving decision we can make, because we are making it for the right reasons. I will always have a place for Maggie in my heart, just not in my home.

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