My darling little princess is 4 months!! I know I say this every time, but I can't believe how fast time flies. This stage so far is my favorite. Eloise, you are such a happy little baby and you love to smile and laugh all day. I love making you laugh and daddy teared up the first time he heard it! It is the most beautiful sound in the world. Here are some other things you are doing this month:
-You love to play with your feet. You hold them while I give you a diaper change. But, you don't like to let go of them so I can put the new diaper on. You laugh at me when I try to undo your grip on your toes. It is sooo cute.
-You can reach for your toys (sorta) and hold them. You really love your block that makes a funny sound and Mortimer the Moose.
-You are putting EVERYTHING in your mouth and drooling all the time. Teething is right around the corner. You suck on your fists and your thumb and your fingers and anything else that gets near that mouth!
This past month your Aunt Keri, Gigi and all your cousins came and visited you. You smiled at all of them and the little girls loved holding you. It was cute to see you with your daddy's side of the family. They can't wait until you are old enough to play barbies and have sleepovers.
Also you weigh 13 lbs this month. The doctor was a little concerned that you aren't gaining enough so this next month mommy is going to feed you extra. Let's hope it works.
I love you baby girl! I can't wait to see what next month has in store for us :)
Eloise at 1 month:
Eloise at 2 months old:
Eloise at 3 months old:

Eloise at 4 months old:

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