The crazy and wonderful life of a wife, mother, teacher, sister, friend and daughter

11 weeks pregnant
I am almost at the end of my first trimester!! External genitalia are beginning to show and development into a male or female will be complete in another three weeks! That is one thing that I can't wait to find out! Julian told me today he was listening to a Beatles song "I couldn't dance with another" and started tearing up thinking about him and a little daughter. That reallyyyyyy makes me want to have a girl. But, as I have said before, I don't care either way. I want one of each so which ever I have first doesn't matter!! This week the baby is about the size of a large lime. This is the first week where I have felt like that is pretty big. I am surprised something that size is inside of me. None of my work pants can button (I have been using rubber bands to close them). I really am not liking the bella band so far, so I haven't been using it. But, I think a lot of my stomach right now is just bloat and no baby. I am excited to 'pop' and know for sure that it is baby making my stomach big, not just gas! As far as how I am feeling, I feel pretty good. I had some stomach issues in the beginning of the week but I think I have it all figured out now. I don't feel much different except some stomach pains here and there and can still get through my days without many complaints! Julian and I are going to Mike and Shannon to Tampa next weekend. We will be gone all of Memorial Day weekend. By the time we get back, I'll be done with my first trimester. That means I'll be 1/3 of the way there!! I can't wait to meet you baby Barker (Eloise or Chase)!!
10 weeks pregnant!
Baby is finally starting to put on some weight! He's close to .18 ounce and is the size of a small plum! The end of this week will be the end of the embryonic period and the beginning of the fetal period. Few malformations occur during the fetal period so it is very exciting to be at this point in my pregnancy! The queasyness has come back a little, nothing too bad though. I am still very tired and can't wait for that part of the pregnancy to be over. I haven't been going to the gym as much as I should but I know that this summer I'll be able to get there more. Julian and I have been talking more and more about baby things. We have picked out our stroller (bugaboo chameleon) and we have started looking at nursery furniture. We are even discussing cloth diapering. Julian says because I'll be doing the majority of the diaper changes that it is totally up to me. I can't decide which way to go. I mean cloth diapering is better for the environment, better for babies skin, less diaper rash, and it's way cheaper. But, it is more work, more laundry, and could potentially be more smelly. I just can't decide. But, I do think cloth diapered baby bums look so cute! I guess I have a lot of research to do. We are leaning towards Land of Nod furniture because "Baby Bargains" gave it a B (which is a good grade in this category) and their furniture is made by an American company which is always a plus. I like all white furniture for either gender. I also like a dresser with a changer top rather than a changing table. That way the dresser can be used for a while unlike a changing table.
As far as how I look, I go back and forth between being able to fit into my pants and not. So, I know that any baby bump I thought I had is definitely just bloat. But, my mom and my sister and I are going shopping tomorrow to start looking for maternity clothes. We are going to A Pea in the Pod. It should be fun!
The one where we pay $350 to find out that Maggie has gas
So the past couple of days Maggie has been having stomach issues. She had some pretty rough diarrhea and occasional vomiting. Diarrhea and vomiting were two of Duke's favorite things when he was a puppy, so I am no stranger to them. So, I handled it the same way I used to handle it for Duke. I made sure she had plenty of water, took her out as much as she needed (who wants diarrhea in the house?) and gave her a Pepcid. Boiled chicken and rice was next on the agenda. These few things used to cure Duke in no time. But, then all of a sudden Maggie's back legs stopped working. She couldn't really walk/get up or lay down. It scared Julian and I so of course we googled it. Google is a terrible thing because now we are convinced she is having an allergic reaction of some sort and is going paralyzed. Julian decides to call a 24 hour emergency vet (it's 9:30 pm). They say it sounds pretty serious so we have to bring her in. Julian, being the best husband and doggie daddy ever, gets dressed, carries her to the car, and brings her to the emergency vet. He calls me after everything was over (around 11) and says they took x-rays of her stomach and hips. They were afraid of a blockage of some sort and/or hip displaysia. But, fortunately, she is fine and all they could see on the x-ray was a big gas bubble. So, Maggie has gas. Lots of gas.
We knew that....
I guess better safe than sorry!
Maybe we'll move...
So Julian and I were offered a dream the other day by my parents. They really want us (well really just the baby I think) to be closer to them. So, they are willing to help us out in order to buy a lot and build a house. Julian and I are very excited about the whole idea and have already started playing on the MLS website searching for the perfect place. Building our next home is a dream come true. I can make it exactly as I want it. I mean, our house now is absolutely wonderful. I love our neighbors, the quiet street we live on, the proximity to the park, etc. It is a great size, we could potentially live there with two or three kids and be comfortable. But, being closer to my family would be nice. They could check in on the dogs when we went away for a night. They could babysit at a moment's notice if we wanted to go to the movies, or out to dinner. AND I don't want to forget about the fact that we could build the house EXACTLY as we would want it.
If I could have the perfect dream house here is what it would include:
* A big frong porch with fans and a porch swing so I could drink lemonade and watch the kids and dogs playing in the front yard
*A yard big enough that our front yard as well as our backyard could be used for playing
*A kitchen with an oven that has 6 burners and a warming drawer.
*A basement (now that I have one I don't known if we could live without one)
*TWO walk in closets (Another thing that we have now that I can't live without)
*A master bathroom with double sinks! It would truly be a dream come true
*A place where we could walk the dogs (We have it now and I am not willing to give that up)
* A patio to have a firepit
We have been searching in Middletown so far. I'll be updating as we get more information about what is actually going to happen. I love dreaming about it but at the same time I don't want to rush into anything and make a mistake. Where we live now is perfect. I love almost everything about it. It isn't in a perfect location, Point Pleasant isn't where we want to be forever. If we lived in Monmouth County I would be closer to stores that I would stop at, a Whole Foods, a very cool downtown with cute shops and restaurants, a Farmer's Market, etc. There is so much to think about...
If I could have the perfect dream house here is what it would include:
* A big frong porch with fans and a porch swing so I could drink lemonade and watch the kids and dogs playing in the front yard
*A yard big enough that our front yard as well as our backyard could be used for playing
*A kitchen with an oven that has 6 burners and a warming drawer.
*A basement (now that I have one I don't known if we could live without one)
*TWO walk in closets (Another thing that we have now that I can't live without)
*A master bathroom with double sinks! It would truly be a dream come true
*A place where we could walk the dogs (We have it now and I am not willing to give that up)
* A patio to have a firepit
We have been searching in Middletown so far. I'll be updating as we get more information about what is actually going to happen. I love dreaming about it but at the same time I don't want to rush into anything and make a mistake. Where we live now is perfect. I love almost everything about it. It isn't in a perfect location, Point Pleasant isn't where we want to be forever. If we lived in Monmouth County I would be closer to stores that I would stop at, a Whole Foods, a very cool downtown with cute shops and restaurants, a Farmer's Market, etc. There is so much to think about...
9 weeks pregnant
I don't want to jinx anything, but any queasyness I had last week is totally gone this week! Part of me thinks my body needed to get used to the new hormones and as it was adjusting, I was feeling sick. So, I don't feel sick and not overly tired like I used to. But, I do go to bed before 9pm every night. So the reason that I am not tired could be the 9+ hours of sleep I get a night. Besides feeling pretty good, I am slowly but surely starting to get back to the gym. It will be good for me and baby so I have to force myself! My waist is definitely getting thicker and I seem most comfortable in loose dresses. My bra size went up, I am now officially a 32E which is crazy! I hope that doesn't go up anymore.
This weekend is Mother's Day and I am excited to share the news with my whole family. My mom made a joke about everyone at McLoone's leaving once they hear Aunt Anne Marie screaming! I think it is going to be fun to tell everyone (finally). I emailed my college friends and it feels good to talk to Lindsay about everything. She had a drug-free birth with a doula so she is definitely a resource I am going to be using!
Besides Sunday being Mother's Day, this weekend Julian and I are going to NYC to start testing out some strollers. I really want a Bugaboo, so we want to go and see it in person, look at the different options and just get a feel for what we want. Julian seems just as excited about it as I am! It is so nice to have a husband who cares as much as I do about these things.
We have been going back and forth on names. Here are the options thus far:
GIRL: Lila June or Eloise June
BOY: Chase Anderson
Chase Henry
Henry Thomas
Once we find out the sex, everything will be easier! (I still think it is a boy!)
8 weeks pregnant
Well, the morning sickness has taken its effect. But, I wouldn't necessarily call it morning sickness. I would call it "late afternoon/evening" not feeling greatness. I am fine pretty much all day and then I get home and around 4-430pm I start feeling queasy. I haven't figured out yet if it is because I am hungry or because eating is the last thing I should do. It seems eating something very small and sipping on ginger ale and then laying down works. But, then I fall asleep around 7:30. I guess that is the life I will lead for the next couple of weeks.
They weighed me at the doctor yesterday and I have gained 1 pound. 1 pound in 8 weeks isn't bad. Even though I feel like I have been eating like crap and not exercising. But, I eat what looks good to me and I started walking again so I should be fine. Pizza seems to be my friend so that is what I have been eating.
My pants started to get snug in the beginning of the week. I couldn't even button my pants on Wednesday. But, then on Friday everything seemed to fit OK. I guess it depends on how bloated I am that day. I ordered the BellaBand and it should be here soon. I am excited to have an actual bump. But, I have read it won't happen for a while. I guess we will see.
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