* Brown Cow yogurt!! Mmmmm it is sooo good! I like the maple flavor- it's delicious! But, not the best yogurt if you're watching your calories.

* my slow cooker! Fall weather is my favorite to use my slow cooker. So far, I've made lentil soup, chicken and potato stew, chili and applesauce. I plan on using it a lot more, though!

* Lavash crackers from Costco with goat cheese and jelly! My new favorite snack!

* my baby food maker to steam fruits and veggies for finger foods. I'm paranoid of Eloise choking so I steam everything until it's super soft. It does such a good job!

*Frank's Red Hot!! I usually don't like spicy but lately I have been enjoying my food on the spicier side. This stuff is yummy on beans and rice and also dresses up pizza! My mouth is watering right now.

* The New Girl - this show is quickly becoming my new favorite! Stupid baseball has been ruining my Tuesday tv lineup so it hasn't been on but I can't wait until it's back!!
*Spinach dip from Costco (Costco seriously has the best things). So yummy with pretzel chips!!

* Bows in Eloise's hair! I love that it keeps it out of her face and it looks so cute. She, on the other hand, likes to take it out of her hair and hand it to me. If I distract her quickly after putting it in, I can sometimes get a good 10 minutes!

* My new Toms! Super comfy and cute! I saw baby toms and my sister brought up a good point - do they donate baby toms if you buy baby toms? Interesting thought!
So many great things to be thankful for :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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