-Time is flying by! I can't believe that it is already October, but I welcome the fall weather with open arms. I am sick of the heat and I am glad that I can wear jeans and sweatshirts.
-Eloise is starting finger foods. Well, maybe I should say she will use her fingers to eat puffs. ANYTHING ELSE she will not put in her mouth with her own fingers. Also, it is hit or miss with chunky purees. Sometimes she chews, sometimes she gags and vomits. It is totally frustrating. But, I'll keep working on it because I want to be able to cut up a banana and give it to her and not have to pack her purees for lunch in kindergarten. But, she has always done things on her own time so I am sure we will get there soon.
-I have started to plan baby girl's birthday. I have all these ideas and crafts I want to get done by November, so I started. I'm going to make a cute banner that says "Happy Birthday Eloise" and a triangle pennant to hang on her high chair. I also want to do a cute monthly picture craft. I actually gave myself a blister from too much crafting. Totes Ridic.
-We went apple picking last week. It was fun and Eloise got to wear her apple dress that my mom made for her--she was super cute and seemed to enjoy it. After apple picking I made applesauce, apple crisp and I am about to go make apple muffins. I found the BEST apple crisp recipe and it consists of Stacy's Pita Chips (my fav) so I was super excited. It was probably the best apple crisp I have ever had and Julian loved it so it worked out well!

-Gigi has made Eloise some beautiful outfits that I can't wait for her to wear! They are cuter than what you find in a store and free for me!! Love it!

-The more I play on Pintrest, the more crafts I find that I want to do. Kelli and Shannon are coming over this week to make a Halloween craft that include the kiddo's footprints. I hope that we do a craft for every holiday!
-I extended my leave from work until March. I know it seems like I am going to extend until I never go back but I really don't think that's how it's going to work out. I promised Julian that I would at least go back March, April, May and June and then that summer I can either say -"No, there is no way I can do this let's figure something out" OR I can say "Ok, let's get pregnant so I don't have to work much longer". I know it is going to be hard to leave Ellie belly and go to work everyday. But, it isn't the end of the world. I have to give it a try and keep a positive attitude! I can't say I hate being a working mom if I never tried. Plus, more money coming in means more vacations and *hopefully* a nice house in Monmouth County.
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