As Eloise gets older, I'm having a harder and harder time finding clothes for her (especially affordable clothes). I want to dress her a certain way and it's hard to find that in stores. I want her to look like a baby girl and not a big girl. I'm a huge fan of rompers and jumpers and bubbles for little girls. (on a sidenote, there are no steadfast definitions for above mentioned items -
I believe bubbles are closest to onesies but with elastic around the thighs and it bubbles in the middle:

jumpers are dresses with thick straps, you can wear long sleeves underneath and tights if the weather permits:

A romper is an overall type playsuit: (this is the exact pattern my mother in law uses to make all of Ellie's clothes, minus the smocking)

These terms are used interchangeably all the time by me so I tried to define them to make it easier.) Obviously, she will have to wait for next summer to wear bubbles again, it's too cold now!! I also like the 'theme' outfits. Apples and pumpkins for fall and snowmen and penguins for winter. Anyway, now that she's crawling I find that the cute dress jumpers aren't practical. So, mostly, Eloise wears pant rompers/playsuits that are appropriate for the weather. I can find some stuff at Gymboree but the older she gets the more 'teenage' the look. No need for graphic tees just yet. Carters is great for staples (sweatpants, pj's, white onesies, etc.) But anything else is just super common and you'll see babies everywhere with the same outfit. Baby Gap is great but again can get teenagery at times. Though, the clothes are made to last and wear incredibly well. Also, prices are up there - you get what you pay for. The other place I like to shop for Eloise is on Zulilly. It's a website with every type of baby thing you can find on sale. They carry a lot of the smocked and old fashioned clothes that I adore. I like 'candyland' brand and some others that carry bishop dresses and such. Zulilly also carries toys and maternity wear and shoes. It is a great website. Mini Boden is also one of my favorites! They have the cutest baby girl clothes with such sweet appliqués. I love little girl clothing with appliques and lucky for me both my mother and my mother in law can applique! But, again, they are very expensive.
example of a cute mouse applique at mini boden:

Lucky for me Julian's mom is such a great sewer and my mom is a pro at knitting! Gigi has made such beautiful playsuits and rompers for Eloise with the sweetest appliqués! My mom can make knitted sweaters and dresses and hats! Eloise has the most gorgeous handmade clothes wardrobe :) I just wonder what I would do if the grandma's weren't sewing? I guess I would be spending a fortune to dress my child.
Now, boys are a whole other story. I don't have a boy, so I can't say for sure how I would dress him. If you'd ask me now I would say bubbles and John-John's are OK until they hit a certain age/look. Once they stop looking like a dainty baby then it's time to move on, in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I love sweet bubbles and John-John's and rompers on baby boys! But, I also think toddler boys look super cute in shirts with Truck and Sailboat appliques. And who doesn't love a button down shirt and khaki's with a pullover sweater??
I can't wait to have a little boy and find out exactly how I would like to dress him!
Oh and in other exciting news---now that Eloise has hair (!!) I put a bow in it and it looked A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E and I can't wait to match a bow to every outfit! cutie patootie!
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