11 months!!!!! Wowzers, time flies when you're having fun! I know I say it all the time but I am so blessed to have you, baby girl! Your personality is the best and those dimples melt my heart everyday. This month was another big one for the milestones!!
- you said 'mama' but you don't say it often and it's never directed towards me - but you said it!- you said your first word! You say 'dk' and that's duke! You point to him and say 'dkkkk' with a big emphasis on the 'k' sound. We decided we can count this as your first word.
- you pull up to standing and then let go and stay standing for a couple seconds.
- you just started to cruise on the leather ottoman in order to get the remote.
-you love swinging on the swings at the park.
- you like finger foods! Puffs are still your favorite but bananas and sweet potatoes are a close second. You also like French toast, avocado, ground beef and carrots. You didn't seem to like kiwi, peaches or pears. Which is weird because you love pear purée- maybe it's a texture thing.
- You use random things as walkers. If they will move - you'll try to use them to walk.
It's amazing watching you grow up! Everyday I feel like you are doing something new. I love the stage we are in now, but I would be lying if I said I didn't miss my tiny little cuddlebug who wasn't so independent. You are the absolute best thing in the whole world and I love spending as much time with you as possible! Your laugh is contagious and your happy personality is amazing! I think you like to be funny and make people laugh - just like your daddy! Is it bad that sometimes I will try to will youawake during naptime because I miss you? probably...
Eloise at 1 month:
Eloise at 2 months:
Eloise at 3 months:

Eloise at 4 months:

Eloise at 5 months:

Eloise at 6 months:

Eloise at 7 months:

Eloise at 8 months:

Eloise at 9 months:
Eloise at 10 months:

Eloise at 11 months:
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone