
Sleeping Beauties

When I nurse Eloise in the middle of the night, this is what I come back to bed to:

Duke looks pretty darn comfy in my spot. Try moving a 90 lb lab at 4am.


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5 months!

Eloise, you are getting so big! You are so happy and alert all the time. At your four month and two week check up you were 13 lbs and 9 ounces. This month has been my favorite so far! You are constantly smiling and laughing. We started rice cereal and you seem to enjoy it.

Other things you are doing this month:
- you put your feet in your mouth and chew on your toes!
- you make all kinds of noises and seem to have a lot to say.
- you can sit supported very well.
- when you're on your stomach, you can raise your chest supported by your arms.
- you reached for me! This one is my favorite!! You only did it once but you definitely did it!

I can't believe what a big girl you are! I love being with you all the time and watching you discover the world around you!!!!

Eloise at 1 month:

Eloise at 2 months:

Eloise at 3 months:

Eloise at 4 months:

Eloise at 5 months:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


interesting links

Here are some links I found that I found very interesting!

This link talks about breastfeeding for the first 6 months. Everything I read previously to this stated that starting solids before 6 months was detrimental to my baby. But, this article has a new theory. I was so nervous when Eloise's pediatrician told me to start her on rice cereal at 4 months to help her weight and reflux. Now I don't feel so bad!

This link discusses "push presents'. In my opinion, push presents are a great way for your partner to say 'hey, good job growing a human and pushing that said human out of you'. Even if you didn't technically 'push' you went through major surgery and it is still cause for some gratitude. I love my birthstone ring Julian got me!

I love looking back on old journals and remembering what life was like. That is why one of these books would be great! I don't usually have time to write in a journal anymore, and I did used to do it pretty regularly. Having this blog helps me remember the important stuff but I would be interested to see if I could actually keep up with this.

I find I spend way too much time on my iphone in the middle of the night. Usually when Eloise is asleep in my arms but I am worried that if I put her down her little eyes will just POP right open. So I continue to rock and rock and rock. I am glad the fun things I find during the night can be shared :)

Happy Earth Day!

What a wonderful day! Earth Day has a way of reminding me of how far I have come in becoming 'green' and how much further I have to go! I try to buy organic and local when possible, I only use 'green' dishwasher detergent, soap, and laundry detergent. I recycle. I use kleen kanteen water bottles. I mostly use cloth diapers, we planted lots of trees and plants in our yard. We only use No VOC paint in our house. Julian sealed up our house to make it more efficient. But, I still have such a long way to go. I drive an SUV (which I don't think I could ever give up---maybe hybrid SUV next time), I use disposable diapers along with my cloth, I am not fully stocked with 'green cleaners' and I have been known to use (gasp) 'Fantastic' on my kitchen counters. I love air conditioning and I have way too many things plugged in around the house. But, today is a great day to choose something and make the change. We need this planet to last us a long time, especially now that I have a daughter. I want to make sure we have beautiful-ness around for our next generation. So, I vow to use extra cloth diapers and a little less disposables, stop using 'fantastic' and learn how to use vinegar in my cleaning and to get my mom to teach me how to grow a garden. The least I can do is grow my own organic tomatoes!

I hope your Earth Day is as great and eye-opening as mine :)



My daughter USED to sleep through the night....not so much anymore. Now she has been waking up at least once if not twice! Julian blames our pediatrician. She was a little concerned with Eloise not gaining enough weight. Since then, instead of hushing her back to sleep if she woke up at night, I started feeding her. Well, now she is really loving those midnight (and 4 am) snacks. But, I have also heard of the four month old "wakeful" period. Now that she is four months old, she is more interested in the world around her than with eating. I have read that this stage can last up to 6 or 7 months. This totally makes sense. She bobs on and off while eating, too worried that someone or something needs to be watched. She doesn't like to miss out! I am going to try to see if I can get her more focused on eating and see if that makes a difference. If not, I might have to Ferberize this child. I would hate to do it but we all need some more sleep in this house! Maybe I'll start slow with the baby whisperer but something needs to be done before I go back to work (yuck!).


25 things

I have seen a couple of other blogs that have done this '25 things' in the past. I think it is something fun to do!

25 things about me!

1. I love to sleep in socks. I call them 'sleepy socks' and they are warm and fuzzy and are easily removable if I got too hot at night.
2. My natural hair color is an ashy blonde-brown-gray. It's gross and I've been highlighting it blonde since I was in 8th grade.
3. I used to want four kids and four dogs. Now, I want three kids and one dog.
4. My favorite season is fall.
5. My favorite place for a vacation is pretty much anywhere with a beach.
6. I like beer. I don't really like mixed drinks.
7. I love to go to bed early and wake up late. Sleeping 8 hours a night is usually a priority in my world.
8. Air Conditioning is something I could NEVER live without. In the summer I like it really cold in my house (unfortunately Julian doesn't like to pay for this habit.)
9. I am good with change and usually accept it easily.
10. I despise cleaning but love doing laundry and dishes.
11. I love organized things but I can't stand organizing. I am a HUGE list maker.
12. I hate taking medicine and swallowing pills.
13. I have a hard time not doodling on a fresh pad of paper.
14. I am not grossed out by pee, poop, or vomit. Whether it be Julian, the dogs, Eloise or my first graders I am totally numb to those things.
15. I love to read and my favorite books are: The Twilight Series, The Help, My Sister's Keeper, The Kite Runner, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Pact...I probably have like 100 more.
16. I love TV and Movies and usually can watch anything and enjoy it. Except for Family Guy. I can't stand Family Guy.
17. I love breastfeeding!
18. If I could change one thing about me, I would change my eyes. I want to be able to see without contacts or glasses. (my cornea's are too thin for lasik. blah.)
19. If I could only eat one meal for the rest of my life I think it would be pizza and french fries.
20. I used to be obsessed with all things Britney Spears.
21. I can't nap. As much as I love sleeping, naps make me feel hungover.
22. I forgive easily. I never hold a grudge and I can't stay mad at anyone for longer than 1 day.
23. I really don't like confrontation
24. I am a believer.
25. I love wearing headbands, and as soon as Eloise has longer hair she will constantly be in headbands.