I have seen a couple of other blogs that have done this '25 things' in the past. I think it is something fun to do!
25 things about me!
1. I love to sleep in socks. I call them 'sleepy socks' and they are warm and fuzzy and are easily removable if I got too hot at night.
2. My natural hair color is an ashy blonde-brown-gray. It's gross and I've been highlighting it blonde since I was in 8th grade.
3. I used to want four kids and four dogs. Now, I want three kids and one dog.
4. My favorite season is fall.
5. My favorite place for a vacation is pretty much anywhere with a beach.
6. I like beer. I don't really like mixed drinks.
7. I love to go to bed early and wake up late. Sleeping 8 hours a night is usually a priority in my world.
8. Air Conditioning is something I could NEVER live without. In the summer I like it really cold in my house (unfortunately Julian doesn't like to pay for this habit.)
9. I am good with change and usually accept it easily.
10. I despise cleaning but love doing laundry and dishes.
11. I love organized things but I can't stand organizing. I am a HUGE list maker.
12. I hate taking medicine and swallowing pills.
13. I have a hard time not doodling on a fresh pad of paper.
14. I am not grossed out by pee, poop, or vomit. Whether it be Julian, the dogs, Eloise or my first graders I am totally numb to those things.
15. I love to read and my favorite books are: The Twilight Series, The Help, My Sister's Keeper, The Kite Runner, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Pact...I probably have like 100 more.
16. I love TV and Movies and usually can watch anything and enjoy it. Except for Family Guy. I can't stand Family Guy.
17. I love breastfeeding!
18. If I could change one thing about me, I would change my eyes. I want to be able to see without contacts or glasses. (my cornea's are too thin for lasik. blah.)
19. If I could only eat one meal for the rest of my life I think it would be pizza and french fries.
20. I used to be obsessed with all things Britney Spears.
21. I can't nap. As much as I love sleeping, naps make me feel hungover.
22. I forgive easily. I never hold a grudge and I can't stay mad at anyone for longer than 1 day.
23. I really don't like confrontation
24. I am a believer.
25. I love wearing headbands, and as soon as Eloise has longer hair she will constantly be in headbands.