Wow! Baby girl, you are growing up so fast!! You grew in my belly for 9 months and you have officially been on the 'outside' fir 9 months. Time is flying by. I am enjoying every moment with you and can't get enough of you these days. I find myself sneaking into your nursery while you're sleeping just to get a good look at your beautiful face. I feel like this past month you have really gone from baby to little girl. You love exploring and making others laugh.

Here are some other things this month has brought us...
- clapping! You clap to music or just because you're happy! It's fun to watch you clap and you love doing it. Sometimes when you wake up in the middle of the night, you start clapping to distract me from trying to get you back to sleep!!
- you cut one front tooth. It was a rough week with that tooth, but it's finally through. Now we are waiting on the other front tooth.
- you dance!! Along with the clapping you move around to music. It's SO cute.
- You can go from being on your stomach to sitting. You actually became a pro at this in 2 days. Now all you want to do is sit. When you wake up from your napa, you immediately sit up. Sometimes, it's been a short nap so I don't cone get you right away, and you'll fall asleep in a sitting position.

- you can pull to standing! Yikes this one scares me. You are still very wobbly, but you'll use anything to pull up. You aren't a pro and have only done it once without assistance.
- you can crawl for a second before you go back to belly scooting.
- you sleep through the night on occasion
- you splash in the bath
- you like to be goofy and make people laugh. You think it'd hilarious to steal my glasses off my face. Your other 'go to' to make others laugh is putting a spoon in your mouth

You are the best! So silly and happy! You fill us with so much joy and I can't wait to watch you grow up!
Dr. Appointment stats:
16lbs 7oz
27 inches long
Start two solid snacks with three meals
Three teeth in and three are coming in
Cut down to Nursing 3-4x a day
Eloise at 1 month:
Eloise at 2 months:
Eloise at 3 months:

Eloise at 4 months:

Eloise at 5 months:

Eloise at 6 months:

Eloise at 7 months:

Eloise at 8 months:

Eloise at 9 months:
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