These past three years have been amazing. I love everything about watching you grow up. It's crazy to me it was three years ago that I became your mommy, because I feel as if I always was.
Eloise as a 3 year old:
- wears size 3t
- loves Nutella
- loves to sing and dance
- favorite toys are calico critters, barbies and princesses.
- loves to carry bags of friends everywhere
- super sweet with Buddy (Henry).
- very compassionate towards others
- potty trained! You have accidents once in a while but it's not something that happens often
- still love "lovey and paci"
- starting to tolerate baths again-it used to be a much bigger fight.
- loves chocolate!
- goes to school two mornings a week
- still naps everyday
- wears a dress or skirt over everything (including pajamas)
- favorite show is little Einsteins STILL but you also love super why, Jake, Mickey Mouse, and Sofia.
- very shy with new people
- loves PINK
- loves to laugh and make people laugh
- not really into dogs. Tolerates them at best.
- loves to "nub rub"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone