
Eloise is 3!!!

Happy birthday sweet Eloise!!

These past three years have been amazing. I love everything about watching you grow up. It's crazy to me it was three years ago that I became your mommy, because I feel as if I always was.

Eloise as a 3 year old:
- wears size 3t
- loves Nutella
- loves to sing and dance
- favorite toys are calico critters, barbies and princesses.
- loves to carry bags of friends everywhere
- super sweet with Buddy (Henry).
- very compassionate towards others
- potty trained! You have accidents once in a while but it's not something that happens often
- still love "lovey and paci"
- starting to tolerate baths again-it used to be a much bigger fight.
- loves chocolate!
- goes to school two mornings a week
- still naps everyday
- wears a dress or skirt over everything (including pajamas)
- favorite show is little Einsteins STILL but you also love super why, Jake, Mickey Mouse, and Sofia.
- very shy with new people
- loves PINK
- loves to laugh and make people laugh
- not really into dogs. Tolerates them at best.
- loves to "nub rub"

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Henry is 7 Months old!!!

When did my baby get to be so old? You know how you always feel a certain age (ahem...28). Well, I feel Like Henry is 4 months. But, 7?!?! Wow, his babyhood is flying by. Before I know it we will be celebrating his birthday! Yikes!

Anyway, things buddy has been up to...

- he sits very well on his own. Hardly ever falls!
- No More Helmet!!!! We are done! It was a long 10 weeks but I'm glad we did it and I am glad we are done!
- he eats 3 "solid meals" a day. He is still in stage one foods and sometimes he doesn't eat much, but I offer three times a day. He seems to like bananas, pears, squash and sweet potatoes. He doesn't seem to like green beans or peas. I am not giving him oatmeal or rice cereal because I feel he had a little reaction. I'll talk to the dr about it this month.
- his absolute favorite is a peter rabbit organic baby food pouch that is carrots, squash, and apple. He eats the whole pouch for dinner.
- he nurses a bunch all day. No schedule <---- bad="" mommy="" p="">-He smiles ALL the time except if I try to take a picture haha! It's a really cute cheesy smile, too! He also Loves his sister big time. He is always smiling and laughing at her. He also loves his daddy and smiles at him all the time as well.
-- he is in mostly 9 month and some 12 month clothing! Crazy boy!
-- we have nicknamed him "Happy Henry" because he is literally always happy. Now, in the car, it's a different story. He is not so much a fan. He scream
Cries if he isn't sleeping.
-we are currently trying to drop his 3rd nap. We are in that awkward stage where if he took one it would be too late (5:30)but he's overtired by bedtime (6:30). I'm hoping to work this two nap thing because it would be way more convenient for life.
- he still only has three teeth.
- he scratches his head when he is tired.
- his eczema is back ugh.
- he seems to love Duke but doesn't laugh at him like Eloise used to.
- He Loves his jumper and will jump jump jump happily while I get stuff done. 
-He is 17 lbs exactly and 25% for his weight still.

I am just so beyond blessed to have the perfect little boy. He hardly ever fusses (except in the car) and he is so easygoing! I can't wait to see if this is truly his personality. He looks so much like Eloise I cannot even believe it!

(Pictures to come!)


I love you anyway

This is just something that I never want to forget...

Lately, before bed or nap, Eloise will say "goodnight, I love you anyway" and I'll say it back to her.

It all started about a month ago when we started reading Olivia before bed. At the end of the book the mommy says," you know you really wear me out but I love you anyway". And Olivia says to her mom," I love you anyway, too".

Eloise asked me what that meant and I explained that no matter what kids do or say, mommies will always love them anyway. And from then on she has started saying it.

I've got the cutest girl in the world!

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Citrus Lane Review

Citrus Lane is a monthly box company of the newest, coolest baby things. I was lucky enough to receive it as a gift from my sister right when Henry was born for three months. I really liked the products that I got, so I signed him up for another 6 months. But, I wanted to make sure it's worth the money so I figured I'd do a little review of what we get each month and if we like it and the cost benefit.

First of all, it costs $25/month unless you sign up for 6 months or more (which we did). So,for us, we are paying $21/month and it is free shipping.

Ok, so our November box included:

-A tug boat bath toy made by green toys
-a skip hop bowl
- a bumkins bib
- a sample size babygenics bath wash for dry/sensitive skin
- lip balm for mom by pur lisse

So, would I have spent $21 on this stuff? First of all, Henry absolutely needs new bibs, bowls, etc. So, I would be buying this regardless. Also, he has no bath toys, so that's a good toy to get. As far as bath wash and lip balm, I have my "tried and true" that we use. I'm always up for trying something new, butttttt, I probably wouldn't have spent money on this. My thoughts are that if the bib, bowl, and toy comes out to $21 from amazon, the box was worth it for me!

The tugboat on amazon is $9.09
The exact bowl on amazon is $12 but there are other designs that are cheaper around $8-$9.
The bib is like the bowl, different patterns for different prices. The cheapest I could find was $6.95.

Using the cheapest prices ($9.09, $8.00, and $6.95) my total from amazon would have been $24.04. It's a win for Citrus Lane! Plus baby wash and lip balm and coupon codes for other things from the companies that provided what was in the box!

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November is my favorite month! Something about it I just love. I love that it's still fall and not super cold yet. I love thanksgiving - it's my favorite holiday. I love the smells of pumpkin candles and apple pie. Eloise's birthday is this month! We are taking family pictures this month. Henry is getting his band off this month. Eloise is part of the preschool thanksgiving show and has picture day this month. We are seeing Disney junior live this month. The Barker family AND the Davis family are visiting this month (at the same time). I am just really excited that it is November!

I don't know if everyone has a favorite month. I know Julian's favorite is December. He is Mr. Christmas and loves it more than anyone I know! So excited for this Holiday season as a family of 4!

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