- I'm excited for Henry's helmet to come off bc it makes his head smell so bad. But, once it's off I have no way to stop his constant scratching of his head. But without the helmet, maybe he won't be as itchy.
- Henry's eczema is 99% gone. It's amazing. The doctor prescribed some cream she made up ( I had to go to a hometown pharmacy bc the big ones don't do it right she said). Within two days it was gone. Amazing. He has soft smooth skin. Yay!!
- Julian officially started a new apartment job where he leaves in the morning around 6am and is gone until about 2:30. He also works 9-6 every other Saturday. The kids and I have been sooooo spoiled having him home a lot. I feel like I am now getting the true stay at home mom experience. We miss him and his help around here but we are so blessed he is working.
- Eloise is back to taking naps again. Skipping nap wasn't working out well so she's napping from 12:30-2:00 and she's in bed with lights out at 7-7:30. She sometimes isn't asleep until 8:30 but she isn't fighting me as much with staying in bed *most of the time*.
- Henry is now on three naps a day. He also "eats" solids three times a day. He isn't so much into the solids but we are working on it.
- I am down to 112 lbs but still have loose skin. I'm ready to start working out. If only they napped at the same time, oh and if I could sleep 5 hours straight at night. I'm always tired. My goal is to sleep train Henry in December. But it always happens that if Henry has a good night, Eloise wakes up. If they both sleep well, dukes barking to go out and has diarrhea at 2am (this actually happens to me). I might never sleep again haha.
- I'm extending my leave until June. I'm excited to not go back to work for a while longer.
- I'm pretty obsessed with England's history and can't stop researching. I'm a dork but I love everything from Henry VI to the war of the roses to king Edward and then the Tudors and all Henry VIII 's wives. I need to go to England soon. Too bad kids don't like historical walks and such.
Those are my random thoughts
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
The crazy and wonderful life of a wife, mother, teacher, sister, friend and daughter

Happy half birthday Henry!!!
Henry is 6 months old! I can't even believe it :)
Here is what my sweet boy is up to these days:
--He can sit unassisted for a couple minutes. He usually falls down while reaching for a toy or when his sister is stealing a toy from him.
--He has three teeth!!
--He laughs, babbles, and drools a lot.
--His eczema is still bad
--He weighs 16 lbs 1 oz -- which is down to 25% for weight. But, I know its because I just started him on solids in the last couple of weeks where as other kids his age probably had solids at 4 months and are now eating more than he does at 6 months.
-- he's 50% height and 75% head size
--He does NOT sleep through the night. A good night is going down at 7pm and only waking three times before 7am. I talked to a sleep trainer and in theory I WANT to sleep train him. But, he is a very distracted eater while nursing during the day. If there is any noise and/or activity around he wants to look at it and not eat. He obviously is making up for it at night. It really doesn't bother me all that much because most of the time he eats and can go right back to sleep. With Eloise, I had to rock her for an hour before she'd go back to sleep in the middle of the night. At least it's quick :) I have to look on the bright side.
--He is in 6-9 and 6-12 month clothing. 6 month size is too small.
--He is almost out of his helmet! His last appointment is Nov 6th and he is officially out of it on Nov 20th! I have to say I am very happy as to wear his head is now so it can only get better. I am so happy with the company we chose and our experience. It was fantastic! I would highly recommend Cranial Technologies to anyone who was looking to get a Doc Band for their child.
--We went through a short lived phase where Eloise wasn't very nice to Henry. She would kick him or hit him and would have to go to time out. Thank goodness that stage is over and she is back to being a great big sister. She tells him multiple times a day how much she loves him and gives him kisses all day. She loves "Buddy". She refers to him as "Buddy" and hardly ever calls him by name. I'm not sure if I want this Buddy nickname to stick. I kinda like the name I gave him :)
Other stuff going on:
Our next couple of months are BOOKED. I haven't any free time I feel like. Between holidays and Eloise's birthday we have so many events. Some fun things to look forward to!
--We are doing Trunk or Treat at Church on Halloween!
--Eloise is signed up to do a kid's Christmas program at Church for the Christmas Eve service.
--We are going to sign Eloise up for ballet because she won't stop pretending to be Angelina Ballerina
--We are going to Cape May for a weekend in December. We are staying at Congress Hall, where my brother got married. They host a winter wonderland thing and have story time with Mrs. Clause and breakfast with Santa and a train ride and gingerbread house making, etc. So I am excited to spend that weekend with my family in one hotel room (AH!) :)
--Eloise's birthday party! Pirates and Princesses!
--We have a wedding in November we are going to
--We are taking Eloise to Disney Junior Live
-- AND my favorite holiday is coming up! THANKSGIVING! I can't wait!
Pictures to come...
Here is what my sweet boy is up to these days:
--He can sit unassisted for a couple minutes. He usually falls down while reaching for a toy or when his sister is stealing a toy from him.
--He has three teeth!!
--He laughs, babbles, and drools a lot.
--His eczema is still bad
--He weighs 16 lbs 1 oz -- which is down to 25% for weight. But, I know its because I just started him on solids in the last couple of weeks where as other kids his age probably had solids at 4 months and are now eating more than he does at 6 months.
-- he's 50% height and 75% head size
--He does NOT sleep through the night. A good night is going down at 7pm and only waking three times before 7am. I talked to a sleep trainer and in theory I WANT to sleep train him. But, he is a very distracted eater while nursing during the day. If there is any noise and/or activity around he wants to look at it and not eat. He obviously is making up for it at night. It really doesn't bother me all that much because most of the time he eats and can go right back to sleep. With Eloise, I had to rock her for an hour before she'd go back to sleep in the middle of the night. At least it's quick :) I have to look on the bright side.
--He is in 6-9 and 6-12 month clothing. 6 month size is too small.
--He is almost out of his helmet! His last appointment is Nov 6th and he is officially out of it on Nov 20th! I have to say I am very happy as to wear his head is now so it can only get better. I am so happy with the company we chose and our experience. It was fantastic! I would highly recommend Cranial Technologies to anyone who was looking to get a Doc Band for their child.
--We went through a short lived phase where Eloise wasn't very nice to Henry. She would kick him or hit him and would have to go to time out. Thank goodness that stage is over and she is back to being a great big sister. She tells him multiple times a day how much she loves him and gives him kisses all day. She loves "Buddy". She refers to him as "Buddy" and hardly ever calls him by name. I'm not sure if I want this Buddy nickname to stick. I kinda like the name I gave him :)
Other stuff going on:
Our next couple of months are BOOKED. I haven't any free time I feel like. Between holidays and Eloise's birthday we have so many events. Some fun things to look forward to!
--We are doing Trunk or Treat at Church on Halloween!
--Eloise is signed up to do a kid's Christmas program at Church for the Christmas Eve service.
--We are going to sign Eloise up for ballet because she won't stop pretending to be Angelina Ballerina
--We are going to Cape May for a weekend in December. We are staying at Congress Hall, where my brother got married. They host a winter wonderland thing and have story time with Mrs. Clause and breakfast with Santa and a train ride and gingerbread house making, etc. So I am excited to spend that weekend with my family in one hotel room (AH!) :)
--Eloise's birthday party! Pirates and Princesses!
--We have a wedding in November we are going to
--We are taking Eloise to Disney Junior Live
-- AND my favorite holiday is coming up! THANKSGIVING! I can't wait!
Pictures to come...
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