
28 weeks

28 weeks THE FACTS

--I weight 133 lbs.  The doctor says my starting weight was 116, but that was at my first appointment which I was bloated and already a couple weeks pregnant and I really don't think that is my starting weight.  I was weighed at the heart doctor in mid-July right before I got pregnant and I was 110.  So whatever, I'm up somewhere around 20 lbs (give or take a few depending on who you ask).  12 more weeks to go (again give or take a few) and I am trying to stay around what I gained last time (33lbs).  We will see...

--I am measuring a week ahead.  The doctor isn't too worried about this, because he says you tend to get bigger for each pregnancy.  I haven't gotten my glucose results yet, but they should be coming in soon. Isn't it bigger babies are at a higher risk or something? Maybe he is big..... I just highly doubt it with how little Eloise was that I would have a big baby.  But, who knows? I am really praying I pass this glucose test with flying colors ;) I don't feel like going in for the three hour one. Who has time for that???

--He is currently head down.  I feel so much movement all over the place that I asked Dr. Keelan to take a look. He said that no matter what he felt today, doesn't mean that is how baby will be at the time of delivery, because it is still a little early.  But he felt around and said that the head was definitely down, he seemed very sure of that.  I am happy about that and hope he stays that way!

--We seriously have NOTHING for baby Henry. Poor second child.  We haven't painted the nursery but we put a sample up.  I have a couple of outfits I bought and one my mom gave us for Christmas.  We bought a blue crib sheet yesterday at Target. Poor kid.  I have to really buckle down and figure out what is MOST important to get before he arrives and spend Spring Break getting it. I am thinking, a new first aid kid, bath supplies, the  Baby K'tan wrap, swing/bouncer, pacifiers, swaddles are most important.  Then the big stuff like a new pack n play and a stroller can be next in line.  So much to think about and NO time to actually do anything.

-- My insurance SAID they would cover a breast pump but I need a prescription from a doctor. Dr. Keelan wrote the prescription but warned me that sometimes they SAY they will but then for some reason or another they don't.  Oh well, I gotta try.  If we can't get it covered, that moves right up to top priority on my list of things we need haha.  I really didn't mind being the source of Eloise's food for the first year, but it would have been nice to give her a bottle once in a while.  So, I am determined to at least giving pumping a better try this time around.

-- Baby's name is definitely Henry Thomas Barker.  Other names we considered were Samuel, Jude and Brody.  We even considered Thomas as a first name.  But, there is a little boy "Sam" at church that has become a friend of Eloise and I just felt that the name is super popular now and that it would be weird to name my son the same thing as another little boy we see once a week.  I still love the name though...BIG TIME. Maybe next boy.  Thomas I love, but Julian and I both don't like Tom.  And Tom is pretty inevitable.  Jude is cute, but not manly enough for me.  And Brody is too trendy I think.  I really wanted to stick with old fashioned, or classic.  So, Henry Thomas it is! I can't wait to meet you little boy!!!

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