28 weeks THE FACTS
--I weight 133 lbs. The doctor says my starting weight was 116, but that was at my first appointment which I was bloated and already a couple weeks pregnant and I really don't think that is my starting weight. I was weighed at the heart doctor in mid-July right before I got pregnant and I was 110. So whatever, I'm up somewhere around 20 lbs (give or take a few depending on who you ask). 12 more weeks to go (again give or take a few) and I am trying to stay around what I gained last time (33lbs). We will see...
--I am measuring a week ahead. The doctor isn't too worried about this, because he says you tend to get bigger for each pregnancy. I haven't gotten my glucose results yet, but they should be coming in soon. Isn't it bigger babies are at a higher risk or something? Maybe he is big..... I just highly doubt it with how little Eloise was that I would have a big baby. But, who knows? I am really praying I pass this glucose test with flying colors ;) I don't feel like going in for the three hour one. Who has time for that???
--He is currently head down. I feel so much movement all over the place that I asked Dr. Keelan to take a look. He said that no matter what he felt today, doesn't mean that is how baby will be at the time of delivery, because it is still a little early. But he felt around and said that the head was definitely down, he seemed very sure of that. I am happy about that and hope he stays that way!
--We seriously have NOTHING for baby Henry. Poor second child. We haven't painted the nursery but we put a sample up. I have a couple of outfits I bought and one my mom gave us for Christmas. We bought a blue crib sheet yesterday at Target. Poor kid. I have to really buckle down and figure out what is MOST important to get before he arrives and spend Spring Break getting it. I am thinking, a new first aid kid, bath supplies, the Baby K'tan wrap, swing/bouncer, pacifiers, swaddles are most important. Then the big stuff like a new pack n play and a stroller can be next in line. So much to think about and NO time to actually do anything.
-- My insurance SAID they would cover a breast pump but I need a prescription from a doctor. Dr. Keelan wrote the prescription but warned me that sometimes they SAY they will but then for some reason or another they don't. Oh well, I gotta try. If we can't get it covered, that moves right up to top priority on my list of things we need haha. I really didn't mind being the source of Eloise's food for the first year, but it would have been nice to give her a bottle once in a while. So, I am determined to at least giving pumping a better try this time around.
-- Baby's name is definitely Henry Thomas Barker. Other names we considered were Samuel, Jude and Brody. We even considered Thomas as a first name. But, there is a little boy "Sam" at church that has become a friend of Eloise and I just felt that the name is super popular now and that it would be weird to name my son the same thing as another little boy we see once a week. I still love the name though...BIG TIME. Maybe next boy. Thomas I love, but Julian and I both don't like Tom. And Tom is pretty inevitable. Jude is cute, but not manly enough for me. And Brody is too trendy I think. I really wanted to stick with old fashioned, or classic. So, Henry Thomas it is! I can't wait to meet you little boy!!!
The crazy and wonderful life of a wife, mother, teacher, sister, friend and daughter

Wants vs Needs
With Eloise, I felt like I was so over prepared, especially at this point in my pregnancy. This time around, I barely remember I am pregnant, so I haven't really begun to think about the things we are going to need. So, I decided to make a list of things for Henry that we need. Some of this "needs" may look like "wants" but if it is super important to me, I put it in the "need" because it's my list and I can :)
--Boppy Pillow/Breast Friend pillow
--Diaper Dekor (but we do need refills)
--Nursery Furniture
--Activity Center
--White onesies
--Changing pad
--Crib Mattress
--Infant Car Seat and base
--Diaper Bag (I wouldn't mind a new one though)
-- New swing (Eloise pretty much lived in a swing the first couple months, which the mobile thing is missing and I don't feel comfortable letting Henry lay down in poop stains...)
-- New Bouncer ( Ours actually started ripping from her bouncing around a lot)
-- Activity Mat (ours is pink and green and Henry likes blue lol)
-- Baby boy clothes
--Baby K'tan wrap. Moby is great but too complicated to put on every time the baby is crying. I have a feeling baby #2 will be worn way more because Eloise will need my hands. I have heard great things about the Baby K'tan
--Double Stroller -- I am thinking a Bob this time. Easy fold, lighter weight, etc.
--Carseat Adapter for Double stroller.
--Crib Sheets and decorations for the room
--Bath Sponge
--California Baby Bath supplies
--Breast Pump and bottles (I am going to give better effort this time) I have heard we can get a breast pump through insurance but I have to look more into it to see what we actually get.
--Towel with a hood
--Co-sleeper for my bed, the one I want is Snuggle Nest. I ended up sleeping in bed with Eloise a lot and didn't get much sleep because I worried. This will take the worry out because it is made for baby sleeping in bed with you
--Another sound machine (Eloise still uses hers)
--New Pack n Play that isn't pink. What does it matter? I don't know, I just don't want Henry to use Pink stuff, I am not a gender neutral mom, sue me.
--Vera Bradley Baby Book
--Ergo Carrier for when he is older
--Kickstand for the Bugaboo
--Newborn Photographer (booked and ready!! AHH!! I love this part and I am so glad I found someone more reasonably priced than last time)
--New Boppy cover
--New lovies for Henry
--Boppy Pillow/Breast Friend pillow
--Diaper Dekor (but we do need refills)
--Nursery Furniture
--Activity Center
--White onesies
--Changing pad
--Crib Mattress
--Infant Car Seat and base
--Diaper Bag (I wouldn't mind a new one though)
-- New swing (Eloise pretty much lived in a swing the first couple months, which the mobile thing is missing and I don't feel comfortable letting Henry lay down in poop stains...)
-- New Bouncer ( Ours actually started ripping from her bouncing around a lot)
-- Activity Mat (ours is pink and green and Henry likes blue lol)
-- Baby boy clothes
--Baby K'tan wrap. Moby is great but too complicated to put on every time the baby is crying. I have a feeling baby #2 will be worn way more because Eloise will need my hands. I have heard great things about the Baby K'tan
--Double Stroller -- I am thinking a Bob this time. Easy fold, lighter weight, etc.
--Carseat Adapter for Double stroller.
--Crib Sheets and decorations for the room
--Bath Sponge
--California Baby Bath supplies
--Breast Pump and bottles (I am going to give better effort this time) I have heard we can get a breast pump through insurance but I have to look more into it to see what we actually get.
--Towel with a hood
--Co-sleeper for my bed, the one I want is Snuggle Nest. I ended up sleeping in bed with Eloise a lot and didn't get much sleep because I worried. This will take the worry out because it is made for baby sleeping in bed with you
--Another sound machine (Eloise still uses hers)
--New Pack n Play that isn't pink. What does it matter? I don't know, I just don't want Henry to use Pink stuff, I am not a gender neutral mom, sue me.
--Vera Bradley Baby Book
--Ergo Carrier for when he is older
--Kickstand for the Bugaboo
--Newborn Photographer (booked and ready!! AHH!! I love this part and I am so glad I found someone more reasonably priced than last time)
--New Boppy cover
--New lovies for Henry
Randomness of all sorts and 25 weeks pregnant
Let's start with what is going on in my life right now!
* I am 25 weeks pregnant as of January 10th. I have gained a total of 17 lbs (ugh) and I want steak and burgers with lots of cheese all of the time. I am feeling pretty good, but things are starting to get tougher. For example, carrying Eloise up and down stairs, bending over to tie my shoes, giving Eloise her bath, etc. give me all sorts of pains. Typical pregnancy complaints (poor me haha). I have the glucose test at the end of this month and it is also my 30th BIRTHDAY!!!!! I can't believe I am going to be 30. I am excited and a little anxious about it. I mean, age is just a number that gets bigger every year. Nothing I can do about it. But, 30 sounds so old. I guess I am old.
* Eloise is officially in her big girl room in a big girl bed!!! We made the transition over Christmas break. I wasn't sure what to expect from it but it had its up and downs for SURE. Let me start off by saying she LOVES her big girl bed. She tells anyone who listens that she sleeps in a big girl bed (she also always mentions that she can get out). She told me she wanted to take her big girl bed with her to Disney World. So, she really likes it. She loves her new room and has no interest in the nursery at all. She calls it "Henry's room" and really isn't showing signs of wanting to be in there. I was nervous that she would want her room and be jealous of Henry. But, that is definitely not the case. Ok, so as far as the transition.....
The first night I laid down with her in the bed to keep her in, she fell asleep easily, I snuck out (not so easily with bed rails and a big pregnant belly) and she slept from about 8:00-7:30 which is her typical sleeping habit. In her crib she would have slept about the same. I was ecstatic. THIS WAS GOING TO BE SO EASY. oh no no no, don't speak so soon silly me. The next couple of nights were disastrous. She would fall asleep easily but get out 1 billion times and wouldn't go back to sleep. Each night, I would eventually (after hours in the middle of the night of trying to get her to go back to sleep) put her in the crib and leave. She would cry for about 1 minute and go right to sleep and sleep until 7:30. Way to go, I need her OUT of the crib not IN it. But, I also really like sleep. I had Julian buy a lock for the outside of her door and told him we were going to lock her in (Mother of the Year over here...)
ANYWAY, so I had to go to work that week for the end of the week and I didn't want to deal with a child who doesn't sleep and getting up early for work. So we went full time back to the crib for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Each night she would scream/cry that she wanted her big girl bed and I would just tell her that she couldn't go in her big girl bed because she got out and she has to sleep there all night or else she sleeps in "Henry's Crib". She calls it that now.
So, Then it was Friday night and I figured I didn't have to get up early so I could handle trying again. This time I didn't lay with her. I stayed in the room on a chair (like I would when she was in her crib) and she fell asleep easily (falling asleep has never really been her problem). I barely slept that night because I was so nervous. Well, at 11:30 she woke up and came and got me, with about 1 million of her stuffed friends. She could barely walk across the hall carrying her entourage. But, I told her she had to go back to sleep like a big girl, gave her a kiss, tucked her back in, and left. She went back to bed and woke up at like 6-6:30. Ok, this I could handle. She repeated this for the next couple of nights. Then, these last couple of nights she has been sleeping through the night without getting up at the 11:30-12:00 range but waking up FOR THE DAY at 5:15. Whew. I am tired. But, I will take it. She sleeps from 7:30-5:15 and she is in her big girl bed. It's still only the first full week we have been doing this, so who knows what will happen next. But, I am pretty pumped that we have made it this far. No more crib for babygirl. As Eloise would say, "I am not a baby, I'm a big girl".
*My last day of work is going to be April 2nd. It is a Tuesday! The countdown in officially on :) I am using all my sick days and my 12 weeks of Family Leave Act and that gives us benefits until the beginning of October. Then I took no pay/no benefit leave until January 30. I can always extend again, but I have to see where we are financially and everything before I go jumping to conclusions. I am so excited to have this time off with my babies, but I know that having a secure job to go back to whenever I need it, is really an amazing blessing. Also, having my mom watch Eloise rules. She loves Nan so much and Nan takes her to art class, gym class, and swimming. NAN GETS IN THE POOL AND SWIMS WITH MOMMY AND ME SWIM CLASS. Nan's the best! I hate getting in the pool for mommy and me swim so I am super excited that Eloise gets to have loads of fun and Nan is enjoying herself too! I even asked my mom if she will still come and take Eloise to her classes on MWF once Henry is born. She said she would. I am so happy, because I don't want having a new baby to mess with Eloise's fun. I know so much is going to change for her, and of course, I am worried about that. But, at least I can keep something the same.
* I am 25 weeks pregnant as of January 10th. I have gained a total of 17 lbs (ugh) and I want steak and burgers with lots of cheese all of the time. I am feeling pretty good, but things are starting to get tougher. For example, carrying Eloise up and down stairs, bending over to tie my shoes, giving Eloise her bath, etc. give me all sorts of pains. Typical pregnancy complaints (poor me haha). I have the glucose test at the end of this month and it is also my 30th BIRTHDAY!!!!! I can't believe I am going to be 30. I am excited and a little anxious about it. I mean, age is just a number that gets bigger every year. Nothing I can do about it. But, 30 sounds so old. I guess I am old.
* Eloise is officially in her big girl room in a big girl bed!!! We made the transition over Christmas break. I wasn't sure what to expect from it but it had its up and downs for SURE. Let me start off by saying she LOVES her big girl bed. She tells anyone who listens that she sleeps in a big girl bed (she also always mentions that she can get out). She told me she wanted to take her big girl bed with her to Disney World. So, she really likes it. She loves her new room and has no interest in the nursery at all. She calls it "Henry's room" and really isn't showing signs of wanting to be in there. I was nervous that she would want her room and be jealous of Henry. But, that is definitely not the case. Ok, so as far as the transition.....
The first night I laid down with her in the bed to keep her in, she fell asleep easily, I snuck out (not so easily with bed rails and a big pregnant belly) and she slept from about 8:00-7:30 which is her typical sleeping habit. In her crib she would have slept about the same. I was ecstatic. THIS WAS GOING TO BE SO EASY. oh no no no, don't speak so soon silly me. The next couple of nights were disastrous. She would fall asleep easily but get out 1 billion times and wouldn't go back to sleep. Each night, I would eventually (after hours in the middle of the night of trying to get her to go back to sleep) put her in the crib and leave. She would cry for about 1 minute and go right to sleep and sleep until 7:30. Way to go, I need her OUT of the crib not IN it. But, I also really like sleep. I had Julian buy a lock for the outside of her door and told him we were going to lock her in (Mother of the Year over here...)
ANYWAY, so I had to go to work that week for the end of the week and I didn't want to deal with a child who doesn't sleep and getting up early for work. So we went full time back to the crib for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Each night she would scream/cry that she wanted her big girl bed and I would just tell her that she couldn't go in her big girl bed because she got out and she has to sleep there all night or else she sleeps in "Henry's Crib". She calls it that now.
So, Then it was Friday night and I figured I didn't have to get up early so I could handle trying again. This time I didn't lay with her. I stayed in the room on a chair (like I would when she was in her crib) and she fell asleep easily (falling asleep has never really been her problem). I barely slept that night because I was so nervous. Well, at 11:30 she woke up and came and got me, with about 1 million of her stuffed friends. She could barely walk across the hall carrying her entourage. But, I told her she had to go back to sleep like a big girl, gave her a kiss, tucked her back in, and left. She went back to bed and woke up at like 6-6:30. Ok, this I could handle. She repeated this for the next couple of nights. Then, these last couple of nights she has been sleeping through the night without getting up at the 11:30-12:00 range but waking up FOR THE DAY at 5:15. Whew. I am tired. But, I will take it. She sleeps from 7:30-5:15 and she is in her big girl bed. It's still only the first full week we have been doing this, so who knows what will happen next. But, I am pretty pumped that we have made it this far. No more crib for babygirl. As Eloise would say, "I am not a baby, I'm a big girl".
*My last day of work is going to be April 2nd. It is a Tuesday! The countdown in officially on :) I am using all my sick days and my 12 weeks of Family Leave Act and that gives us benefits until the beginning of October. Then I took no pay/no benefit leave until January 30. I can always extend again, but I have to see where we are financially and everything before I go jumping to conclusions. I am so excited to have this time off with my babies, but I know that having a secure job to go back to whenever I need it, is really an amazing blessing. Also, having my mom watch Eloise rules. She loves Nan so much and Nan takes her to art class, gym class, and swimming. NAN GETS IN THE POOL AND SWIMS WITH MOMMY AND ME SWIM CLASS. Nan's the best! I hate getting in the pool for mommy and me swim so I am super excited that Eloise gets to have loads of fun and Nan is enjoying herself too! I even asked my mom if she will still come and take Eloise to her classes on MWF once Henry is born. She said she would. I am so happy, because I don't want having a new baby to mess with Eloise's fun. I know so much is going to change for her, and of course, I am worried about that. But, at least I can keep something the same.
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