I must say, the second birthday is way more fun than the big first birthday! She knew it was her birthday, she knows about presents, and she sure knows about cake. Eloise was so fun on her birthday and I can't believe I have a two year old!!!
All about Eloise at 2:
- she can pretty much say anything. Her vocabulary is really big and she can hold a conversation. It's amazing to me what she comprehends and remembers and how she can have a back and forth conversation.
- she still does not like to eat. She likes cheese, chocolate, apples, grapes, bananas, buttered bread, Mac and cheese and chicken nuggets. She also likes peas, yogurt, kefir, bagels with cream cheese, French toast, oatmeal and French fries. Spaghetti is a new fav lately.
- she doesn't like sharing at all. Especially her toys. I think a new sibling might help there...
- she can spell her name and count to 14, she knows her colors and shapes
- she can say the alphabet and sing twinkle twinkle and itsy bitsy
- she is potty training!!! She wears pull ups and will go in the potty! She doesn't necessarily tell me when she has to go, but when I put her on it, she'll go. It's just the beginning but I'm excited for the progress we have made. We just started after we got back from Disney so it's only been a little while. She is getting there!
- she has started to attempt the climb out of the crib thing. Not fun! We have her big girl bed, but we don't really have time to put it together and do her room until over break. We might have to get a jump on that sooner!
- she loves to wear princess dresses and tutus and begs us everyday to the point of tears to wear just that. So, most of the time, that's what she has on.
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The crazy and wonderful life of a wife, mother, teacher, sister, friend and daughter

Disney Vacation 2012!
It was such an amazing trip! I am so glad we did it. It was so worth every penny spent to watch Eloise light up every time she met Mickey, Minnie, a princess, etc.
It was amazing to watch her interact with the characters and not be scared. We are already planning a trip for 2014!!
Here are the things that we did that we would definitely do again and things we would change for next trip...
- Rent a stroller from Orlando Stroller Company!!!! You pick a time and day and they drop it off at your resort and it was cheaper than renting at the parks! Plus the stroller was really nice and lightweight. Two out of the three days at the park, Eloise napped in it. I am definitely renting from them again! It was comfortable for her, and reclined but also lightweight and easy to fold up and carry on the bus. Everyone at Disney rents from them, the same stroller is all over the parks. I might even buy the double once baby #2 comes!
- Stay in a suite! I know it's just a place to sleep, but the extra room makes it very nice! We loved our resort (Art of Animation) and I would stay here again in a heartbeat. We do want to try out different places, so we might stay somewhere else next time, but I wouldn't mind staying here again. It is a value resort but very nice! There were three different buildings that had suites and one building with regular rooms, each with a different theme. We stayed in Lion King but I know that Julian wants to stay in Cars next time we stay there :)
- Mickeys Backyard BBQ!! We did this for dinner our first night and Eloise got to dance with Minnie and she got a hug and a kiss from her. She was so excited, it made Julian and I tear up! So sweet! It was a great way to meet some characters.
- Spend nap time going around the world in Epcot. No kid likes that part, but it's cool as an adult and it takes a while to get all the way around. Eloise napped for about two hours while Julian and I strolled the streets. It was super nice and missy got a nice nap. Then, once she woke up, we headed over to future world in Epcot where she met some more characters and could go on some rides! Figment is scarier than it used to be and we will definitely skip this one until she is older.
- Skipping animal kingdom! We spent one morning here but it defintely wasn't worth it if you dont' have the time. It was a nice morning to stroll around, but there were other places I could have gone. I had never been to Animal Kingdom before and I don't really see the draw. I guess there are some cool roller coasters but I couldn't go on them anyway, so with young children, there are better things to do.
- Eat more lunches in our hotel. I didn't mind eating lunch out before we strolled around Epcot while she napped. But, for the most part, I would prefer if she napped in the hotel. There aren't too many places I would want to walk miles while she napped (Epcot being the exception). It was nice to come back, eat a *cheaper* lunch, and then have her nap in the hotel while Julian and I rested and made a plan for the night. But, sometimes it is difficult to make it all the way back AND have lunch before little ones fall asleep. Disney is high energy and when she was crashing, she CRASHED HARD. She needed her sleep big time.
- figuring out the dining plan. It seems like a good savings, but we just need to do some research. We didn't do it this time, but it intrigued us. We will be looking more into next time!
Those are my recommendations and tips from our first trip as a family! I can't wait to start planning our next one! I told Julian I'd wait until the summer to start. I can hardly wait :)
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It was amazing to watch her interact with the characters and not be scared. We are already planning a trip for 2014!!
Here are the things that we did that we would definitely do again and things we would change for next trip...
- Rent a stroller from Orlando Stroller Company!!!! You pick a time and day and they drop it off at your resort and it was cheaper than renting at the parks! Plus the stroller was really nice and lightweight. Two out of the three days at the park, Eloise napped in it. I am definitely renting from them again! It was comfortable for her, and reclined but also lightweight and easy to fold up and carry on the bus. Everyone at Disney rents from them, the same stroller is all over the parks. I might even buy the double once baby #2 comes!
- Stay in a suite! I know it's just a place to sleep, but the extra room makes it very nice! We loved our resort (Art of Animation) and I would stay here again in a heartbeat. We do want to try out different places, so we might stay somewhere else next time, but I wouldn't mind staying here again. It is a value resort but very nice! There were three different buildings that had suites and one building with regular rooms, each with a different theme. We stayed in Lion King but I know that Julian wants to stay in Cars next time we stay there :)
- Mickeys Backyard BBQ!! We did this for dinner our first night and Eloise got to dance with Minnie and she got a hug and a kiss from her. She was so excited, it made Julian and I tear up! So sweet! It was a great way to meet some characters.
- Spend nap time going around the world in Epcot. No kid likes that part, but it's cool as an adult and it takes a while to get all the way around. Eloise napped for about two hours while Julian and I strolled the streets. It was super nice and missy got a nice nap. Then, once she woke up, we headed over to future world in Epcot where she met some more characters and could go on some rides! Figment is scarier than it used to be and we will definitely skip this one until she is older.
- Skipping animal kingdom! We spent one morning here but it defintely wasn't worth it if you dont' have the time. It was a nice morning to stroll around, but there were other places I could have gone. I had never been to Animal Kingdom before and I don't really see the draw. I guess there are some cool roller coasters but I couldn't go on them anyway, so with young children, there are better things to do.
- Eat more lunches in our hotel. I didn't mind eating lunch out before we strolled around Epcot while she napped. But, for the most part, I would prefer if she napped in the hotel. There aren't too many places I would want to walk miles while she napped (Epcot being the exception). It was nice to come back, eat a *cheaper* lunch, and then have her nap in the hotel while Julian and I rested and made a plan for the night. But, sometimes it is difficult to make it all the way back AND have lunch before little ones fall asleep. Disney is high energy and when she was crashing, she CRASHED HARD. She needed her sleep big time.
- figuring out the dining plan. It seems like a good savings, but we just need to do some research. We didn't do it this time, but it intrigued us. We will be looking more into next time!
Those are my recommendations and tips from our first trip as a family! I can't wait to start planning our next one! I told Julian I'd wait until the summer to start. I can hardly wait :)
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Lots going on!
I can't believe that in the wake of all this craziness that is our life right now, we are living for Disney tomorrow! A few things...
- Superstorm Sandy was nuts. My parents FINALLY got to go into their house for an hour or two today to get clothes and necessities. That's right-- they had a couple things with them when they evacuated on SUNDAY. It has been over a week (9 days to be exact) before they were allowed to get in to their house to get winter jackets, hats, clothes, etc. They are not allowed to live there for at least 4 months. But, as usual, they have a good attitude about the whole thing and have not once complained. I am so very proud of how they are handling their situation. People who have suffered way less because of this storm seem to be complaining way more, and I am just happy that they always look on the bright side. Although homeless, they are still joking and happy go lucky.
-We left and went to VA for a couple days while we didn't have power. Our poor town was really hit hard, but fortunately, our house really made out well. Most of our town is still without power but we are so very blessed to have it now. Julian had a couple trees he had to fix, but besides that everything was good. We were just without power, and we heard a rumor it was going to take a week. A week without power plus a toddler = we left. Thank goodness we have family in VA who were happy to take us. It was a good visit with heat and hot water! Plus, Eloise got to experience Halloween with her cousins!! She absolutely loved it and carries a basket around the house saying 'trick or treat' and demanding candy. She was the cutest Tinker bell ever!


- Tomorrow we leave for Disney! I am a little nervous for the flight but we have Eloise's favorite movie (Cinderella) and TV shows (little Einsteins and Mickey Mouse clubhouse) on the iPad and also a couple books and some pop pops (lollipops). She Should be entertained enough during the flight!
There are a couple things I'm excited about for Disney....
1. We rented a stroller through an outside company that drops it off and picks it up at our resort. I'm excited to see how this works out. We got a city mini and it wasn't expensive so I hope it works out well so we can do it again next time!
2. We are staying at a new resort for Disney (Art of Animation). It is a value resort but has family suites. We will be in a suite with 1 bedroom, living room, kitchenette and two bathrooms. If this works out, it may be where we stay next time as well. I like having space with Eloise napping and such. One hotel room just wouldn't suffice.
3. Character dinners and such. We have reservations for dinner every night at different places, and none that I ever remember doing before. Our first dinner is Mickeys backyard BBQ! I'm so excited to see how Eloise does meeting the characters. I hope she likes it because we also have reservations for a character breakfast Saturday morning!
- obviously I am not going to be able to hit my favorite rides ( I have a toddler and I'm pregnant) so I'm excited to just take things slow and do exactly what Eloise wants. We have three full days and we plan on spending the first at magic kingdom and the second at animal kingdom and Epcot. That way the last day can be a whatever day. Back to magic kingdom I predict but we could just walk around downtown! Who knows! I'm so excited to experience this with her!!
- Superstorm Sandy was nuts. My parents FINALLY got to go into their house for an hour or two today to get clothes and necessities. That's right-- they had a couple things with them when they evacuated on SUNDAY. It has been over a week (9 days to be exact) before they were allowed to get in to their house to get winter jackets, hats, clothes, etc. They are not allowed to live there for at least 4 months. But, as usual, they have a good attitude about the whole thing and have not once complained. I am so very proud of how they are handling their situation. People who have suffered way less because of this storm seem to be complaining way more, and I am just happy that they always look on the bright side. Although homeless, they are still joking and happy go lucky.
-We left and went to VA for a couple days while we didn't have power. Our poor town was really hit hard, but fortunately, our house really made out well. Most of our town is still without power but we are so very blessed to have it now. Julian had a couple trees he had to fix, but besides that everything was good. We were just without power, and we heard a rumor it was going to take a week. A week without power plus a toddler = we left. Thank goodness we have family in VA who were happy to take us. It was a good visit with heat and hot water! Plus, Eloise got to experience Halloween with her cousins!! She absolutely loved it and carries a basket around the house saying 'trick or treat' and demanding candy. She was the cutest Tinker bell ever!


- Tomorrow we leave for Disney! I am a little nervous for the flight but we have Eloise's favorite movie (Cinderella) and TV shows (little Einsteins and Mickey Mouse clubhouse) on the iPad and also a couple books and some pop pops (lollipops). She Should be entertained enough during the flight!
There are a couple things I'm excited about for Disney....
1. We rented a stroller through an outside company that drops it off and picks it up at our resort. I'm excited to see how this works out. We got a city mini and it wasn't expensive so I hope it works out well so we can do it again next time!
2. We are staying at a new resort for Disney (Art of Animation). It is a value resort but has family suites. We will be in a suite with 1 bedroom, living room, kitchenette and two bathrooms. If this works out, it may be where we stay next time as well. I like having space with Eloise napping and such. One hotel room just wouldn't suffice.
3. Character dinners and such. We have reservations for dinner every night at different places, and none that I ever remember doing before. Our first dinner is Mickeys backyard BBQ! I'm so excited to see how Eloise does meeting the characters. I hope she likes it because we also have reservations for a character breakfast Saturday morning!
- obviously I am not going to be able to hit my favorite rides ( I have a toddler and I'm pregnant) so I'm excited to just take things slow and do exactly what Eloise wants. We have three full days and we plan on spending the first at magic kingdom and the second at animal kingdom and Epcot. That way the last day can be a whatever day. Back to magic kingdom I predict but we could just walk around downtown! Who knows! I'm so excited to experience this with her!!
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