*This article I really enjoyed for obvious reasons. I find this article to be right on point. I might have put it on here before, but whatevs.
*I have been board approved to extend my maternity leave until 1/2/12! I am very excited about not having to go back to work in September. Lately, I have been praying that something would happen which would make me not have to go back to work at all. But, then I realized that it is the wrong prayer. I have to stop asking Him for things and start thanking Him. So, I am now praying about how thankful I am that I get to be home for this long (among all the other wonderful things in my life that I am thankful for). Most working moms have only a few weeks home with their babies. I get over a full year! I am so thankful I get that time with her. Not going back until January means I get to nurse her for a full year (a great accomplishment in my book!). I know going back to work and leaving my baby girl is going to be hard no matter when it happens. But, I have great childcare worked out (my mom) and I get all holidays and summers off. It isn't going to be the worst thing in the world. Anyway, I am so excited to be home for the time that I have with her!
* Eloise is super close to crawling and it makes me nervous. I feel like I have so much to do before she crawls. We have baby-proofing, I need a new vacuum (mine broke), we need to put up sturdy gates! AH! I am so not ready for this next step. I need to get on the ball and start knocking off my list of things to get done before she goes mobile. Plus I think the only thing she is going to do when she starts to crawl is chase Duke around and pull his tail. It's currently one of her favorite activities if he's laying next to her.
* On my grandmothers 75th birthday all her siblings came over to my parents house and we had a little party. I find it so wonderful that they always get together even though my Aunt Paula lives in Florida and my Uncle Ron lives in Massachusetts. Seeing them together and enjoying one another makes me want a big family. They are the reason we have such a big family. Each of them has four or five kids who have tons of kids. I love having a big family and knowing everyone.
* Eloise has been doing much better in the sleep department. I can't believe I am writing that right now, because last night was NO GOOD. But, in general, she's been doing well. She'll have one or two nights a week where she sleeps through the night. I consider that good. I just hope that before I go back to work, she is sleeping through the night. I know I had talked about "ferberizing" her, aka letting her cry it out. But, it is just not in me to do it that way. I am still nervous that she'll always be a bad sleeper because I am not strong enough to let her cry it out. But, my mom said she never let any of us cry and we all slept through the night eventually. So, I guess we'll see. I can't physically do it. So, let's hope she will be really thankful she doesn't have to cry and just sleep. riiiiight.
* Brooklynn Rae was born!! I am so excited for Kelly, Jeff and Blake. I can't believe they are a complete family now. When I saw that sweet baby girl for the first time, I felt my first urge for another one. Don't worry, I suppressed the urge pretty quickly. But, there are at least 2 more in my future (maybe more if I can convince Julian). I love having Eloise and definitely want more children. But,I find it's a fine line between filling my need for children and making sure there is enough of me for each child. I give EVERYTHING I have to Eloise. I don't want to have to take any of me away from her or any other child I have. So, definitely three kids (maybe four :)?)