
Happy 9 months Henry!

My baby is 9 months old! He is getting so big! It has been such a joy watching this little boy grow up. Here are some things Henry's been up to:

- he throws major tantrums if you take something away from him
- he is always looking around to see his sister
- he bites!!!! This is the worst. Not only does he bite to the point of bleeding during nursing (I am so over this) but if I am just holding him, he bites my arm, my face, whatever he can get his little teeth around
- he has 8 teeth
- he can creep in all directions and do 360s
- he can get on his knees and rock
- he says mama a lot
- he has slept through the night once. But he still wakes up 2-3 times a night.
- he eats purées really well. His favorites are apples, pears, sweet potatoes, and a combo of spinach, pea and apple.
- he refuses a pacifier
- he takes a morning nap around 10 and an afternoon nap around 230.
- he nurses 4x a day and a couple more times at night :)
- he likes to sleep on his side or stomach
- he has the CUTEST smile!
- he looks very similar to Eloise at this age

9 months flew by! I'm already starting to plan a birthday party!!!
I am so blessed to be this little boys mama! I could snuggle him all day (well until he bites me).

He is 18 lbs 7 inches and 25% across the board (except his head is 90%)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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