
Eloise is 21 months!

Eloise is a full blown kid! She talks all the time and can tell me anything she wants to. She loves to wear "pity desses" - pretty dresses. She likes her hair in a bow and to wear nikes. She loves bike rides with her daddy and playing at the park.

She is currently really into Peter Pan/tinker bell and Rio. She can say the alphabet and count to ten (with help on 4 and 5). Her favorite animal is a duck I think and her favorite colors are yellow and purple. She loves climbing on EVERYTHING and calling herself a monkey. If I ask her what her name is, she'll say 'Eloise'.

She likes/needs her sleep and can get cranky if she didn't get enough sleep at night. She sleeps with a blanket but only the princess blanket that my mom made her. She won't accept any other blanket. She loves bubbles in her bath and playing with play doh and stickers. She loves animal crackers, raisins and red grapes. She is not motivated by food and still does not love to eat. She will eat when she's hungry but if she isn't hungry forget it. She can drink water out of a big girl glass (no top) without spilling and she sits on our stools. She refuses boosters and her high chair.

She tells me when she has to go number two but we are still far from potty training. She doesn't get it yet. Plus whenever I take her diaper off she asks for her 'dipa'. She has mentioned she wants Minnie underwear but she doesn't know that means using the potty. She wears a 4/5 in shoes and puts her hands together and head down when it's time to pray. She also says "I love Jesus".

She likes to practice somersaults and jumping. She still is shy and takes a while to warm up. She hates to share and needs practice in that area. She can identify a circle and tries to draw one. She loves drawing with sidewalk chalk and says bless you when someone sneezes (sometimes). She also says please and thank you with prompting. She still faces backwards in the car and likes to sing Itsy bitsy and bibbidi boppiti boo. She is still in size 3 diapers but next box we buy will be 4! Finally!

That's my all about my angel at 21 months

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Ellie says...

Here are some of the phrases that Eloise is saying lately. This is the stuff I hope I never forget.
*When Julian is with us and walks away, either a phone call or to go to the bathroom, Eloise will look around and say, "Where daddy go?" It's her first sentence and she will do it for other people as well (Nan, Nini, Gigi).
* She will grab a bag or purse and say "bye bye Mommy". I'll ask her where she's going as she is opening the front door (thank goodness she can't open the storm door yet) and she will reply, "daddy work".
She likes to go in and out of the slider and say "inside, outside" over and over again.
When she dances she likes to say "erina" which means ballerina.
She says "sorry mommy" (or duke or daddy) when she bumps into me.
If someone is being funny and making her laugh she'll say "silly Nan" or pop or mommy.
She knows every princess and insists on naming them in pictures and getting anything with princesses on them when we are out.
Snow white is o white
Cinderella is Cinna
Aurora is Rora
Tiana is Iana
Belle is beastbelle
Ariel is ia which is also how she says Olivia
When something is dark or loud she will tell me " I scared"
If she is whining for something and I'm trying to figure out what she wants and I say "do you want goldfish?" instead of saying yes she says ok, like I just came up with the idea when in reality she was pointing and trying to tell me for 3 minutes she wants goldfish.
When she is hungry she says "I eat"

She can identify and name yellow, black, blue, and purple.
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