Can you believe Ellie girl is 10 months old?? I know I can't. I can remember that crazy Thanksgiving night like it was yesterday. I am truly stunned by how fast this year is going. Life before Eloise is a big 'who cares about life before Eloise' blur. I can honestly say I love everything about being her mother. Anyway, here are the things she's doing this month:
* she is a crawling maniac- she is fast now, too.
* she gives kisses. Well, they are her version of kisses and they involve a wide open mouth.
* She pulls to standing whenever given the chance
* she has mini tantrums if you take something she wants away.
* she eats some stage three foods and puffs. Boy, she loves puffs. I am pretty sure she signs "more" but she really just means "more puffs"
* she knows 'if you're happy and you know it' and she'll clap her hands
*I think she knows "itsy bitsy spider"
*she says dada but I don't know if she knows what she is saying (doubt it)
*She is pretty much over the pacifier. She never takes it for car rides anymore, and she uses it once in a while to fall asleep at night. Most of the time when she has it is when she wakes up in the morning and finds it and puts it in her mouth while she waits for me to come get her.
*Her hair has really taken a crazy look to it haha. She has a cowlick and it makes the back of her hair go straight up. HILARIOUS AND ADORABLE at the same time.
DOUBLE DIGIT MONTHS! I can hardly believe it! She is the light of my life and I can't wait to watch her grow! Everything about her makes me smile. She is always babbling and smiling, I just can't get enough :)
Eloise at 1 month:
Eloise at 2 months:
Eloise at 3 months:

Eloise at 4 months:

Eloise at 5 months:

Eloise at 6 months:

Eloise at 7 months:

Eloise at 8 months:

Eloise at 9 months:
Eloise at 10 months:

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