I understand that 100 things is a lot of things. But, I think it is important to always have goals in mind and keep track of the things that you have completed and are proud of. I tried to make this list attainable but at the same time challenging.
1. Implement a swear jar so I can stop cursing all together
2. Be thankful for 4 things everyday and write them in a journal
3. Pray everyday
4. Go to church at least 1x a month
5. Tithe
6. Read a fun story to my class 1x a week
7. Walk the dogs 3x a week
Read every ‘book club’ book9. Start an herb garden
10. Work out 2x a week
11. Donate money to a charity once a season
12. unplug my phone charger when I am not using it
13. Send postcards to three people when I am on vacation of a week or longer
14. Take a at least one picture every week
15. Buy 75% organic and local groceries
16. Research a Farmers Market in the area
17. Clean out the guest room closets
Finish decorating two out of the three guest rooms19.
Finish decorating my little room20.
Paint our bedroom21.
Get a really nice high-tech camera22. Learn to use my really nice high-tech camera
Go on vacation with friends24. Try 5 new restaurants that aren’t chains
25. Send a birthday card to everyone whose birthday I have in my planner
26. Send a care package to a soldier
27. Take Pilates at my gym
28. Pay for a stranger’s coffee
29. Pay for a friend’s coffee
Teach Maggie how to sit and stay31.
Take both dogs to the dog beach and take pictures32.
Invest money in an index fund33. Give myself manicures
34. Only run the dishwasher when it is full
Make our backyard someplace we can enjoy36. Buy handmade or charitable Christmas gifts
37. Buy myself something from Etsy
38. Don’t get mad at my dogs for things that are my fault
Tell J I love him everyday40. Sign the “No Phone Zone” pledge to stop texting while driving
41. Be genuinely happy for people in a situation where I might be jealous
42. Floss everyday for 21 days
When I do get pregnant, use a doula44. Try not to end sentences with prepositions
45. Make Julian a steak at least once
Watch 3 documentaries47. Make my own all-purpose cleaner
48. Write a good note home for a student that annoyed me.
49. Only use organic lotions
Turn off lights when I leave a room.51.
Recycle more52.
Seriously consider cloth diapers53. Read the whole Winnie the Pooh series
54. Only buy fresh fish to cook/ Don’t buy frozen fish
55. Eat dinner with my parents more often
56. Organize my kitchen cabinets/junk drawers
Get an I phone or some sort of similar smart phone58. Buy organic beauty products
When I am pregnant make a baby book60.
When I am pregnant get maternity pictures61.
Have a professional baby photo session62. Swifer the floors at least twice a week
63. Buy environmentally friendly candles ONLY
Switch dishwasher detergent to METHOD65. Drink two Sigg’s of water a day
Take a vitamin everyday67. Drink only one cup of caffeinated coffee a day
Be Team Green69.
Get new kitchen stools70. Try to understand that cutting in line is a serious offense
71. Cook one thing from every cookbook I have
72. Make my own granola bars at least once
73. Use agave nectar instead of sugar
Put pictures in my photo albums instead of leaving them on the computer75. Brush my dogs once a week
Donate the jackets in our closets we never wear77. Go see a show and out to dinner in NYC with just J
78. Rub J’s feet for no real reason when he has had a hard day
79. Use a plastic bag at least twice before throwing it away
80. Get plants for the indoors and take care of them
81. Go camping at least once
82. Go to a museum that I haven’t been to
83. Buy Lincoln logs to expand the collection in my classroom
84. Only turn on two rows of lights in my classroom, not three
85. Keep in touch with my college friends better than I do now
Write out the word definitely instead of using “def”87. Learn how to shoot a gun so I don’t get nervous with them in my house
88. Take tennis lessons
Get a new handle for our slider90.
Get a new screen the dogs won’t bust through91.
Get a rug for the living room92. Decorate the guest bath
93. Decorate the downstairs bathroom
94. Get a wreath for spring
95. Clean the outdoor furniture
96. Add more pictures to our frame gallery
97. Have a party where we send real invitations
98. Get our bathroom a new shower curtain
99. Use under eye cream every night
100. Make a list of things that make me happy