Henry at 2 months:

--He is a happy baby still! He only cries when he is tired and not in his bouncer. He likes to nap in his bouncer. This is different than Eloise. She liked napping in her swing or in my arms. He wants nothing to do with my arms or the swing. He is not a cuddly baby like Eloise was. He likes to be held over my shoulder if I am holding him, or looking out. He doesn't want to cuddle in my arms and if I do put him there he will get frustrated that he isn't eating. To him, being in my arms means food. He smiles a lot and coos. He says things like 'agoo' and such. He will smile in response to me or Julian and can follow us with his eyes.
-- His schedule is nurse, awake time, sleep. He does this all day until bedtime. Right now I am nursing him approximately at 7, 10, 1, 4, 6, 7:30. Then he will sleep anywhere from 5-8 hours and get nursed around 1-2am (depending on how long his first stretch of sleep is) and then we start it over again.
--He takes a bottle really well. He likes the Avent bottles and I try to give him a bottle once a week. I give him about 5 ounces in a bottle right now. The only way I have found pumping to work is if I pump at the time he is getting the bottle. I haven't been able to add an extra session in, but for now this is working. If I need more than one bottle, I might have some trouble. I have a couple months to figure that out. I am just happy he takes the bottle to begin with :)
--He favors his left side and is getting a flat spot. Ugh. This is cause for much worry in my head. But, he is going to the chiropractor and we are working on some stretches. When I look back to Eloise's 2 month pictures, she also had a flat spot, so I hope we can work it out and it won't end up being a big deal.
--He had VERY bad acne this past month. It started out as a little pimple here and there around 1 month and then turned into full blown acne all over his poor face. I finally took him to see the doctor a week ago and she said it was acne along with heat rash and said to put hydrocortizone cream lightly on it once a day. Amazingly, after almost a month of awful acne/heat rash, within two-three days of cream, the acne is totally gone. I am so happy to feel smooth baby cheeks again.
--Henry is in 3 and 3-6 month clothing and is finishing up his box of size 1 diapers. I am pretty sure he will be in size 2's when this box is up.
Other things going on :
--I am down to 124 pounds. I feel like my body is slowly shrinking. I had started going to my parents to work out 2-3 times a week, but with summer here now and traffic, and putting the kids in the car for 45 minutes there and 45 minutes back, I just haven't been getting there as much. I also try to work out during Eloise's nap time, but I also want to clean, do laundry, take a shower, etc. So I haven't been working out as much. Ugh. Oh well, I am still losing weight so that is good. My goal is to be 113 lbs eventually but that is like the lowest weight I have ever been in my adult life, so I would be happy with 115-116 which is my pre-pregnancy weight. Julian is sick of hearing me talk about it and is reminding me that it has only been 2 months and to give myself time. But, after 9 months of not having my body, it is hard to deal. But, I am happy with the progress so far.
--Potty training with Eloise wasn't going well. It was a huge fight, so we stopped trying. We are going to VA at the end of July - beginning of August, so I will try again after that trip. I am in no rush, and I am pretty sure she will eventually be potty trained :)
--Nothing else is really going on. We are having a very low key summer. It is hard to get out with both kids, and plan around naps and eating and such. I am just enjoying my time home with my babies, playing and having really lazy days.
At the doctors appointment we found out he weighs 12 lbs 9 oz and is 75% across the board.
Also the dr recommended to see a physical therapist because Henry has been favoring his left side - it's slight tortocollis (?).