I am having a boy!! I cannot tell you how excited we are to be able to experience each sex. Julian is sooooo happy it is so great! He feels so proud that he is going to have a son. I love having a little girl and I am sure I will love having a little boy. From what I hear, it is two totally different worlds, so I am really looking forward to see what a baby boy will be like!! Also, we actually *tried* for the boy, so for me, it worked. We did exactly what we were supposed to to and BOOM we got our little boy! I feel so blessed!
Anyway, I wanted to do a comparison of Old Wives tales to see which ones were true (for me) and which ones weren't....
Chinese Gender Chart: Both times on the Bump's Chinese Gender Chart, when I filled out my information, I was told boy. Eloise is obviously not a boy, so it was wrong there. This time, we are having a boy, so it was right. I wouldn't trust this test :)
Girls make you crave sweets and boys make you crave salty: YES YES YES!!! This is 100% true in my case. When I was pregnant with Eloise, all I wanted was ice cream and cookies and wedding cake. Wierd, right? I also wanted other sweet things like fruit or sweet tea. Don't get me wrong, french fries were yummy but I didn't want them all the time. This time around, I would rather eat pizza and french fries and fried chicken and chips. I still like cookies and such, but I don't really crave it. I CRAVE salty treats. This test I believe to be correct!!
Boys you just gain in your belly and girls you gain all over: I actually think this one is true. I didn't think I was gaining all over last time, but I was. Comparing last pregnancy to this pregnancy, I needed a bigger size last time in jeans and pants. This time, I am not gaining as much wait all over. I know this now, because I am having two totally different pregnancies!
Girls give you morning sickness and boys don't.: True for me!! I actually never had morning sickness with either, but I definitely felt more sick with Eloise. I was nauseous feeling and more tired with her than this time around. I thought I was pregnant with a boy last time because I wasn't throwing up, so I didn't have morning sickness. But, comparing the two, this time I felt NOTHING even close to sickness in the first trimester, but with little Miss I had my moments of not feeling well. I think this one is true for me!
Feeling movement before 20 weeks is a boy, after 20 weeks is a girl: TRUE AGAIN! I didn't feel ANYTHING close to movement until my 20 week ultrasound and then it was just flutters for a couple weeks. This time, I felt movement at 16 weeks and by 20 weeks I could feel movement with my hand on my belly. That didn't happen for a long time with Eloise. He's kicking and flipping all over the place and she wasn't as active. ANOTHER TRUTH (at least in my case).
Hair on your legs grows faster with a boy: True! I feel like a hairy man this time around, I felt like my hair really slowed growth on my legs with Eloise. This little boy is turning me into a hairy monster.
Butt gets big with a girl and not with a boy: Not true in my case. Actually it's the complete opposite. My butt did get bigger with Eloise, but this time, it is wayyy bigger. So this is not true for me.
Girls give you acne and suck away your beauty and boy's make you beautiful: I didn't get acne really at all with either pregnancy but I do feel prettier this time. Last time, I had pregnancy mask (which I have this time just not as pronounced) and I had my occasional breakout. This time, thank goodness, there have been no skin issues that I can tell yet. So, I guess in a sense, this is true.
Heartbeat over 140 BPM means girl and under 140 BPM means boy: This heart rate has been different each time, so this one has no clout in my book
So maybe there is some truth to those Old Wives Tales..
The crazy and wonderful life of a wife, mother, teacher, sister, friend and daughter

The Christmas Season
This is my first Christmas Season that I have been working in a couple of years, and boy it's busy!! I just feel like there are too many things on my to do list and not enough time to do it all! Ha! Thanksgiving and Eloise's birthday was a crazy weekend and now it's December and the crazy doesn't stop! Luckily, this is the good kind of crazy and everything we have planned is fun and exciting!!
Julian is back to work full time which makes him excited, and I am so happy for him! I just sometimes miss my house husband! But, it's been great and he seems so happy! Besides that, this past weekend we were busy! We shopped for a mattress for Eloise's new bed, had a North Pole Breakfast thanks to Pete the Elf (Eloise named him, not us lol!) and did all the inside decorating for Christmas. Decorating with a toddler can be challenging and we learned how fast expensive ornaments can be broken. But, we learned and she enjoyed it and asks for more ornaments all the time. On Sunday, our family was asked to do the first reading and candle lighting at our church for advent! It was really special and I'm glad we did it! Pastor Ray even announced that we were pregnant to the congregation and everyone was really sweet.
This week I have progress reports to do and we are finding out if Eloise is gonna have a baby brother or sister!! I still am 90% sure it's a boy, but I guess we will see if I predicted correctly! My mom watches Eloise now everyday (since Julian's back at work) and is trying to move back to sea bright. So tomorrow will be Eloise's first day back at Nan's house since the storm and we are praying she naps in a pack n play in my parents room amongst the crazy that is my parents bottom floor (workers/noise/George).
Next weekend we have the Christmas party up north for the children in a group home. Instead of doing gifts this year with any of my family (cousins/siblings/etc) we are all just donating what we would have spent and giving these kids a great Christmas!! It is double the amount of kids this year and we are trying to get them better gifts. Doing this is really making us see what Christmas is about! And of course, Julian is being Santa again which is hilarious.
We also have our town's Christmas Tree lighting. We missed it last year (by a day....yes we walked in the freezing cold to en empty park to see an already lit Christmas tree) I'm excited to do this and hopefully make it a tradition. It takes place in our park so it's close by and a fun little thing we can look forward to each year!
Then of course there are family Christmas gatherings and my friend's Christmas and the live Nativity at Church and a gingerbread house party I'm throwing for my class (ugh so much work but they love it). We have to set up Eloise's big girl room (I'm avoiding the inevitable) and start work on the nursery! I need to figure out my last day of work and hand in all the paperwork. Lots to do and before I know it, it'll be January!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Julian is back to work full time which makes him excited, and I am so happy for him! I just sometimes miss my house husband! But, it's been great and he seems so happy! Besides that, this past weekend we were busy! We shopped for a mattress for Eloise's new bed, had a North Pole Breakfast thanks to Pete the Elf (Eloise named him, not us lol!) and did all the inside decorating for Christmas. Decorating with a toddler can be challenging and we learned how fast expensive ornaments can be broken. But, we learned and she enjoyed it and asks for more ornaments all the time. On Sunday, our family was asked to do the first reading and candle lighting at our church for advent! It was really special and I'm glad we did it! Pastor Ray even announced that we were pregnant to the congregation and everyone was really sweet.
This week I have progress reports to do and we are finding out if Eloise is gonna have a baby brother or sister!! I still am 90% sure it's a boy, but I guess we will see if I predicted correctly! My mom watches Eloise now everyday (since Julian's back at work) and is trying to move back to sea bright. So tomorrow will be Eloise's first day back at Nan's house since the storm and we are praying she naps in a pack n play in my parents room amongst the crazy that is my parents bottom floor (workers/noise/George).
Next weekend we have the Christmas party up north for the children in a group home. Instead of doing gifts this year with any of my family (cousins/siblings/etc) we are all just donating what we would have spent and giving these kids a great Christmas!! It is double the amount of kids this year and we are trying to get them better gifts. Doing this is really making us see what Christmas is about! And of course, Julian is being Santa again which is hilarious.
We also have our town's Christmas Tree lighting. We missed it last year (by a day....yes we walked in the freezing cold to en empty park to see an already lit Christmas tree) I'm excited to do this and hopefully make it a tradition. It takes place in our park so it's close by and a fun little thing we can look forward to each year!
Then of course there are family Christmas gatherings and my friend's Christmas and the live Nativity at Church and a gingerbread house party I'm throwing for my class (ugh so much work but they love it). We have to set up Eloise's big girl room (I'm avoiding the inevitable) and start work on the nursery! I need to figure out my last day of work and hand in all the paperwork. Lots to do and before I know it, it'll be January!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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