
June Happenings

Nothing too exciting has been happening in these parts.  The beginning of June was pretty hectic! Julian's family stayed for about a week and although thats fun, it is also exhausting! It was nice to have breakfast and dinner made for me almost every day, though!

We attended SummerFest and had a blast! It is one of the things Julian and I look forward to every year, and it didn't disappoint.  I can't wait until Eloise is just slightly older so she can really enjoy it! She fell asleep while we were there in the morning. I guess she was bored. But, I don't think anyone else was bored!

But she partied in the afternoon! We sat and listened to the reggae band and she danced and climbed and ran.  She didn't want to slow down to take a family picture, but I forced her to, and she wasn't happy about it.

I took my last personal day and we were supposed to go to Sesame Place. But, it was raining that morning, so we quickly changed plans.  We drove into Philly and visited the Please Touch Museum which was very fun! I really love getting out and doing things with Eloise. She is at such a fun age!

Besides that, the school year is quickly coming to an end, and I am excited about having the summer off!  We have nothing really going on.  Her swim class has been over for a while, and music class recently ended, and her final gym class is this week.  I signed her up for a toddler mommy and me class, so that is all we are up to this summer.It should be a relaxing, low key, wonderful summer.

She had her 18 month doctors appointment and she is finally above 1% in weight! I am beyond happy about this! She is 50% head, 25% height, and 10% weight! She is 32" and 21 lbs 10 oz. She has so many words its unbelievable.  I wouldn't have thought her vocabulary would have exploded this much. She can pretty much *try* to say anything if we prompt her.  Here are the words she says that I can think of right now:
-NiNi (For my sister)
-ReRe (For Keri)
-Ia (pronounced eee-ya for Olivia)
-Rora (for Aurora, her favorite princess)
-Away (for go away, I don't want your help)
-ME (as in it's mine)
-she can do the sounds of the following when asked: horse, cow, dog, cat, baby (wa wa), elephant (weird?), sheep, lion and bear which are both ROAR.
-beep beep (for excuse me)

I am probably missing some, but that is all I can think of at the moment.

We leave the day after school is out and we are spending some time in Virginia.  It'll be a nice visit. It is Kate's 8th birthday and they are doing a carnival. It'll be fun to be there and celebrate with her. Oh, sweet summertime :)