
8 months old!

**Sorry this is late**

WOW big girl! 8 months has flown by. You are exploring and learning new things every day. You are a beautiful, happy little baby and I love spending everyday with you. You love laughing (especially at Duke). You love playing with daddy's Ipad and my Iphone. You like scooting around and getting into anything that isn't yours :). I still rock you before every nap and bedtime and I enjoy those moments tremendously. You seem less and less reliant on your pacifier and you tend to spit it out once you are asleep and refuse to take it back. Your smile is contagious and I just can't get enough of it! Here are some more things that you are doing this month:

--You creep in all directions. You are a pro at going in a 360 and backwards. You just recently started to go forward. Crawling is right around the corner!!
--You get up on your knees and rock for a couple seconds at a time.
--You started saying "BA" rather than just "YAYAYAYA"
--You have spent time with Blake, Brooklynn, and Ryan this month.
--You are in mostly 6-9 month clothing (some 6mo and some 9mo).

Your daddy and I love watching you grow. You make our lives so much better and sweeter and we can't even explain how much you mean to us. We are constantly discussing how amazing/perfect you are. I can't believe how fast the time is going. You are going to be 1 before we know it!

Eloise at 1 month old

Eloise at 2 months old

Eloise at 3 months old

Eloise at 4 months old

Eloise at 5 months old

Eloise at 6 months old

Eloise at 7 months old

Eloise at 8 months old


The Barker Staples

You know those things you have in your house that you run out of ALL the time? The things you eat on a daily basis? The things the majority of your grocery bill goes to? These are our things, the ones we can barely live without.

First up, chobani and granola

I eat this amazing combo for breakfast 75% of the time and Julian eats it about every other day. My favorite is the lemon yogurt with the fruit and nut granola! Yummy! I buy about 8 yogurts a week and we are always out just in time for the next weeks grocery trip.
Next most important on our list are my beloved organic apples (I've eaten an apple a day for years) and Julian's smoothie ingredients. These include frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries, a banana, flaxseed, protein, oats, and almond milk.

Julian and I don't drink cows milk ("cows milk is for baby cows" I can hear my mom now) we drink almond milk. The dark chocolate almond milk is delicious too!
Now, the Costco sized pretzel thins is barely enough for the two of us. We love snacking on these puppies all.day.long.

We also really enjoy tortilla chips and salsa. We have a debate on what the best salsa is (he says Costco's organic and I think Newman's Own) but we agree on the best chips! Costco comes through again!

Now, peanut butter is one of my all time favs. But, with all the talk about mold and allergies we eat a lot of almond butter and jelly! I even like almond butter and agave.

Right now I'm on an apricot jelly fix. That changes though. Oh, and I would totally take a spoonful of JIF if you waved it in front of me. I just don't buy it :)
Another one of our favorite things are cliff bars- the best granola/protein bars EVER! Julian is constantly going to Target to buy more. Yum! My mouth is watering!

I highly recommend all of these thing!! We couldn't live without them!!

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