Eloise's bedding from Pottery Barn Kids:

Barcelo Los Cabos
19 weeks pregnant!

So much has happened in the past 5 weeks! Julian and I went on our babymoon to Cabo, Mexico. It was amazing!! We stayed at this really nice resort---Barcelo Los Cabos--and had such a relaxing time. Then, a couple days after we had gotten home we had our anatomy scan. Both Julian and I were really excited to find out if baby Barker was a boy or a girl. We were both strongly leaning towards boy. I had a boy nursery picked out, I had boy ideas picked out. But, you make plans and God laughs so guess what?? We are having a sweet baby girl!!! I couldn't be more excited!!! I think it took Julian a while to get used to the idea of having a girl but now he is just excited as I am. He was thinking rough and tough ball playing/wrestling. Now he is thinking how to protect his little girl from all things boy. My entire family is soo soo excited. My mom wants to know when she can reserve Cinderella's castle because there is a two year waiting list. Eloise June Barker is going to be one spoiled little girl! Ellie, as we have been calling her, is named after Eloise at the Plaza and her middle name is my grandmother's name.

So much has happened in the past 5 weeks! Julian and I went on our babymoon to Cabo, Mexico. It was amazing!! We stayed at this really nice resort---Barcelo Los Cabos--and had such a relaxing time. Then, a couple days after we had gotten home we had our anatomy scan. Both Julian and I were really excited to find out if baby Barker was a boy or a girl. We were both strongly leaning towards boy. I had a boy nursery picked out, I had boy ideas picked out. But, you make plans and God laughs so guess what?? We are having a sweet baby girl!!! I couldn't be more excited!!! I think it took Julian a while to get used to the idea of having a girl but now he is just excited as I am. He was thinking rough and tough ball playing/wrestling. Now he is thinking how to protect his little girl from all things boy. My entire family is soo soo excited. My mom wants to know when she can reserve Cinderella's castle because there is a two year waiting list. Eloise June Barker is going to be one spoiled little girl! Ellie, as we have been calling her, is named after Eloise at the Plaza and her middle name is my grandmother's name.
Even though we have bought all this girl bedding and clothes I am still nervous that the tech was wrong and it could still be a boy. You hear of that happening to people all the time. So, next week I am going for an elective ultrasound to double check the sex. Hopefully, it is still a little girl because I have seriously bonded with her. I can't wait to see what she looks like and hold her in my arms. only 19 more weeks to go!!
We also figured out maternity leave which was very confusing. I am going back to work in September obviously. But, then I am only working until November 19th. I'll take two weeks of my sick days and that takes us to December 13th. Then we get the Family Leave Act for 84 days including weekends and holidays and that brings us to March 17th. Then from March 17th until the next year I will be unpaid and we won't have insurance. Cobra is about $2,000/month which is ridiculous so I think we'll be trying to get a blue cross/blue shield insurance for those couple of months I am not working. Then, I am pretty sure, I'll go back to work the next September. I always thought I would be a SAHM from the beginning. But, we are young, I have a very amazing job for a mom, and my mom is willing to babysit everyday if need be. SO, why not make as much money as possible now? If I do go back to work though, we'll be getting pregnant again much sooner than expected so I can take off another couple months for maternity leave.