
16 weeks pregnant!

I can't believe I haven't posted anything in such a long time! I guess life got in the way and I put the blog on the back burner. Well to start off, Julian and I have done quite a few things in the past couple of weeks. We went to Tampa with Mike and Shannon, we registered for baby items, and we went to a wedding in Connecticut. I finished with school for the year and I am not working this summer so that is very exciting for me. Also, Julian and I leave for Cabo in a week. It's crazy how fast time flies, the baby is going to be here before we know it!

Anyway, on to the pregnancy... 16 weeks and I am feeling pretty great. I recently had the stomach flu (yuck!) and was out of commission for about two days. I couldn't believe I hadn't thrown up once this whole pregnancy and then I get the stomach flu-in summer-and my luck changes. I was really worried about what the lack of calories I was getting for baby, but we had a doctors appointment and she said that baby was moving a lot and the heartbeat was strong. But, she was a little concerned about my weight. Here is the deal with that...

Before I was pregnant I probably weighed anywhere from 112-114lbs. Once we found out I was pregnant and went to the doctor, I guess I was 6 weeks by then and I weighed 116. I don't know if I was bloated or had just gained a couple lbs just because I hadn't been exercising, etc. Anyway, then at the end of my first trimester they weighed me in at 118. Then, I this appointment I was back at 116. But, I had just gotten over the stomach flu as well.

I guess we'll see if I can gain some more weight before my next appointment. If anything it's an extra excuse to get some milkshakes and fries whenever I get the urge!!

The doctor also said I should be able to feel the baby move soon. It's called 'quickening' and it feels like gas and/or bubbles popping. I am excited for that feeling. I thought I felt it a couple of times but I am not sure that it definitely wasn't gas. I am excited for all the fun stuff still to come with this pregnancy!