
6 months

A whole half of a year has gone by, and I am still amazed by you every single day. Eloise, you are by far the cutest angel baby I have ever seen. You even put a grumpy morning daddy in a good mood with your flirty smiles! You are currently in 6 month clothes and some 6-9 month pajamas. We spent some time this past month in VA with your Gigi and Papa and you did great! Then, we spent a weekend in Cape May ( without daddy ) and you did great again!! You are even loving Nan and Pop these days!! You let them hold you and babysit for a little without so much as a pout! I love watching every milestone. Here's what you were up to this month:

- you sit pretty well unsupported. You wobble a little but you hardly fall. I still sit with you though, just in case! But when I sit you up and you get your balance, a huge smile forms and you look so happy and proud of yourself!
- you work very hard to get things that are out of your reach. Whether it's a toy or my cell phone you reach your arms and bend in that direction until your goal is accomplished!
- you nap in your crib!!!! Sometimes it's only a 30 minute nap but lately they have been an hour or more! This makes me so proud!! You have your pink lovey and a Paci and you fuss for a little then you fall asleep like a big girl! Bed time is a different story and probably a whole other post!
- you do big time razz's with your mouth! It's super cute!
- you pass toys from one hand to the other!
- you eat solids!!! You've had rice cereal, oatmeal, sweet potatoes and pears! Soon you will be eating all kinds of things!!
-At your well baby visit you were 15lbs 2oz and 25inches long. You are 50% for height and weight and 50-75% for head size.
-You had your first fever this month. You had to take 'little fevers' and use a breathing machine. It was so sad! We have your re-check on Tuesday, so hopefully they will tell me that you are all better :)

We are so blessed to have you, little girl. I am really enjoying every moment I am with you :)

(the day of your six month pictures was the day you were sick, so we didn't get any good smiles. But, you were acting pretty OK for being sick my little trooper)

Eloise at 1 month:

Eloise at 2 months:

Eloise at 3 months:

Eloise at 4 months:

Eloise at 5 months:
Eloise at 6 months:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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