
28 weeks pregnant!

I am officially in my third trimester and I am still feeling pretty good! School has started again, and it is a welcome change from summer. I am excited for fall weather so I can stop sweating all of the time. I still don't have many pregnancy related issues. Lately, though, my sciatica has been bothering me at night. I think it has to do with going back to work, not wearing the correct shoes, and standing most of the day. I plan on wearing more comfortable shoes this week. So, we'll see if that helps the sciatica pain.

As far as the nursery goes, we have walls done and painted, the stroller is up and ready for Eloise, and the glider from pottery barn is all set up. The crib and furniture hasn't been delivered yet, so we are still waiting on that. I go in her room all the time and just sit in the chair and stare. I can.not.wait to rock her!!

I can't believe things are being planned for after her birth. I have Christmas parties to go to, birthday parties, and just events in general. I am nervous about what it is going to be like with her around. Am I going to want to bring her and leave early? Am I going to want to leave her? Am I going to want to bring her for a bit, then have Julian come get her and I stay or vice versa? Or will it be fine keeping her the whole time? I guess once she comes I'll have a better idea of my limitations and what I feel comfortable with.

My last day of school is November 19th, and then I take the rest of the year off. It is exciting to know I will have that time with her, and not have to worry about work! I feel very blessed to be able to do that.

Here is a list of what is most important to me about the delivery and afterwards:

1. Breastfeeding: I really want to breastfeed for at least 6 months exclusively. I want to not even pump for the first month or two. After that I will look into pumping, but this is the number one most important thing on my list. I will do whatever it takes to continue breastfeeding for as long as possible.

2. Vaginal Delivery: I do NOT want a C-section. But, I guess a lot of other people had them, and they didn't want them either. I have heard NJ is the number 1 state for C-sections and I would really like to avoid it at all costs if I can. I mean if the baby is under stress and it is an ABSOLUTE emergency, then of course I would be fine with it. But, I will labor for hours rather than have a C-section.

3. No Artificial Rupturing: I want my water to break on its own. I feel that is what is supposed to happen and what is most natural. Plus, I have read if your water has to be broken, then you have a better chance of having a C-section.

But, how many times have women made plans for their birth and it went exactly as planned? Probably not many. I just have to know that the doctors are going to do everything they can so that Eloise and I are healthy and that is the most important thing!

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